Luo Qingqing asked Tang Chen in surprise: "When did Li Fengxia's child disappear? Why didn't you tell me?"

Tang Chen put one of her hands in his palm and played with it, and said, "When Li Fengxia made a big fuss with your crew that day, didn't you say that she might be bribed or threatened? Her personal account has no Due to the abnormal capital exchange, I sent people to her hometown to investigate her situation.

After Liu Yuge's death, Li Fengxia took her son with her and depended on each other for life.She just talked about a boyfriend recently, and the two are going to get married.Ordinarily at this time, she shouldn't have come out to trouble you.

It was only after investigation that she found out that her son had disappeared the day before she came to H city.She must have been threatened, so she came to the set to make a fuss with you.I have been sending people to look for that child for the past few days, but they have not been found.Therefore, I did not tell you.

Now, Li Fengxia suddenly came out and said that you kidnapped her son, which means that her son was really kidnapped.And she just broke the news now, just to put the blame on you. "

Today, the Internet is almost full of voices supporting Luo Qingqing. With that momentum, she can be completely wiped out without holding a press conference.

But Su Zixi was in serious trouble. If she couldn't produce more convincing evidence, she would basically be unable to turn over.

But if at this time, Luo Qingqing hated Li Fengxia, kidnapped her child, and committed the crime of kidnapping, then things would turn around again!

This time, it should be Su Zixi's big move!

Luo Qingqing was thinking about all this in her heart, and for the first time she gritted her teeth with hatred for Su Zixi.

She never knew that she could be so mad and harm a child who was only a few years old!
Su Zixi, I will definitely make you pay the price!
Tang Chen said to the captain again: "This is the situation, I guarantee that this matter has nothing to do with Qingqing."

The captain frowned and said, "So, someone kidnapped the child and put the blame on Miss Luo."

Tang Chen nodded: "It should be like this."

"Then do you have any clues? Who might have done it?"

Luo Qingqing raised her head abruptly, looked at Tang Chen, and wondered what kind of answer he would give, whether he would cover up Su Zixi?
Tang Chen held her hand, tightened it slightly, and said frankly: "If you kidnap a child, you really only want to put the blame on Qingqing, then the person who did this may be the fourth son of the Xu family in Yundu." Young master Xu Lang, the other may be Su Zixi from Tangcheng."

At this time, the head of security walked in, holding Luo Qingqing's cell phone in his hand, and said to the captain: "Captain, the inspection department has already checked Miss Luo's cell phone, and there is no trace of her sending messages to Li Fengxia."

The captain nodded: "Then hurry up and return the phone to Miss Luo!"

The boss held the phone in front of Luo Qingqing with both hands, and said, "Miss Luo, I'm sorry."

Luo Qingqing quickly stood up, took the phone, and said, "It's okay, this is also your duty."

"Thank you Miss Luo for understanding."

Luo Qingqing asked: "Where is Li Fengxia? I think you should ask her carefully. She lied. She should know where the child is, or who kidnapped her child!"

The boss said: "We have already asked, you killed her son and kidnapped her son! She is still making trouble outside, let us definitely sentence you!"

"Then please tell her that if you want her son, you'd better tell the truth, otherwise, she will never see her son again!"

The team leader also stood up and said to the head of security: "Liu Feng, you go now, pry Li Fengxia's mouth open, and let her tell the truth, otherwise this matter will be very difficult!"

Liu Feng nodded, turned and walked out.

Tang Chen held Luo Qingqing's hand, stood up and said, "Captain Chen, we should have nothing to do here, so we'll leave first."

Team Chen quickly said: "This matter has nothing to do with Ms. Luo. However, after all, it involves the life and safety of a child. Please, Mr. Tang, tell us more about the situation you have."

Tang Chen nodded: "My people are still looking for that child. If there is any news, they will definitely tell Team Chen as soon as possible."

Tang Chen took Luo Qingqing's hand, walked out of the conference room, passed by the case handling hall in front, and saw Li Fengxia sitting on the ground crying.

"You and Luo Qingqing are in the same group, and you all bully my orphans and widows, you will suffer retribution!"

Li Fengxia's hair was loose, her eyes were red, and her clothes were crumpled, she was in a mess.

Seeing this, Luo Qingqing felt angry and pitied her.

Just because of such a naughty and rascal woman, Liu Yuge's life was killed, and Luo Qingqing was scolded for three years for her innocence!
However, the child is innocent, and the child is Liu Yuge's own son, and also his favorite son!
Thinking of Liu Yuge, Luo Qingqing's heart fluctuated a little.

She pushed Tang Chen's hand away, walked towards Li Fengxia, and said, "Li Fengxia, have you had enough trouble? If you keep making trouble like this, your son will really die! Tell the truth!"

