Tang Shaomi loves: the national actress rushes home

Chapter 220 He Can Only Be Her Husband, Luo Qingqing

In this marriage with Tang Chen, Luo Qingqing has always been passive.But now, she wants to change from passive to active, as long as she has a marriage certificate in hand, Su Zixi said that she is also a third party!
Tang Chen's bedroom is very simple, there is only a bed, a bedside table, and a wardrobe.

Luo Qingqing searched all over, turned the room as if a thief had entered it, but couldn't find the marriage certificate.

There is also a study room!
Although Tang Chen didn't stay in this house for a few days, she knew that he had a study.

She didn't care about tidying up the room, so she ran to the study immediately.

There are neat bookcases in the study, and books on military and economics are neatly placed inside.I don't know if Tang Chen really saw it, or it was just for pretending.

She didn't care about those, she just flipped through, shaking almost every book to the side, and didn't drop the marriage certificate from it.

Where did he put his marriage certificate?

Finally, she found a small safe in the bookcase under the desk with the combination on it.

She happily entered her birthday, but the safe did not open.

"Hmph, liar, you said that all the door codes are from my birthday, why not this door?"

She didn't give up, and entered Tang Chen's birthday again, but it was still wrong.

What exactly is the password?
The day when I first met him?


The day he left Tangcheng?

The day they got married?But what is the day of their marriage?
Luo Qingqing couldn't remember.

She had always hated that day, she had always felt ashamed of it, she had always subconsciously chosen to forget it.

Luo Qingqing sat on the floor blankly, scratching her hair, trying to think about that day, what month is it?

She remembered that it snowed heavily that day, and that day should be the day when Tang Chen and Su Zixi got engaged. Before that day, she had received a big red invitation from Su Zixi.

At that time, that dazzling red made Luo Qingqing's eyes hurt, especially when she saw Tang Chen and Su Zixi, these two names were juxtaposed together, she could hear the desperate groan deep in her heart!
There was a time on the invitation, and she remembered that date fiercely, December 2017, 12.

Therefore, it was originally the day when they were supposed to get engaged, but later it became the day when she and Tang Chen got married.

Luo Qingqing couldn't help laughing, the fate of the three of them is really amazing.

She enters 171218 at the password.

Ding, the password box rang, and the small door automatically popped open.

It turned out to be a wedding day!

Does it mean that he really cares about this marriage?
Since he cared, why didn't he let Su Zixi go?
Luo Qingqing was angry, hated and distressed, and reached out to take out the things in the safe.

There are only two small boxes inside, one is a rectangular flat red box.Luo Qingqing recognized that it was the box that was given to hold the marriage certificate when she received the certificate.

Therefore, there is no doubt that there is a marriage certificate.

Still a little excited in her heart, she immediately opened the box, and there were indeed two little red books inside.

She opened a little red book, and saw her and Tang Chen's wedding photo at a glance.

Luo Qingqing couldn't help but feel ashamed.

In the wedding photo, Tang Chen smiled warmly like the wind, while Luo Qingqing stared, her face was sullen, her lips were pouted, her mouth could be hung with a thermos bottle, as if someone owed her millions.

This was the first time she saw the marriage certificates of two people, and she couldn't help feeling a little regretful, how could the photos be so ugly?You know, the one sitting next to her is Ah Chen who she misses so much!

However, if time goes back again, she probably will still be like this.

Anyway, if the marriage certificate is real, it can be confirmed, and her marriage with Tang Chen is confirmed.

She quickly put the marriage certificate into the box, and put the box together in her backpack.

There is also a small black gold velvet box in the lockbox.

Luo Qingqing looked at the small box, her heart trembling.

She opened it, and there was indeed an exquisite ring inside, a pure platinum ring inlaid with a crystal clear blue diamond.And the cutting technique of this blue diamond is very exquisite, because no matter from which angle you look at this blue diamond, it looks like a chestnut.

Luo Qingqing's heart trembled again. Was this ring given to her by him?To commemorate the meeting, acquaintance and love under the chestnut tree?

She was so excited that her eye sockets swelled, and she put the ring on the ring finger of her right hand unceremoniously.

Haha, it's just right!
As expected, it was for her, not for Su Zixi!

At this moment, Luo Qingqing felt complete.

She didn't take off the ring either, she just threw the box into the safe, then closed the door of the safe, and left Tang Chen's villa contentedly.

As soon as she left in a taxi, Tang Chen's car arrived at the villa.

Luo Qingqing had been looking down at the ring on her hand, so she didn't notice Tang Chen's car.

His forehead was covered with sweat, and he hurried to the villa.

He didn't know what Luo Qingqing was going to do when she came back to the villa suddenly.

He first went to Luo Qingqing's room, but there was no one in it, and then went to his own room, and couldn't help but froze.

He has always been neat and tidy in his life, and his bedroom has always been taken care of by himself, and has always been meticulous and neat.

Now, however, the pillows are on the floor, the quilt is in a mess on the bed, and even the mattress is misplaced.

