Tang Shaomi loves: the national actress rushes home

Chapter 106 As long as you are happy

The reporter's sharp questioning was deftly resolved by Luo Qingqing.And she repeatedly mentioned Liu Yuge, which also showed her uprightness, and also shattered people's slander and slander of her being a director.

Luo Qingqing should have accepted as soon as she was good, but she bowed deeply to the reporters and said: "Director Liu Yuge should have had a more brilliant life, but he died so miserable and useless! I am now I could face the nightmare three years ago, but I couldn't face his departure!
I still remember that he called me an hour before he left.He said on the phone, "Luo Qingqing, I'm sorry, I made a wrong step, wrong step!"I only hope you get out of the predicament and have a better tomorrow'!I cried and asked him what he meant by that, I don't believe he is someone who has plans for me!But he just smiled and hung up my call.Then an hour later, I heard his bad news..."

Luo Qingqing burst into tears!
The scene was completely silent, and no one expected that such a story would exist.

Luo Qingqing stopped her sadness, wiped her tears and said, "I still don't understand the meaning of what he said, and I don't know what he did wrong. Therefore, I hope, friends from the press, you can use the pen in your hand to borrow Your platform has justified Director Liu Yuge’s name! I also hope that the majority of netizens can provide clues to solve the mystery of his death. If someone is really manipulating all this behind the scenes, I swear here that I, Luo Qingqing, will never let him go! "

As she spoke, she bowed deeply to the reporter again.

"That's enough, Luo Qingqing, shut up!" Qu Yaoyao suddenly yelled at Luo Qingqing.

She managed to attract everyone's attention.

Qu Yaoyao also felt that she had lost her composure, and quickly forced a smile and said, "Sorry, today's interview is over, and I hope that the reporters will promote our new movie more. The company has prepared an exquisite lunch and small gifts for everyone , please go to Hall 1 for dinner.”

The reporters got a lot today, so they put away their cameras and video recorders, and followed Qu Yaoyao and her assistant.

Everyone also dispersed, and the crew returned to the D3 area.

Because Luo Qingqing thought of Liu Yuge, she felt a little depressed.She kept her head down and walked forward, Luo Qi was beside her.

Guo Tingting walked over, and said in a strange way: "Luo Qingqing, you've done a good job, taking the opportunity of the company to promote the film to clear your name? You're talking too much, I believe you are a ghost!"

Luo Qingqing's eyes were a little red, her voice was a little hoarse, and she couldn't put on a smile anymore.

She glanced at Guo Tingting lightly: "What do you want to say?"

Guo Tingting said: "How on earth did you come to the crew? How did you replace Liu Meijia? Shouldn't you make it clear?"

Luo Qingqing said: "Isn't what I said clear enough? If you don't believe me, just ask President Qu and Director Ning!"

She didn't want to talk to Guo Tingting anymore, she felt that this person was just looking for trouble, and he didn't use his brain when doing things. He was used as a gun by Qu Yaoyao, and she thought she was the embodiment of justice.

Back in the D3 area, the hotel sent boxed lunches to the film crew, and they were all distributed according to human hair. As expected, there was no Luo Qingqing's.

While Luo Qi was on the phone, Luo Qingqing sat on a chair beside her, closing her eyes and resting her mind.

Everyone looked at Luo Qingqing strangely. A young actor who played Sang Yun's servant in the play came over and asked, "Miss Luo, why don't you have food?"

Luo Qingqing smiled wryly: "Didn't you realize that I don't live with you?"

The actor suddenly realized that he did not see Luo Qingqing in the hotel, so he asked, "Why?"

Luo Qingqing said frankly: "Because of what happened three years ago, the company signed me a B visa, and I have to take care of my own accommodation and meals."

"Ah? There's still this matter! Then what do you do? I haven't eaten it yet, why don't you eat mine first?"

Luo Qingqing smiled: "Thank you, no need, my assistant ordered food for me elsewhere."

While talking, Luo Qi came over with a huge thermos bucket and said, "Qingqing, it's time to eat."

The few tables that were left were all taken up by the crew, so Luo Qi pulled a large prop box and used it as a temporary table.

She opened the thermos, took out all the food inside, and placed them on the item box.

Looking at the dishes, Luo Qingqing felt a little embarrassed, because they were so rich.

A plate of braised pork ribs, a plate of braised prawns, stir-fried broccoli, spicy tofu, cold enoki mushrooms, shredded pork snow peas, and a zucchini beef soup.

As for the box lunch of the crew, there is only one meat, one vegetable, one soup and one bowl of rice.

Luo Qingqing wanted to keep a low profile, but she was always so unsatisfactory.

You don't have to ask to know who ordered it.

She said helplessly: "Qiqi, if you can spend like this, the money I made for this movie is not enough for us to eat!"

Luo Qi pretended to be innocent and said: "I can't help it. Auntie asked me to take good care of you. If you can't eat well, how can you have the strength to film? Auntie said, it doesn't matter how much you earn, as long as you are happy. good."

Luo Qingqing knew that she was using her mother's guise to convey Tang Chen's meaning, so she followed her and said, "My mother is also true, I am already this old, and she still cares about it." that is."

At this time, Ning Yuanchen and Jin Qiu came over with their own plates.

Ning Yuanchen said: "Qingqing, are you worried that you won't be able to finish eating? The two of us will help you!"

They squatted unceremoniously by the item box, one caught ribs, the other copied shrimp, and started to eat.

Luo Qingqing was dumbfounded, Jin Qiu is fine, when did Ning Yuanchen become so down-to-earth?
She quickly said: "Yeah, I can't finish eating, you eat."

She called out to the people next to her, "Come over and have a taste too."

Hula came over a large group, picking what they liked to eat.

Luo Qi was in a hurry: "Hey, can you be more careful? Give Qingqing and me some left over!"

Someone said: "Ours is for you to eat!"

Guo Tingting looked at the jubilation over there, and couldn't help curling her lips: "Just now you were complaining, but now you use food to win people's hearts? It really is a clever trick."

She poked her lunch box with her chopsticks, losing any appetite.

Gao Haiyang ate his meal slowly, and said, "Don't be so critical of Ms. Luo, she didn't do anything wrong, and she was in front of the reporters just now, defending the two of us, and the entire crew. We should unite to bring Good movie!"

Guo Tingting immediately became angry: "Gao Haiyang, what do you mean? You talked to her before the filming started? Are you also bewitched by her beauty?"

Gao Haiyang looked at Guo Tingting in shock, stood up holding his own plate, and replied four words: "Unreasonable!"

Guo Tingting was so angry that she almost smashed her own dinner plate.

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