Seeing that it was Luo Qingqing, Li Fengxia immediately rushed over on her knees and hugged Luo Qingqing's legs: "Luo Qingqing, it's you little bitch who killed my son, you give me back my son!"

She turned back and yelled at the security personnel: "What are you all doing in a daze? Why don't you arrest her soon? Put her in jail and my son will come back!"

Tang Chen grabbed Li Fengxia's shoulder with a big hand, like an eagle's claw, and his eyes were full of hostility: "Let go!"

One of Li Fengxia's arms went numb in an instant, and she had no choice but to let go of Luo Qingqing.

But with her other hand, she was still firmly grasping Luo Qingqing's trouser leg.

She said viciously to Tang Chen: "Hehe, you are also fascinated by this vixen? Let me tell you, you will be Liu Yuge's second. This woman will play you to death! Liu Yuge was played to death by her!"

"Shut up!" Tang Chen's subordinates exerted force, causing Li Fengxia to scream in pain.

"Killed, killed, you people just look at it like this, don't you care?"

"Stop shouting!" Luo Qingqing snorted.

She said to Tang Chen: "Let go of her, let me talk to her!"

Tang Chen said, "What do you have to talk about with a crazy woman?"

Luo Qingqing said: "She is actually the most pitiful woman. Her husband doesn't like her, and she was used by others to drive her husband to a dead end. Now her child has been kidnapped again. She And I have to be used by that person. She lives like a poor ant! If her son is not Liu Yuge's son, I really don't want to say a word to her!"

Luo Qingqing's sarcastic words made Li Fengxia even more irritable: "Luo Qingqing, it's not because of you that you speak less sarcastic words! The reason why I am miserable now is because of you!"

"Because of me? Li Fengxia, have your brains been eaten by dogs? If it's really me and Liu Yuge having some kind of adultery, do you think Liu Yuge will die? You have no idea who he really likes! You also I don't even know why he died! He died to protect the person he liked, and also because he didn't want to be threatened by Su Zixi! And what about you? You know that she kidnapped your son, I asked you to blame me, but you are still holding on to luck, and you are willing to be used by her! You deserve no one loves no one, you might as well die stupid!"

Luo Qingqing was so angry that she pointed at Li Fengxia and cursed.

How could there be such an ignorant woman in the world?She is also convinced!

Li Fengxia was dumbfounded by Luo Qingqing's scolding, but she also grasped the point. Her body was trembling, and even her voice was trembling: "That dead ghost, who does he really like? Who is he protecting?"

It turns out that he really has someone he likes!He actually died for that woman!
Although Liu Yuge was dead, Li Fengxia still couldn't accept this reality.

He's dead, and she doesn't even know who he really likes!It was hard for him to hide it from her!

I'm depreesed!
Luo Qingqing said coldly: "I won't tell you! Besides, you know, it won't do you any good. The only thing you can do now is to tell the truth, and we will help you find the child!"

Li Fengxia woke up from the brief grief and said: "You lied to me, I won't believe you! As long as you go to jail, my son will come back naturally!"

Luo Qingqing smiled: "Did Su Zixi promise you so much?"

Li Fengxia froze for a moment, then nodded: "Yes! So, you must go to jail!"

"So, it was Su Zixi who kidnapped your son and asked you to blame me, right?" Luo Qingqing looked at Li Fengxia closely.

Li Fengxia panicked, "No, no, you kidnapped my son, I have the message you sent me!"

Luo Qingqing didn't bother to talk to Li Fengxia anymore, but said to Team Chen: "Team Chen, do you understand who kidnapped that child?"

Team Chen nodded: "Understood, I will immediately contact the Tang City Security to arrest Su Zixi!"

Luo Qingqing nodded: "Okay, then I don't have anything to do here, I'll go first!"

"Okay, walk slowly."

Just as Luo Qingqing and Tang Chen walked out of the detachment, a group of reporters suddenly appeared from the side, and they immediately surrounded them.

Luo Qingqing was taken aback, thinking that Tang Chen hadn't put on a disguise this time, she hurriedly turned him around, and quickly pushed him into the door of the detachment, while she blocked the reporters with her body.

Her heart was pounding, she only hoped that the reporters hadn't had time to take pictures of Tang Chen's face!
She stood in front of the gate of the detachment and said loudly: "What do you want to ask? Hurry up, I only give you 5 minutes!"

A reporter pointed at the gate of the detachment and asked, "Who was that man with you just now? Why didn't you want him to face the camera?"

Luo Qingqing cursed inwardly, is this reporter a dog?So sensitive to personal privacy issues!

Luo Qingqing said coldly: "He is just a friend of mine, and it is inconvenient for me to involve him in my affairs, so please don't ask who he is. You should ask me about kidnapping the child!"

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