After dinner, Luo Qingqing called Peng Shaojun.

Peng Shaojun was not at the company, and he seemed to be in a good mood from the sound.

He told Luo Qingqing that he was busy and would call her later.

Luo Qingqing put Peng Shaojun's matter aside, and walked into the recording studio with Jin Qiu.

In the evening, when Luo Qingqing returned to the hotel, there was a strange man waiting for her in the lobby, saying that Mr. Tang asked him to come and he wanted to give her a document.

Luo Qingqing knew it was Tang Chen who sent her.

She took the file, thanked the visitor, and returned to her room.

She opened the file bag, and there were several equity transfer documents in it, and the names of the holders on them were all hers.

These shares add up to 30.00%.

Luo Qingqing couldn't help laughing.

She remembered that Tang Chen said that the shares of Star Shine he bought at that time were second only to the shares held by Peng Hui and his son, but she didn't expect there to be so many.

Speaking of it now, she is the largest shareholder of Shining Star.

She looked at the transferor's name again, but she didn't recognize any of them.One of them is named Peng Shaojian. This person should be from the Peng family, right?

Luo Qingqing didn't know anyone in the Peng family, so she called Peng Shaojun.

Peng Shaojun seemed to be still busy, but he still politely asked Luo Qingqing what's the matter.

Luo Qingqing asked: "Is there someone named Peng Shaojian in your Peng family?"

"He is the son of my second uncle, five years older than me."

"Why is your second uncle's son older than you?"

"My second uncle got married earlier when he was young, but my dad married later in order to fight for his career. Why, my sister is interested in my family?"

"No, I just heard about this person, let me ask. By the way, do you, cousin, have shares in the company?"

Peng Shaojun said: "Shouldn't there be any? If there is, it was also given to him by my second uncle."

Luo Qingqing smiled. If that was the case, Peng Shaojian gave Luo Qingqing 5.00% of the shares, so Peng Shaojun's second uncle only had 15.00% of the shares.

Therefore, even if Luo Qingqing didn't make a move, Peng Shaojun would still win.

Therefore, Luo Qingqing said: "That's good, Shao Jun, just go ahead and do it boldly."

Sensitively aware of something, Peng Shaojun asked, "Sister, what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. Anyway, you can do it freely. I will always support you!"

After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

She stretched herself before going to take a bath.

She was lying on the bed, unable to fall asleep, so she picked up her mobile phone, and suddenly remembered that she hadn't played games with Tang Chen for a long time, she turned over and sat up, logged in the game, and called Zhen to fight for you.

She left him a message and said: Your Majesty, it's been a long time since you fought for your concubine!
But she left a message for a long time, but Tang Chen didn't respond to her.

She just entered the game by herself.

It's just that when she played Jedi assault before, she was led by Tang Chen and won.Now that Tang Chen is not around, she will only be beaten, she can't survive a minute in the game!

"Damn, bully my lonely family! See if I can't destroy you!"

The more she wanted to kill others, the more she was killed by them.

In a blink of an eye, half an hour passed, and she didn't win a single time.

She was a little self-doubting. She was also very good at playing games before. How come she can't do it after changing the game?
She concluded that it must be because her abilities were sucked away by Tang Chen!
Otherwise, why is he suddenly so strong, and she is so weak now?
Thinking of him, she saw that his profile picture was still black, so she sent him another message: Your Majesty, why haven't you come yet?The concubine was bullied miserably!If you don't come again, I have no choice but to find another great god, and make a promise with my body, to help me avenge my revenge!
Within a minute after she sent this message, Tang Chen's profile photo lit up.

I fought for you and quickly replied with a message: My concubine, don't worry, I'm here, watch me sweep the world for you!

When Luo Qingqing sent the first message, Tang Chen returned to the villa and went to take a shower.

He came out of the shower and saw the phone flashing.

He picked it up, and saw the game system notification, Ben Qing, the beauty, was calling him in the game and leaving a message for him.

Without even thinking about it, he quickly logged into the game and saw Luo Qingqing's message to him.

She mouthed one emperor and one concubine, making his whole blood pulsate.

In order to get revenge, she actually wanted Hong Xing to cheat?

In real life, he has been aggrieved, but in the game, he must show off his prestige!
She wanted Hongxing to get out of the wall, and there were no windows!

Luo Qingqing saw that Tang Chen was online, and he was domineering, so she immediately laughed, but said to him pitifully: Your majesty, you are not here, and my concubine is being bullied so badly...

Tang Chen sent her a soothing expression: Tell me, who is it?I will take you to destroy him!

Luo Qingqing just named a few netizens who bullied her in the game.

So, Tang Chen took Luo Qingqing into the game as a team, looking for those few people to fight, making them fall into boxes every time!
Luo Qingqing was happy to have her revenge, and she acted like a baby to Tang Chen: Your majesty is mighty, your majesty is awesome, my concubine wants to give birth to a monkey for you!
The concubine wants to give birth to monkeys for you, this sentence, Luo Qingqing is a joke, it is a buzzword on the Internet, it is said by fans to her idol.

