Tang Shaomi loves: the national actress rushes home

Chapter 153 Tang Chen, You Are the Most Heartless Person in the World

If that little girl was the daughter of Qu Yaoyao and Liu Yuge, then everything would make sense.

Qu Yaoyao was not afraid that Luo Qingqing would expose her relationship with Liu Yuge. After all, Liu Yuge was dead, and Luo Qingqing had no conclusive evidence.

But her daughter's life experience, no matter how perfectly she covered it up, there are still traces to follow.

If Su Zixi found out about this and obtained the evidence, and used it to threaten Qu Yaoyao, she would only have to be obedient.

Otherwise, if this matter is exposed, not only Qu Yaoyao will lose her current life, but Li Fengxia will make her life worse than death, and her daughter will also lose a bright future.

No mother is willing to protect her child.

Therefore, Qu Yaoyao had no choice but to obey Su Zixi's instigation and become her pawn to deal with Luo Qingqing!It's not that she doesn't want to get out, it's that she can't get out at all!

Luo Qingqing sat down on the sofa and said to Luo Qi: "Bring me all the evidence."

Luo Qi handed a folder to Luo Qingqing.

Luo Qingqing opened it, and there was a detailed production process of Qu Yaoyao inside.According to the data, Qu Yaoyao got married at the end of July three years ago, and then announced the news of her pregnancy in early August.

It was announced in March of the following year that Qu Yaoyao had given birth to a daughter who weighed six catties.

Generally speaking, premature babies are generally light in weight and weak in constitution. They need to stay in the incubator for a period of time before they can be fed normally.

The weight of Qu Yaoyao's daughter at birth has fully reached the weight of a full-term baby, and her physical indicators are completely normal, and she has never stayed in an incubator.

Regarding this suspicious point, Qu Yaoyao's explanation is that during her pregnancy, Peng Hui was too kind to her, and her weight reached 160 catties, so the child's physical fitness is so good.

There is also a photo of Qu Yaoyao when she was pregnant on the information, she is indeed a fat ball, and she is a completely different person from now.

At that time, Peng Hui was once dubbed the wife-loving madman.

Therefore, it is barely justified that the child is over-nourished, leading to advanced development and premature birth.

In this regard, it can be said that Qu Yaoyao has really achieved the ultimate for her daughter.

Luo Qingqing looked at the relevant time, Liu Yuge died in July three years ago, and Qu Yaoyao got married at the end of that month, and half a month later, she announced her pregnancy.

If Qu Yaoyao's child was born at full term, then she should have had a child in May three years ago.

At that time, Qu Yaoyao was just an employee of Shining Star Entertainment, and hadn't gotten involved with Peng Hui yet.

And it was at the beginning of July that Peng Hui announced that he was in love with Qu Yaoyao.

Luo Qingqing closed the folder abruptly, covered her face with her hands, a little afraid to think about it.

However, the brain is running fast.

Liu Yuge died because he was too desperate, right?
He's stuck in a miserable marriage with no way out, yet in love with someone who shouldn't be, and who, with his children, may still be pushing him to do so.

He had no choice but to ruthlessly push his beloved woman to others.

And when his secret was discovered, he had no choice but to frame Luo Qingqing.

In the end, he couldn't bear the torture of his conscience, nor could he bear the loving person leaving him forever, but he could only suffer alone in the dark, like an owl.

Despair overwhelmed him, and he chose to leave this world!

Luo Qingqing never knew that Liu Yuge, who was always generous and cheerful every day, had such a bitter heart!
Luo Qingqing's heart seemed to be tightly held in the palm of a big hand, and she squeezed it fiercely, the pain was so painful that she could suffocate!
If she had known all this earlier, she could have helped him, and he would not have died so miserably!
However, everything is irreparable!
All she could do for him was shed a few tears of sympathy!
A person sat down beside her, and immediately, she was hugged into a firm embrace.

His deep voice lingered in her ears: "Since when did you become a crybaby? Stop crying, your makeup is all over, you have become a little cat now."

Luo Qingqing raised her tearful eyes, looked at Tang Chen, and asked him, "Are you also suffering from the same entanglement and pain in your heart?"

Tang Chen was taken aback for a moment, wondering why she changed the topic to himself.

However, he truthfully said: "No!"

"there has never been?"

"there has never been!"

there has never been!

In other words, when he chose Su Zixi back then, he never struggled because of her, Luo Qingqing, and never considered her feelings!
And half a year ago, when he chose to marry her, he never struggled with his relationship with Su Zixi!

He treats feelings like he is fighting a war, he cuts the mess with a sharp knife!
He can't complain, half a year ago, when that incident happened, he could have asked Su Zixi to break up!

Then, by analogy, when their marriage reached the agreed date, would he leave her without any regrets?
In that case, what's the point of what he's doing now?
Luo Qingqing's heart was cold, and she smiled sarcastically: "Tang Chen, you are the most ruthless person in the world!"

A ruthless person will naturally not be entangled in suffering and pain, and will only follow his own heart!
Tang Chen narrowed his eyes, wondering how she came to such a conclusion.

