Peng Hui is still a bloody man. It is very rare to be able to protect his wife at the critical moment of the company's survival.

It's just that if he knows that the daughter he has always loved is not his own flesh and blood, the woman he loves still has someone else in his heart, or it is possible that she never loved him at all, I don't know if he can bear it.

Thinking of this, Luo Qingqing felt a little pity for that old man.

Leaning on Tang Chen's generous chest, she dialed Qu Yaoyao's number with her mobile phone.

The phone rang for a long time before Qu Yaoyao's deliberately lowered voice came from the inside, with some exasperated voice: "Luo Qingqing, what else do you want to do?"

Luo Qingqing smiled and said, "I'm here to congratulate you."

"Congratulations! My life has been ruined by you!"

"How can you say that? I really envy you a little bit. You are deeply loved by Liu Yuge. He would rather die by himself than maintain your innocence and happy life. As for Peng Hui, he would rather the company be destroyed than to protect you." I don't want to give up on you. Qu Yaoyao, I really have to admire you, you are indeed very successful in being a woman!"

Qu Yaoyao yelled on the phone: "Luo Qingqing, don't be so mean, what do you want to say?"

Luo Qingqing's tone became serious: "I want to say, if the chairman knows that his beloved daughter is not his own..."

"Luo Qingqing, shut up! Are you crazy? If you spread rumors like this and destroy other people's families, you will have to pay legal responsibility!"

"Qu Yaoyao, I can also find out what Su Zixi can find out!" Luo Qingqing said loudly.

There was a bang on the phone, it should be that Qu Yaoyao's phone fell to the ground.

Luo Qingqing didn't hang up the phone either, she just waited quietly for Qu Yaoyao to pick up the phone.

Luo Qingqing stared at the call log on the phone, feeling that the time had never been so long.

It took a full 5 minutes before Qu Yaoyao's voice came again from the phone.

"Luo Qingqing, I don't know what you're talking about!"

Luo Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Have you learned to deceive yourself and others now? I am giving you a chance now. Without you, I can wash away the humiliation of three years ago! And this time is very short, only three or four days later! After that, I will still be a dazzling new star in the entertainment industry, Xingyao will belong to me, and Peng Hui will have nothing, but I will tell him the truth I know, so that he can retain a little bit of dignity.

And those who have harmed me, I will not let go, including Su Zixi, including you, Qu Yaoyao!You can think about it, what else will you have when the time comes! "

Luo Qingqing hung up the phone without waiting for Qu Yaoyao to say anything else.

She hoped that Qu Yaoyao would give her a chance to turn around, she really couldn't bear to let Liu Yuge's daughter's background be exposed!

When she was in a daze, her ears were caught by the people behind her.

She shivered and patted him with a smile: "Hey, be honest."

"Why did I hear that Mrs. Tang was envious of others just now? Someone loves and someone favors? It seems that I haven't done enough!"

As he said, his hot lips moved along her neck to the corner of her lips.

Luo Qingqing's neck was itchy from being picked up by him, and she tilted her body to avoid him: "No, I said that on purpose to let her cherish people who really treat her well."

"Then do you cherish people who treat you well?"

Luo Qingqing deliberately frowned and said, "Is there anyone who treats me well? Why do I feel that there are bad people around me? Everyone wants to harm me!"

"Damn, you're blind! I'll let you know now, who treats you well!"

As Tang Chen said, he scooped up his arms, wrapped Luo Qingqing in his arms, and strode towards the bedroom.

The next morning, Luo Qingqing asked Jin Qiu for a half-day leave, and went to the H City Court with Tang Chen to formally sue Siduobao Company and Yunta Company.

She was at the gate of the court and asked Luo Qi and the others to take a short video of her.

She said in the video: "Before my incident broke out, I had completed the filming task according to the contract, but they have not put the advertisement in the media until now, and it is ridiculous to say that I have brought them losses. For example, I am a fruit farmer, and I sold the apples I planted to a wholesaler, but the wholesaler has not sold the apples for a long time. When he sells them again, the market price drops, and the wholesaler loses money, so I want to compensate Is there any reason for his loss?
In addition, the two companies did negotiate with me before, and I proposed that after my incident, they will broadcast an advertisement, and I can shoot another advertisement for them for free.But they refused, but insisted on compensation. Isn't this extortion?
They sued me, which is their legal right, but they should not use slanderous words on me, such as moral loss, shameless, and even said such obvious provocative words as let me get out of the entertainment circle, Allowing more netizens to attack me will seriously infringe my right of reputation and cause great trauma to my body and mind. Therefore, I want to appeal to them to make a public apology and compensate me for mental damage! "

This video, on the Internet, had tens of millions of clicks in just one hour, and without any suspense, it was once again on the hot search.

This video is Luo Qingqing's first official response to the media and netizens since the incident broke out.