The closet was wide open, and his clothes were thrown all over the place.

If he didn't know that Luo Qingqing had been here, he would really have thought that the house had been stolen by a thief.

What is she looking for?what to do
He didn't bother to clean up, turned around and went to the study.

The door of the study room was wide open. When he saw the situation inside, he couldn't hold back, so he let out a groan.

There are books all over the floor, and the pins can't fit.

He couldn't help frowning, Luo Qingqing was stimulated, did she vent in this way?

His heart couldn't help but ache.

He saw the door of the bookcase under the desk was open, revealing the safe inside.

His heart froze, he bent down to enter the password, and there was no marriage certificate in it.

He opened the ring box, which was also empty.

Could it be that Qingqing really wants to announce their relationship after taking the marriage certificate?
No way!

Once it is announced, Ying will do everything possible to hurt Luo Qingqing, and by then, he may not even be able to protect her!
He immediately took out his mobile phone to call Luo Qingqing, but her phone was still turned off.

While running downstairs, he called Zhang Lan: "Quickly check, where is Qingqing now?"

Zhang Lan didn't dare to neglect her at all, and immediately checked the location of Luo Qingqing's mobile phone: "Young Master Tang, Qingqing should go to Ning'an Lane."

Tang Chen immediately went downstairs and drove back to Ning'an Lane.

In the Tang family, Luo Qingqing and Zhou Ruoyun sat opposite each other.

Zhou Ruoyun said guiltily: "Qingqing, I'm sorry, I don't know how things turned out like this. I also asked Tang Chen, but he said he wouldn't let me meddle in his affairs. Qingqing, don't be too sad , don't worry, I will never agree with him being with Su Zixi."

Luo Qingqing nodded: "Mom, thank you, no matter what, I will never give up Ah Chen to Su Zixi! I hope my mother can always stand by my side!"

Zhou Ruoyun nodded: "Don't worry, I definitely support you. But, do you want to have a good talk with Ah Chen?"

Luo Qingqing nodded: "I will, but not now. I have to go back to City H soon. I'm going to visit my mother now, and I'm leaving."

Luo Qingqing left the Tang family and returned to the Luo family.

Luo Xinyu's complexion was very bad, and when she saw Luo Qingqing who suddenly appeared, she didn't even have a smile on her face.

"Mom, what's the matter with you? What happened?"

Luo Qingqing was frightened by her mother, she had never seen her mother's expression like this.

"Qingqing, it's my mother's mistake. I mistook that little white-eyed wolf. I thought he was the heir of the Tang family, responsible, and would be your lover. I didn't expect that I was wrong. Only a boat. Qingqing, since he and that Su Zixi can't figure it out, why don't you let go."

"Mom, did he say anything to you?"

Luo Qingqing knew that Tang Chen's respect for his mother did not allow him to lie to her.Therefore, she wanted to know how Tang Chen explained to Luo Xinyu what happened yesterday.

Luo Xinyu shook his head regretfully, and said, "He came last night and said he was sorry and that he might divorce you. I was so angry that I slapped him and made him kneel at the door."

"Huh? Did he kneel?"

Luo Qingqing couldn't imagine what that tall man like a mountain would look like kneeling at the door of her house.

Luo Xinyu closed her eyes in pain, and said: "He knelt down, and he knelt down since last night. Da Tianming. Qingqing, he is determined to divorce you. You just leave him. I will take you and leave Tang City, and I will never see that little bastard again!"

Luo Xinyu has always been elegant and intellectual, but now, in a fit of anger, she also swears.

Luo Qingqing's heart turned cold, it seemed that Tang Chen was really going to reunite with Su Zixi.

Hehe, what do you take me, Luo Qingqing, for?
When I was about to leave you, you talked sweetly, swore, and said that you only got married once, and that I, Luo Qingqing, would be your wife for life?The oath is still in my ears, but that person is already separated from his heart!

"Mom, I won't get a divorce! Even if it's a divorce, it's not up to the two of them!"

"Qingqing, what are you going to do? Don't be self-willed, you can't force yourself to do things about your feelings. Be obedient, let's immigrate to a foreign country, is that okay?"

"Mom, I won't mess around, I know what I want. Mom, you don't have to worry. Tang Chen, you can only be my husband, Luo Qingqing! I'm going back to City H now to finish filming that movie. In about ten days, I will return to Tang City, and I will never leave you again."

Luo Qingqing said, hugged her mother tightly, turned around and left.

From an angle that Luo Xinyu couldn't see, Luo Qingqing's eye circles were red.

She is really unfilial, and she violates her mother's wishes time and time again, which makes her endlessly troubled.

All of this is because of one Tang Chen!
She really owed him in her previous life to let him harm her like this in this life!
She was walking out with her head down, and suddenly bumped into a hard and warm embrace.

She was overjoyed, and immediately stretched out her arms to wrap around the man's neck, "Honey, do you know that I'm back, did you come to see me?"

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