Luo Qingqing was awakened by her mother's slap, she opened her eyes in a daze, saw her mother, got up, and fell into her arms like a kitten, and said, "Are you back?"

Luo Xinyu pushed her away in disgust, and said, "Go and wash your face, I'll take you to dinner."

Luo Qingqing had no choice but to wash her face, put on makeup, change her clothes, and followed her mother out of the house.

The weather in Paris is not bad, the autumn is crisp and the sky is blue.Walking on the streets of the romantic city and seeing so many blond-haired, blue-eyed foreigners, Luo Qingqing finally realized that she was in a foreign country.

She followed her mother to a very romantic western restaurant, ate authentic French food, and then went shopping.

Luo Xinyu always had a feeling of nostalgia for Paris, which made Luo Qingqing feel that her mother should have a lot of affection for Paris.

She couldn't help but took her mother's arm and said, "Mom, tell me about your life in Paris."

Luo Qingqing firmly believes that there is always a person living in her mother's heart, and this person has something to do with Paris!
Because loving a person is falling in love with a city.

Luo Xinyu looked at her daughter, and said frankly: "When I was young, I came to Paris to participate in a film festival. Because one of my films won an award, I got the opportunity to study at the French Film Academy for a year. That is During that time, I met a guy."

When she said this, she smiled: "How should I put it, it's just like the first time you saw Tang Chen, you fell in with just one glance."

Luo Qingqing smiled: "Mom, it seems that my vision for choosing men has been inherited from you! I always identify a person at a glance!"

Luo Xinyu patted Luo Qingqing with a smile, and said, "I'm not as shameless as you, I really admire that person. And that person also saw me in the crowd!"

"Then what? You made a love affair overnight, and then I was born? That person didn't know, and walked away when he was happy, but you gave birth to me quietly?"

In Luo Qingqing's tone, she couldn't help but feel a little sour and resentful.Although when she was young, her mother told her again and again that her father was a great man, and she kept saying that her father was a great hero, but after so many years, that person has never appeared. She raised her, so she still has some resentment towards this father.

Luo Xinyu glared at her daughter: "What nonsense are you talking about? Our meeting and falling in love was just an accident. He has a farther and broader future, and I shouldn't be his fetters. So, for so many years, I have never regretted my love." Choose. And he is your father, if he knows you exist, he will love you very much!"

Luo Qingqing stopped talking, only feeling sad for her mother.However, how similar is she to her mother?

Back then, when Tang Chen left Tangcheng, he chose Su Zixi. Luo Qingqing also believed that Tang Chen was not an ordinary man, he had the right to choose happiness, as long as that person could give him happiness, and she would not bother he.

However, in the end, she walked into Tang Chen's life again, but her mother was always alone.

Therefore, even though the person she should call her father is so great and amazing, in her heart, it is still greatly discounted!

Luo Xinyu didn't want to talk about her own affairs anymore, so she said to Luo Qingqing: "Go, I'll take you to sweep the goods."

They took a taxi to the famous Champs Elysees, took a few photos, and then walked into the luxury store on the street.

Luo Qingqing has seen her mother's ability to shop for goods, as long as she likes them, she will buy them all, regardless of the price.

She said to Luo Qingqing: "Women, when it comes to things you like, you shouldn't hesitate or hesitate, as long as it's worthy of you! Money can't buy your willful happiness and freedom at the moment!"

Luo Qingqing was taught, so she bought a few bags, shoes, and silk scarves that she liked, and bought them for Tang Chen, Zhou Ruoyun, Tang Meng, Xiao Yu, Mu Anan, and Ma Kaida. Gift.

Of course, in the end it was Luo Xinyu's account.

Luo Qingqing said with a smile: "No matter how well I do, it's not as important as having a rich mother!"

As night fell, the two returned to the hotel.

After dinner in the hotel, the mother and daughter went back to their respective rooms.

Luo Qingqing lay on the bed and picked up her phone, only to find that there were three missed calls on it.

In the afternoon, she and her mother were so obsessed with shopping, they didn't hear the phone ring.

Seeing that it was a local number in Paris, she thought about it and dialed it back.

The call was quickly connected. Luo Qingqing didn't know French, so she asked who the other party was in English.

The other party said that she was the assistant to the executive president of the Asia-Pacific region of the Outlet Group, Lori.She told Luo Qingqing that it was Peng Shaojun who asked her to contact Luo Qingqing.

Sure enough, it was what Luo Qingqing thought, so she started talking with Lori.

After more than ten minutes of communication, the other party was basically satisfied with Luo Qingqing, and made an appointment to meet tomorrow, that is, to interview Luo Qingqing.

So we made an appointment at ten o'clock in the morning the next day, and met at the coffee shop below the hotel.

Luo Qingqing had a good night's sleep, had breakfast with her mother early the next day, put on her makeup, changed into a beige knitted long dress, and wore a cherry pink windbreaker, and went to the cafe early to wait.

At [-]:[-], a young and beautiful French girl and an oriental girl walked up to Luo Qingqing.

