Tang Shaomi loves: the national actress rushes home

Chapter 110 If you want to catch him, take the initiative

In Tangcheng, the night is falling, and the lights are just coming on, bright and blurred.

A luxurious Porsche wanders in the traffic.

The driver asked the woman sitting in the back seat: "Miss, let's go back to Tang's house, which is still your villa."

Tang Meng was staring out the window in a daze.

She handed over work to Tang Chen today and took a month-long vacation.

Tang Chen said a word to her: "Sister, if you want to catch someone, take the initiative, if you don't want to, just let go, don't let yourself be wronged, and still be so unhappy!"

At that moment, Tang Meng was so moved that she almost burst into tears.

The relationship between her and Tang Chen is actually not very good.

Tang Chen was sent to his hometown since he was a child, and he could only see each other during holidays. Therefore, the two of them spent very little time together, and as a result, they didn't know each other very well.Even when they met, Tang Chen rarely spoke to her.

For a long time, Tang Meng could feel Tang Chen's indifference towards her and her parents.

Later, Tang Chen finally returned to the Tang family, but was abducted by Luo Qingqing.The time he spent with Luo Qingqing was far longer than the time he spent with her and her family.

But when she saw the happy smile and gentle eyes on her younger brother's face, she realized that it was indeed the Tang family who had treated Tang Chen badly, at least emotionally.

Therefore, she tried every means to get close to Tang Chen, and once had the cheek to go to Luo's house for a meal, just to stay with Tang Chen for a while.She also incidentally treated Luo Qingqing like her own younger sister.

She was kind to Luo Qingqing, and in return Tang Chen was friendly to her, but they didn't have much to say between them.Because, he is not a talkative person, and what he wants to say is finished to Luo Qingqing.There is still a big difference between my sister and Luo Qingqing.

Therefore, for so many years, Tang Meng is very content to get such a sentence from Tang Chen.

Tang Chen was her younger brother after all.

And he also has a unique eye, seeing through the problems between her and Lin Xuqing at a glance.

She can't let go, but how can she catch him?

She was full of worries.

She suddenly thought of the scene of Luo Qingqing kneeling in front of her mother that day.

That day, she was really moved by Luo Qingqing. She was so wronged, but in order to reconcile the conflict between Tang Chen and her mother, she would rather wrong herself!

Tang Meng's eyes lit up, and she had an idea in her heart, so she said to the driver, "Go to my villa."

The car quickly drove into a European-style villa, and the lights in the villa were on, which warmed her heart suddenly.She knew that he went to the branch office for a technical seminar today and came back earlier.

Lin Xuqing is very self-disciplined, unless he is socializing, he never hangs out outside, and goes home after get off work.

She walked into the living room, and sure enough, she saw a thin man sitting in front of the dining table in the living room.

He was seriously eating a bowl of noodles in front of him, and Tang Meng could smell the aroma of noodles.

Lin Xuqing heard the noise, looked up, and saw Tang Meng, a little surprised, "Are you back? Have you eaten yet?"

If it was normal, Tang Meng would definitely say coldly: "This is my home, I can't come back yet?"

But today, when she saw this man eating alone, her nose felt sore for no reason.

She asked: "Where is Xiaoling?" Xiaoling is her family's servant.

"Oh, you're not here these days, I'm alone, and I'm not at home often, so I'll give her a vacation." Lin Xuqing explained.

In the past, he also explained to her lightly like this, but she was always a little impatient, because she didn't care about the presence or absence of a servant at all.After hearing what he said today, she realized the deep meaning in it, which made her inexplicably relaxed.

She walked to the dining table, looked at his bowl of simple fried noodles, "You made it?"

Lin Xuqing was born in a relatively poor family and has always been frugal in life. Even though his life has improved drastically, he is still very self-disciplined and never wastes money.

He nodded: "Well, I made it. I didn't have any food at home, so I made a bowl of noodles..."

Before he finished speaking, Tang Meng picked up his chopsticks, picked up his bowl, and started to eat.

Lin Xuqing was shocked.

Tang Meng was raised with rich clothes and fine food, and has always been picky about her diet.Even when Yundu was in college, she was accompanied by a few chefs and servants to wait on her.She should have never eaten such a simple fried noodles, and it was left over from him.

She finished the half bowl of noodles in a few mouthfuls before she said, "I didn't expect the noodles you made to be quite delicious."

Lin Xuqing's lips rippled slightly.

He saw that there was a ring of sauce on her lips. Although it was a bit indecent, it gave her, a high-ranking young lady, a little sparkle.

He took out a tissue and handed it to her, "There's sauce on my mouth."

She took the tissue, wiped her mouth gracefully, and looked at him with her beautiful phoenix eyes: "I'm not full."

Lin Xuqing was taken aback, Tang Meng has always been very controlling about the amount of food she eats, she never gets full.

"I'll ask Xiaoling to come back and make it for you, or order you a supper at the hotel?"

Tang Meng's eyelids drooped, and she asked, "Is there any more noodles like this?"

Lin Xuqing's heart trembled: "Do you want to eat the noodles I made?"

"I think it's delicious." Tang Meng felt a little hot on his face when he said this.

"Then I'll make it for you?" Lin Xuqing was still a little uncertain.

After he and Tang Meng got married, the servants in the family kept the house in order, so he didn't need to do anything at all.And Tang Meng also made it clear that he is her husband, and he doesn't need to do anything with his own hands.

However, the feeling of being unable to spread his hands and feet at home made Lin Xuqing very awkward, but he didn't say anything.

Only when Tang Meng returned to the Tang family, would he give all the servants a holiday, and he would cook and clean the room by himself, and he would have a sense of belonging here.

But today, Tang Meng wanted to eat noodles. He was a little, um, flattered.

"Is it okay?" Tang Meng asked a little cautiously.

"Of course." Lin Xuqing replied quickly, "Change your clothes first and wait for me for a few minutes."

As he spoke, he took the empty bowl and went back to the kitchen.

Tang Meng saw the smile on his face, and felt that his back was a bit lively, she couldn't help smiling, she seemed to have done something wrong before, right?

She went upstairs to remove her make-up, changed into home clothes, and returned to the restaurant again. Lin Xuqing had just finished making noodles.

This time he didn't use a bowl, but a delicate white porcelain plate with thin white noodles in the center, not many.Underneath the noodles, there is a delicate lace made of cucumber slices.

On top of the noodles, there is a fragrant meat sauce, and on top of the meat sauce is a half-cut cherry tomato, which is bright red.

Such an exquisite presentation will whet your appetite.

Tang Meng didn't expect Lin Xuqing to do this for her, which made her nose sore.

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