But Tang Chen didn't understand this, but he knew that giving birth to a monkey was like giving birth to a child, so he was so excited by that sentence that his blood was about to explode!

How much he wanted to pull her over from the phone, hold her in his arms and pamper her!

He stared at that sentence, tried to calm himself down, and then replied to her: Qingqing, there will be a day!

Seeing him calling her name, Luo Qingqing blinked her eyes and suddenly understood what he meant.

So he took it seriously!

Hahaha, she laughed so hard!

However, this also shows that he still has her in his heart, and he still wants to give her a future.

Therefore, all the annoying things he said were farts!
She immediately sent him a reply: The concubine made a note, you owe me a monkey, the emperor will not go back on his word in this life!

You owe me a monkey!
Tang Chen looked at this sentence, why is it so awkward?
But I have to admit that he does owe her a monkey.

It was getting late, Tang Chen urged Luo Qingqing to go to bed.

Luo Qingqing said coquettishly: You kiss me a thousand times, and I'll go to sleep!

Tang Chen: ... two people are separated by hundreds of thousands of miles, how can they kiss?
However, before he could respond, he saw red lips floating almost all over the screen of his mobile phone.

Oh, so that's the kiss?
Although Tang Chen was a little disappointed, he found that function and gave Luo Qingqing red lips all over his screen.

Luo Qingqing smiled and said: Let's sleep again when I go back!

Tang Chen: ...He found that his Qingqing was becoming more and more shameless.He said such things before, but he had never said it so bluntly, but she said it so frankly!
He asked her when she would return to Tang City.

Luo Qingqing said that there were still two more days to dub the voice, and after that, if there was nothing to do, she would go back.

Tang Chen said goodnight to Luo Qingqing.

Only then did Luo Qingqing go to sleep contentedly.

In the next two days, Luo Qingqing completed all the dubbing.

And these two days, Peng Shaojun has been very busy, Luo Qingqing has not seen him.

This afternoon, Luo Qingqing finished dubbing and returned to the hotel. Before booking a ticket to return to Tang City, she called Peng Shaojun and asked him what was going on.

In the past two days at the company, Luo Qingqing listened to the discussions of those employees, it seemed that Peng Shaojun and his second uncle and the others were arguing with each other, and it had reached a fever pitch.

Peng Shaojun said: "The board meeting will be held tomorrow, success or failure depends on it!"

Then, he told Luo Qingqing: "Sister, don't be in a hurry to go back to Tang City, you still have a few endorsements that you haven't filmed yet, they urged me, let's see if you can find time to film?"

If he didn't say anything, Luo Qingqing would have forgotten about it.After all, if you owe something, you always have to pay it back, so she said: "Okay, I won't make a reservation for now, I'll talk about it when I meet tomorrow."

Peng Shaojun agreed.

In the blink of an eye, the next day, Luo Qingqing slept until ten o'clock in the morning because she had nothing to do.

She thought that Peng Shaojun's board meeting should have finished, and she wanted to know the result.

So she called him, but his assistant Zhang Kang answered.

Zhang Kang told Luo Qingqing that Peng Shaojun united several people to fight against his second uncle.However, on the board of directors, those people suddenly turned against each other. Therefore, the current situation is very unfavorable to Peng Shaojun.

When Luo Qingqing heard this, she immediately picked up her bag and document bag, ran out of the hotel, and took a taxi to Xingyao.

She has been in and out of the company these days, and everyone in the company knows that she has a close relationship with Peng Shao, so they went upstairs directly.

She found Zhang Kang and led her to the door of the big meeting room.

At the door, you can hear the noise inside.

"What's the situation now?"

Zhang Kang said: "Mr. Peng's current shareholding has surpassed that of Mr. Peng, so he has the right to speak and wants to replace Mr. Peng.

Mr. Peng disagreed. He said that if he stepped down from the position of president, he would insist on splitting the company and split the company into two. He would take away his part and calculate the future business and operations independently.

This is Mr. Peng's last way out. If he can't do this, he will be kicked out of the company sooner or later, and he will have nothing!
Peng Tong's gang had long been dissatisfied with Mr. Peng, and now they are all venting on Mr. Peng!I'm really afraid that Xiao Peng will be a little bit overwhelmed! "

Peng Tong is Peng Shaojun's second uncle and Peng Hui's younger brother.

Zhang Kang was worried about Peng Shaojun, but there was nothing he could do, so he could only complain here.

Luo Qingqing asked: "So now, how many shares does his second uncle own?"

If it exceeds 30.00% in her hand, things will be a bit tricky.

"He has 20.00% in his hand now. In fact, if Mr. Peng takes over [-]% from the young lady, he can rest easy. But the young lady is too young and has no civil ability, and her part, It was Mr. Peng who was fair, and no one can touch her without her! So, Mr. Peng, you are so passive until now."

Luo Qingqing laughed when she heard this, and she said to Zhang Kang: "Go and report, and tell Xingyao's big boss to arrive, let them kneel down to greet him!"

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