Su Zixi wanted to run back to the main building, to Tang Chen's room.It was only she who ran to the door of the living room, butler Tang was leading a few people to block the door.

"Get the hell out of here and let me in!" Su Zixi yelled at Butler Tang and the others.

Butler Tang said: "I'm sorry, Miss Su, you are not yet our young wife, and you cannot give orders to us! With your current status, it would be great if the Tang family could give you a place to live!"

"I don't care, Tang Chen asked me to live in Tang's house, so I will live here! Good dogs don't get in the way, you all get out of the way."

Su Zixi was a little out of breath.

Zhou Ruoyun looked at Su Zixi like a mad dog, and couldn't help shaking his head.

She was not even sure, what was it that made Su Zixi become what she is now?

She stepped forward and said, "Zi Xi, don't shout, even if Tang Chen is here, he can't be my master. If you want to live in the Tang family, you have to show a serious attitude. Don't spend all day with lunatics It's like, it's annoying to watch."

Su Zixi turned around and glared at Zhou Ruoyun: "What do you want from me?"

Zhou Ruoyun said with a cold face: "I'll give you another chance to be a man! From today on, you will live with the servants and do the same job. If you don't want to, you can leave the Tang family at any time!"

After Zhou Ruoyun finished speaking, she went straight upstairs, went upstairs, and returned to her room.

This Su Zixi really annoyed her.

From that day on, Su Zixi ate and lived with the servants of the Tang family.Even if she wronged herself to this extent, none of the servants would take care of her, and let her do all the dirty work.

Su Zixi endured for two days, but couldn't take it anymore, and finally left the Tang family quietly one night.

Of course Zhou Ruoyun didn't look for her, but just called Tang Chen.

And Tang Chen didn't bother to talk to Su Zixi, so he didn't ask her where she went.

Su Zixi had nowhere to go, she only thought that the turmoil on the Internet had subsided, maybe the reporters surrounding her home had all left, so she quietly went back to her home.

She looked around outside her villa for a long time, but when she didn't find the reporter, she let out a long breath.

She opened the door and reached out her hand to turn on the light, when a hard object suddenly blocked her head.Immediately afterwards, a deep voice sounded above her head: "Don't move, don't make a sound!"

Su Zixi was scared out of her wits!

Luo Qingqing had no choice but to sleep first.

The next day, she stayed in bed on purpose until her mother came into her room.

"Wake up, let's have some dinner, and we're going to the airport." Luo Xinyu said as she pulled Luo Qingqing up from the bed.

Luo Qingqing cheated: "Mom, can I not go to Australia? I don't want to go at 180!"

Luo Xinyu said: "" If you don't want to go, there is nothing you can do. You must go!Change clothes quickly!
As she spoke, she personally chose clothes for Luo Qingqing, and threw them on Luo Qingqing's head.

Luo Qingqing had no choice but to get up.

After washing up, she had dinner with her mother, checked out of the room, and then took a taxi to the airport.

Along the way, she was thinking about how she could steal her ID from her mother.Therefore, her eyes always involuntarily drift towards Luo Xinyu's handbag.

She knew that her mother put all the documents in that bag.

Luo Xinyu glanced at her and said, "Don't think about the certificate!"

Luo Qingqing pouted, she felt that she was so weak in front of her mother.

When we arrived at the airport, the two lined up to get our boarding passes.

Luo Qingqing knew that once she received her boarding pass, she could only follow her mother to Australia.

Should she snatch the documents while her mother is handing them over?

She was a little afraid, if she did that, it would hurt her mother too much.

At this time, it was their turn to get the boarding pass.Luo Xinyu handed over the documents of the two of them, and waited for the staff to check and issue tickets and boarding passes.

But the staff member didn't seem to follow the normal procedure, but said to Luo Xinyu in French: "Ma'am, please wait a moment."

After she finished speaking, she said a few words into her headset, but Luo Qingqing couldn't stop understanding a word.

Luo Xinyu frowned, and asked, "Excuse me, is there something wrong with our documents?"

The staff said: "It's not very clear now, and the staff will come over in a while, and they will conduct routine inquiries on you."

When Luo Xinyu heard her say that it was just a routine questioning, she let go of her concerns.

A few minutes later, two uniformed airport executives, accompanied by two security guards, arrived.

The staff whispered a few words to the airport executive, and the executive said to Luo Xinyu: "Two ladies, please follow me."

Luo Xinyu and Luo Qingqing had no choice but to follow the man to an airport management office.

Luo Xinyu asked: "Excuse me, is there any problem with our certificate?"

The executive said: "Yes, Ms. Luo, someone reported you for illegal immigration!"

"What? Smuggling? How is it possible? We came here with a tour group and have normal immigration procedures."

"However, as far as we know, you and your daughter did not play with the tour group, but acted alone. Also, your visa does not include going to Australia. Therefore, we can only terminate the visa according to the law. You and your daughter’s trip to Australia. You can continue to play in France until the end of the visa period, or go back to China directly and reapply for a visa to Australia.”