And she also said in the video: "Three days later, I will hold a press conference. I have enough evidence to prove that the evidence of Li Fengxia is forged, and I also have enough evidence to prove that three years ago, I I was framed, I am innocent, and director Liu Yuge is also innocent! Three days later, I will definitely find out who is behind the scenes! I believe, you will be surprised when the time comes! See you on Monday!"

Three days later, it's Monday!

Luo Qingqing's speech in the video was loud and powerful, and her eyes were piercing, with sharpness in her determination, making people involuntarily believe her words.

Therefore, the wind direction on the Internet began to change again.

Coupled with the help of Xiao Yu and Tang Chen, several media began to support Luo Qingqing.

Of course, more people are looking forward to Luo Qingqing's press conference on Monday, expecting her to make a big comeback!

Everyone returned to the hotel and had lunch at the hotel. Luo Qingqing was going to the filming crew.

On the way, she received a call from Qu Yaoyao, who wanted to meet her.

Luo Qingqing smiled, but she still couldn't hold her breath anymore.

Luo Qingqing asked her to come to the set, still in the director's office.

After all, it is safer to come to the crew, and there are many people on my own.If we meet outside, if we are photographed by paparazzi, there will be another disturbance.

Therefore, Qu Yaoyao also agreed.

Luo Qingqing arrived at the set first, greeted Ning Yuanchen and Jin Qiu, and went to the office to wait for Qu Yaoyao.

Qu Yaoyao will arrive soon, she is still wearing a formal business attire, but there is an extra pair of sunglasses on her face.

After Qu Yaoyao came in, Mo Fei closed the door and stood guard outside, while Luo Qi stayed by Luo Qingqing's side to prevent Qu Yaoyao from jumping over the wall in a hurry and hurting Luo Qingqing.

Luo Qingqing and Qu Yaoyao sat face to face, and for a while, neither of them spoke.

After a long time, Luo Qingqing looked at her watch and saw that it was already two o'clock in the afternoon, so she said straight to the point: "President Qu, let's make a long story short, I only have half an hour."

Qu Yaoyao slowly took off his sunglasses, and said to Luo Qingqing, "I hope you can let Xingyao go."

Luo Qingqing looked into her eyes, and suddenly took a breath of air.

Qu Yaoyao's eyes are protruding, very scary, and the surroundings of the eyes are all bruised.

"Peng Hui actually hit you?"

Qu Yaoyao said: "It wasn't him who beat me, but his son. His son has always hated me. If Peng Hui didn't treat me sincerely, I wouldn't be able to survive in this family."

Luo Qingqing nodded: "It's understandable."

Any man with a bit of blood can't accept a stepmother who is not a few years older than himself.

"Peng Hui, he is a good man. Xingyao was founded by him alone, and I can't bear to see Xingyao collapse! Can you let Xingyao go?"

Luo Qingqing smiled: "What will you exchange with me?"

Qu Yaoyao took out a recording pen from her bag, and pushed it in front of Luo Qingqing.

"This is the recording every time Su Zixi talks to me!"

When Luo Qingqing heard Su Zixi's name from Qu Yaoyao's mouth, her smiling face instantly stiffened, and then her muscles trembled a little.

It turned out to be her!

Although all the guesses before pointed to Su Zixi, but that was just speculation.In the deepest part of Luo Qingqing's heart, there is still a trace of luck remaining!Maybe she guessed wrong!
She has watched countless spy movies before, and she is making spy movies now, no matter how close a comrade in arms or a lover is, there is a possibility of betrayal.

However, the real thing happened to Luo Qingqing, she was a little incapable of accepting it!
"Are you sure it's her?" Her voice trembled a little.

Her fingertips were also trembling. She grabbed the recorder and pressed the switch. There was a conversation between two women, one of which was Qu Yaoyao's.

Qu Yaoyao said: "Can you let me go? Luo Qingqing already knows about me, and if I do anything to her, she won't let me go!"

Another female voice said: "Don't worry, this time is the last thing you do for me, and it's also within the scope of your duties. She won't think too much about it."

The moment the female voice came out, Luo Qingqing's tears rushed down.This voice undoubtedly came from Su Zixi!
The recording continued to play, Qu Yaoyao said: "What do you want me to do?"

Su Zixi said: "You arrange a popular TV show for her, and then accept two endorsements for her, then it's none of your business!"

"What if she doesn't accept it?"

Su Zixi smiled: "Don't worry, she is eager to clear her name, and she will definitely accept it."

"Then, what will you do?" Qu Yaoyao asked.

Su Zixi sneered: "Then what should I do? Of course I still want her to make the same mistakes again, fall from the clouds and fall into the mud again. From then on, she will be notorious and burdened with huge debts. It is best to die without a place to bury her!"

Luo Qingqing clenched her fists suddenly, Su Zixi, you are so cruel!

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