Luo Qingqing was a little surprised when she saw the oriental girl: "Miss Yin, why are you here? This is..."

That oriental girl was Yin Zhuli who met Luo Qingqing at Tangcheng Airport.

Yin Zhuli smiled and said, "Miss Luo, this is Miss Loli. I happen to be one of the spokespersons for Ole today, and I came here to shoot a film. I heard that you are in Paris, so I came here with Miss Loli to meet you."

Luo Qingqing smiled: "I didn't expect such a coincidence. Hello, Miss Luoli, I'm Luo Qingqing. Please sit down, what do you want to drink?"

Yin Zhuli said: "I want a latte, Lori, how about you?"

Lori said, "Same, but I want a milkshake."

Luo Qingqing waved to the messenger and ordered coffee.

Loli looked Luo Qingqing up and down, and said with a smile: "Miss Luo Qingqing, she is more beautiful than in the photo. Her temperament is dignified and elegant, youthful and fashionable, which fits our brand style very well. If Miss Luo has time, you can visit our headquarters .”

Luo Qingqing smiled and said, "It's a great honor."

Next, Loli asked Luo Qingqing to fill out a few forms, which was regarded as a cooperation agreement.For this agreement, Lori has to report it to the senior management of the headquarters. After discussion, it can be determined whether to cooperate with Luo Qingqing, and then the salary can be negotiated, as well as future promotional activities.

The two talked for only half an hour before Loli left.

Before she left, she told Luo Qingqing that she would be notified within two days.

Yin Zhuli didn't leave immediately, but chatted with Luo Qingqing for a while.

Yin Zhuli told Luo Qingqing that she was going to Tangcheng tomorrow to shoot a few commercials for Outlets.

The film she received from a domestic director was filmed in the ancient city of Tangcheng. Therefore, she will basically be in Tangcheng for the next two months.

The last time she was in Tangcheng, she went to sign a contract.

Luo Qingqing has always been an enthusiastic person, so she said: "Very good, when I return to Tang City, I will take you to have fun and eat delicious food."

After the two agreed to meet in Tangcheng and left each other's phone calls, Yin Zhuli also left.

Because Luo Qingqing had to wait for news from Lolita, she and her mother had been traveling around Paris for the past two days and did not go far.

Two days later, Luo Qingqing received a call from Luo Li, saying that the company's top management wanted to meet Luo Qingqing in person.

Luo Qingqing took a taxi to the headquarters of Outlet Group.

Having seen the majesty of the Tang Ting Group and the Outlet Group building, Luo Qingqing really couldn't catch her eyes.

Under Luo Li's guidance, Luo Qingqing came to a large conference room, where five senior executives of the company sat side by side in front.

These five people should all be French, with fair skin, blue eyes, and blond hair. They are more handsome than the other, making Luo Qingqing a little blind, feeling that they all look alike.

The five people communicated with Luo Qingqing on Luo Qingqing's likes, understanding of fashion, own consumption ability, brand awareness, and awareness of Outlets.

Luo Qingqing feels that she is very grateful to her mother for brainwashing her in terms of consumption, so that she can face these handsome executives, talk freely, freely and confidently, and do a job with ease.

Therefore, her answer and performance were recognized by the five senior officials.

They agreed unanimously that Luo Qingqing could endorse Ole's clothing and bags, and she could shoot commercials the day after tomorrow.

Since we cooperate, we must sign a contract.

Because Luo Qingqing's company has not been officially listed, and she has not signed any brokerage company, therefore, she signed the contract this time, it is a person who signed it.

This is actually a bit unreasonable. Fortunately, Peng Shaojun guaranteed Luo Qingqing, so Luo Qingqing successfully won the endorsement this time.

It took a total of three days to shoot the Ole advertisement before it was considered over.

Luo Qingqing has realized the rigor of big brands. Every lens is required to be perfect without any flaws, and each lens must have at least three versions.Therefore, one advertisement is equivalent to three advertisements, but the company only pays for one advertisement!
However, generally speaking, Luo Qingqing's income is quite good this time.

So, the night she got paid, she treated her mother to the fanciest restaurant and had a feast.

After dinner, the mother and daughter walked on the streets of Paris, admiring the beautiful night view of Paris.

The two spoke almost simultaneously.

Luo Qingqing said: "Mom, let's go back to China tomorrow!" She missed Tang Chen.

Luo Xinyu said, "Qingqing, let's go to Australia tomorrow!"

Luo Qingqing was taken aback: "Go to Australia? What are you going to do in Australia?"

Luo Xinyu said: "Play, what else can I do?"

Luo Qingqing looked at her mother, obviously feeling that her mother was hiding something from her.

Back at the hotel, Luo Qingqing followed her mother to her room, and asked, "Mom, when you came out, you didn't say you were going to Australia!"

Luo Xinyu said: "I want to go now, can't I?"

"No, Mom, you must be hiding something from me!"

At this moment, Luo Qingqing's cell phone rang, and it was a call from Peng Shaojun.

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