Whoa whoa whoa!
Is it okay?God help her!
Luo Qingqing almost laughed out loud.

But in order to take care of her mother's emotions, she suppressed her laughter.

Luo Xinyu was a little frustrated. She didn't expect that there would be a problem with the visa issue.

Under the current circumstances, I can only go back first, and then apply for a visa to Australia.

However, the airport executives still didn't let Luo Xinyu go, they had to find witnesses who could prove that she and Luo Qingqing entered the country legally, and they were not allowed to leave illegally.

Luo Xinyu had no choice but to call the travel agency where she reported the tour, and the travel agency told her that their tour had left Paris and went to other places in France, so there was no time to testify to her.

Luo Qingqing suddenly remembered a person, who was told by Tang Chen that he was his friend.

So Luo Qingqing gave her mother the phone number, and asked her to call that person.

More than an hour later, a tall French man walked into the office.

As soon as he entered the door, he asked loudly, who is Miss Luo Qingqing.

Luo Qingqing didn't understand, Luo Xinyu pointed to Luo Qingqing and said, "This is my daughter Luo Qingqing."

The man looked Luo Qingqing up and down a few times, and laughed: "She really is a beauty, enough to make a hero bow down!"

Luo Qingqing didn't understand, so she could only smile politely.

The French man exchanged a few words with Luo Xinyu, and after asking about the situation, he explained it to the airport executive.

He showed his ID again, boarded the plane, and asked Luo Xinyu and Luo Qingqing to take notes, and the airport executives agreed to let Luo Xinyu and Luo Qingqing leave.

It was impossible to go to Australia, and Luo Xinyu was not in the mood to play anymore, so she wanted to return to China quickly and apply for a visa.

Luo Qingqing said, "Mom, I'm going to City H!"

Luo Xinyu had no choice but to give her all of Luo Qingqing's documents, and booked a plane to City H for her.

And Luo Xinyu also changed the plane and returned directly to Tang City.

The flight time of the two people was about the same, but they were not on the same flight, so they broke up at the airport.

When Luo Qingqing arrived in City H, it was daytime, and it was just in time for the funerals of Peng Hui and Qu Yaoyao.

Luo Qingqing didn't have time to go to the hotel, and only had time to report her mother's safety before rushing to the cemetery.

Peng Shaojun buried Peng Hui and Qu Yaoyao together, and he also chose a cemetery with good geomantic omen for them.

In front of the grave, Peng Shaojun burst into tears, while Peng Siyu was still tightly hugged in his arms.

Peng Siyu kept wiping tears for Peng Shaojun, and kept asking him childishly: "Brother, why do you always cry? Do you miss your parents? I miss them too, but I don't cry. Because I know they miss me too!

It's just, brother, why are the photos of mom and dad on the stone?Why is it black and white?Mom doesn't like black and white photos, it looks so ugly! "

Peng Shaojun was unable to explain all this to her.

Luo Qingqing presented flowers to the tombstone and bowed deeply.

She looked at the photos of Peng Hui and Qu Yaoyao with eyes full of guilt, feeling very uncomfortable.

Only may the dead rest in peace!
On the way back to the city, Luo Qingqing was in the same car as Peng Shaojun and Peng Siyu.

Peng Siyu fell asleep, but Peng Shaojun still hugged her and put her on his lap.

His fingertips gently combed her hair behind her ears, with a very quiet expression.

Looking at it, Luo Qingqing felt inexplicably sad.

"Why are you still taking her with you? Doesn't she still have grandpa and grandma?" Luo Qingqing asked.

Peng Shaojun said: "Xiaoyu's grandfather and grandmother fell ill when they heard the bad news. After I brought Xiaoyu back, I took her to see two old people. They were very sad and very sick. Take care of them. No light rain. And, "

He paused for a while when he said this, his eyes became extraordinarily gentle, and the corners of his mouth showed a hint of warmth: "Besides, Xiao Yu said, she is willing to follow me. So, I'll just keep her like this!"

Luo Qingqing looked at Peng Shaojun in a daze, and suddenly felt that he had grown up all of a sudden.

She didn't know how to express the secret in her heart.

Now, Peng Shaojun needs Peng Siyu to keep him warm, and Peng Siyu needs Peng Shaojun's care.The two of them seem to be tied to the same rope now, and neither of them can do without the other.

If Peng Shaojun knew about Peng Siyu's background, Luo Qingqing didn't know how he would react.

How about waiting for a chance to talk about it later?Wait until Peng Siyu grows older?
Luo Qingqing chose to hide.

It's just that she didn't expect that her well-intentioned concealment would almost make a big mistake many years later.

That night, Luo Qingqing stayed in a hotel in City H.

In the evening, she received a call from Jin Qiu.

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