Tang Shaomi loves: the national actress rushes home

Chapter 127 Re-signing the Contract

Tang Chen smiled and said, "You haven't given instructions yet, how dare I promise him?"

Luo Qingqing smiled, and when she turned around, she kissed him on the cheek, getting toothpaste foam all over his face.

Tang Chen was also polite, and as soon as he lowered his head, he rubbed the foam onto her face.

After the two quarreled for a while, Luo Qingqing finally washed her face and brushed her teeth.

After coming out of the bathroom, Luo Qingqing said: "First let's not agree to him, let him hang out first."

"Understood." Tang Chen said.

Luo Qingqing went to the bedroom to make up, and Tang Chen called Luo Qi to bring her breakfast.

After breakfast, Luo Qingqing had to go to the set.

She looked at Tang Chen and asked, "When are you leaving?"

Tang Chen smiled: "Can't bear to part with me?"

Luo Qingqing smiled: "No. You can leave anytime, just don't leave without saying goodbye!"

She was very afraid that if he left without saying goodbye, she would never find him again.

He hugged her violently: "No, I will report to you wherever I go in the future!"

She nodded: "Okay!"

She didn't want him to report the itinerary, but just wanted to reassure herself.

Luo Qingqing and Luo Qi went to the set, while Tang Chen stayed in the hotel.

In the morning, Luo Qingqing only had two scenes, and they were still with supporting roles.

Ning Yuanchen returned to the crew early this morning, so today's filming is divided into two groups, Ning Yuanchen filming the scenes of Guo Tingting and Gao Haiyang, and Jin Qiu filming the scenes of Luo Qingqing and other supporting roles in another studio.

After Luo Qingqing finished filming, she went off to touch up her makeup, changed her clothes, and waited to go on stage again.

At this moment, Gao Peng, Qu Yaoyao's assistant, led two middle-aged men into the studio.

Gao Peng walked up to Luo Qingqing and said, "Miss Luo, Mr. Peng Hui, the chairman of Xingyao, is here."

Luo Qingqing expected it, but she didn't expect him to come so quickly.

She followed Gao Peng to the two middle-aged men.

Seeing that Luo Qingqing was in trouble, Jin Qiu stopped filming and followed her.

One of the middle-aged men took the initiative to walk towards Luo Qingqing, and said with a smile on his face: "Miss Luo, I have admired your name for a long time, so I'm sorry."

Luo Qingqing knew that this person was Peng Hui, Qu Yaoyao's husband.

Peng Hui, about 50 years old, still looks very smart and capable, and he is very personable.

She quickly bowed politely: "Chairman Peng, hello, hello."

Peng Hui introduced another middle-aged man beside him to Luo Qingqing: "Miss Luo, let me introduce, this is a vice president of our company, Zhuang Zeming."

Zhuang Zeming was the legendary Mr. Zhuang, the one who wanted to sign Luo Qingqing for Xingyao.

It was the first time he and Luo Qingqing met.

Luo Qingqing hurried forward: "Mr. Zhuang, hello, I finally see you!"

Zhuang Zeming laughed: "Miss Luo, I still count on your blessing!"

Jin Qiuneng wanted to understand what was going on, so he said, "Chairman, Mr. Zhuang, please come to the office to talk."

There are many people outside, so it is better to talk about some things in private.

So Jin Qiu led the three of them to a simple office, where Jin Qiu and Ning Yuanchen discussed matters and had a temporary rest.

Jin Qiu poured water for the three of them and sat not far away without leaving.

Peng Hui said straight to the point: "Miss Luo, let me apologize to you on Yao Yao's behalf. She is always selfish, and I didn't expect that she would do so many unfair things to you. But don't worry, she Absolutely never ordered someone to bump into you, she really didn't have the guts.

When I come today, the first thing is to apologize, and the second is to restore you to normal benefits.This is a new contract, take a look. "

As he spoke, he took out a contract from his briefcase and handed it to Luo Qingqing.

Luo Qingqing took it over and took a look. It was even more generous than the contract she had finalized with Mr. Zhuang, and the salary was directly 200 million.This price is higher than Guo Tingting's salary.

Luo Qingqing closed the contract, pushed it to Peng Hui and said, "Chairman, I cannot sign this contract."

Peng Hui frowned: "Miss Luo, do you have any conditions? Just ask for it, and I will definitely do it."

Luo Qingqing said: "Chairman, what I want is not money or resources, but justice."

"I can guarantee that Yao Yao is definitely not the person behind the scenes. Moreover, the police have investigated. At the time of your accident, she has witnesses to prove that she did not do anything that cannot be seen. Besides, the perpetrator also provided The photo of the instigator is not Yao Yao at all.

Miss Luo, I also deeply sympathize with what happened to you, but you can't hold on to Yao Yao, at least she is innocent in this matter. "

Luo Qingqing gave Peng Hui a cool look, and she concluded that he definitely didn't know about Qu Yaoyao and Liu Yuge, and she didn't want to reveal it to her face.

She said: "In this way, I have time to visit her, and I have a few words to ask her. If she is really not the person behind the scenes, I will drop the charges against her."

Peng Hui finally frowned: "Okay, just do as Miss Luo said. In addition, there is one more thing, please rest assured, Miss Luo. After Qu Yaoyao comes out, I will never let her appear on the set again and interfere with your filming." From now on, she will be replaced by Mr. Zhuang."

This incident made Luo Qingqing quite relieved, she smiled at Mr. Zhuang, "Then congratulate Mr. Zhuang first."

Zhuang Zeming smiled and said, "Now we can finally cooperate."

Luo Qingqing smiled and nodded.

"Then this contract?" Peng Hui pushed the contract back to Luo Qingqing.

Luo Qingqing said: "The contract needs to be changed. In this way, I will still maintain the B contract with Xingyao, and only sign this movie. The remuneration is still the amount that I and Mr. Zhuang have agreed on before. In addition, the fares for transportation, meals and accommodation The expenses can be discounted to me. There is also no need for assistants and agents. My family hired another one for me, and the company can also discount it to me according to the company's salary level. However, to compensate me I still need it. After all, Mr. Qu slapped me personally, and let several newspapers attack me personally and slander my reputation, which caused both psychological and spiritual harm to me. Therefore, I want Mr. Qu to face me. I apologize!"

Peng Hui's eyes lit up, he didn't expect Luo Qingqing to be so eloquent.He also thought that she was backed by such a great man, and he didn't know how to embarrass him.

He nodded again and again: "Okay, there is no problem at all, we will do as Miss Luo said. I will ask Mr. Zhuang to draft the contract when I go back, and I will show it to you in the afternoon."

"Thank you, Chairman!"

"That song Yao Yao?"

"Don't worry, if she really has nothing to do with bumping into me, she will be fine, but if she is really involved, then I'm sorry!"

Peng Hui quickly said, "It must be irrelevant!"

Luo Qingqing thought, Peng Hui really loved Qu Yao Yao, but she didn't know if she cherished this man!

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