But at this moment, he did not argue.

And his non-defense made Luo Qingqing's heart even more desolate!
She really wanted to beat him up!
But she didn't do anything, just opened the file again.

It has the child's date of birth, blood type, and a parent-child report.

According to the parent-child report, the two parties identified were Peng Siyu and Peng Hui.

Peng Siyu, miss Liu Yuge?
The result of the identification was that they were not related by blood.

Luo Qingqing looked up at Luo Qi: "How did you get the paternity test?"

Luo Qi said: "Zhou Ya and I worked together in a division of labor. I went to Qu Yao Yao's house and got the child's blood, and Zhou Ya sneaked into Xing Yao. When Peng Hui was going out, he intentionally scratched his hand and took the child's blood. When we got his blood sample, we found a private hospital and spent a lot of money to get the results within eight hours! We just got the results."

Luo Qingqing nodded.

Looking at the blood types of several people, Qu Yaoyao is type AB, Peng Hui is type O, and Liu Yuge is type B. The child's blood type is type AB.

People with a little common sense know that parents with type AB and type O cannot give birth to children with type AB blood, but those with type AB and type B can.

If it is ruled out that Qu Yaoyao has other boyfriends, then this child is undoubtedly Liu Yuge's.

Luo Qingqing let out a deep breath, closed the document again, and handed it to Luo Qi.

Luo Qi said: "Announce this secret to the public and see how arrogant Qu Yaoyao is!"

Luo Qingqing shook her head and said, "No, absolutely don't, let me think about how to deal with it. The child is innocent after all, and she is still Director Liu's child!"

Zhou Ya said: "Qingqing, don't be so kind, think about the things that Qu Yaoyao has done to you!"

Murphy also said: "That's right, she's going to kick you out of Xingyao today! If you don't teach her a lesson, she won't know how it hurts!"

Luo Qingqing said: "I know, but I still don't want to hurt that child, she is still too young. Forget it, let's not talk, let's eat first."

As she spoke, she got up and went to the dining table without even looking at Tang Chen, nor asking him to eat.

The four women looked at each other and gave Tang Chen a very sympathetic look.

Tang Chen didn't care, and sat directly next to Luo Qingqing, serving her soup and vegetables.

Luo Qingqing did not refuse, but still did not say a word to him.

There was an eerie silence at the dinner table, which made the four women dare not breathe hard.

Luo Qi thought of something and said, "Qingqing, I found the letter you asked me to find."

"Oh, is that so? Where is it?" Luo Qingqing raised her head and asked.

Luo Qi said: "It turns out that the photos of the past few days were all sent by Qu Yaoyao's assistant Gao Peng. He should have been favored by Qu Yaoyao, so he is very loyal to her. When Zhang Lan checked the IP of the photos, he checked When I got to Gao Peng's computer, I saw the photo of the letter.

Therefore, in the afternoon, Zhou Ya and I sneaked into Gao Peng's house, broke into his safe, and got all the photos and the letter.

I'll let you see those photos later. We sent that letter to the identification agency for fingerprint identification.It is estimated that the results will be available tomorrow morning. "

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Luo Qingqing said, took two fried shrimps and put them in the bowls of two people.

Zhang Lan deliberately said: "Qingqing, I have also contributed, and I want to reward it."

Luo Qingqing smiled, and put braised fish in braised sauce for her: "Well, you are the most troublesome brainer, so make up your brain."

Mo Fei also joined in the fun: "Qingqing, I'll accompany you on the set, serving tea and water, sending clothes to wipe sweat, etc. It's also very hard."

"Okay, this is for you." Luo Qingqing said, she picked up a piece of chicken and put it in Mo Fei's bowl.

"Qingqing, Young Master Tang has also worked very hard. He has been investigating Li Fengxia and Xu's family for you. You should reward him too!"

The four women pleaded for Tang Chen together.

Luo Qingqing's face turned cold: "He's a man, and he's just talking about it. What kind of reward do you want? He has hands and feet, so he can't pinch what he eats by himself?"

Four women: ... Young Master Tang, there is nothing I can do to help!
After eating, Luo Qingqing said: "Everyone has worked hard today, let's go to bed early!"

She got up and went back to the bedroom.

Tang Chen hurriedly followed, but the door slammed shut in front of him, and then there was the sound of it being locked.

Tang Chen quickly took a picture of the door: "Qingqing, open the door, I can explain what happened in the morning."

But he took pictures for a full 5 minutes, and Luo Qingqing did not open the door.

The four women were behind them, looking at Tang Chen sympathetically again.

Luo Qi couldn't bear to say: "Young Master Tang, I've cleaned up the second bedroom I live in, why don't you stay in the second bedroom temporarily?"

Luo Qi has good eyesight. As soon as Tang Chen came, she automatically moved to the same room with Zhou Ya and the others, and she was determined not to be a light bulb.

Tang Chen glanced at her coldly: "The key!"

He wouldn't live in the second bedroom, even if he was kneeling, he still had to be in the same room as his wife!

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