Luo Qingqing wiped her hair with a towel, staring at Tang Chen's name on her phone, couldn't help smiling.

When she was in Tangcheng, he didn't call her for half a year, and she had only left for a day, and his phone was never disconnected.

Humph, she won't continue.

She pouted arrogantly, letting her phone think about it, and picked up the hair dryer to dry her hair.

The phone rang relentlessly, and after about a minute, it finally stopped.

Luo Qingqing put down the hair dryer and combed her hair with a wooden comb, her ears almost pricked up.

The phone was quiet for less than a minute, then rang again.

Looking at those two familiar words, Luo Qingqing couldn't help laughing.

She threw away the comb, climbed onto the bed, then picked up the phone, connected it, and gave a feed.

"Qingqing, what were you doing just now?" On the phone, Tang Chen's voice was somewhat urgent.

"I'm taking a shower." Luo Qingqing smiled silently, talking nonsense.

"Oh." Tang Chen let out an oh, obviously relieved.

"How are you doing there? Do you need help?"

"I'm fine here. I signed the contract successfully. I will join the group tomorrow. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Tang Chen fell silent.

Luo Qingqing grinned silently.Luo Qi must have reported everything to him in detail, why did he ask her?Let her beg him to arrange everything for her?
That's not what she wants.

Tang Chen finally spoke again: "Qingqing, why do you wrong yourself?"

Luo Qingqing finally restrained her smile and said, "Tang Chen, this is my own career, and I don't feel wronged at all. Since I have already started, there is no reason to back down. I hope you can understand me and support me!"

Tang Chen was silent for a while, and then said: "Okay, you can do whatever you want, but don't forget, there is me behind you, and you don't have to be afraid of anyone or anything!"

His words, there is me behind you, almost brought tears to Luo Qingqing's eyes.

In the past, she was not afraid of anyone or anything, because no matter how bad the mess was, Tang Chen would clean it up for her.

And after he left, she learned to restrain her temper and learn to face everything by herself.

Tang Chen's voice came again from the phone: "Qingqing, why don't you ask me what I did today?"

Luo Qingqing asked kindly: "What did you do?"

"Miss you! In addition to missing you, I still miss you!"

Luo Qingqing's eyes were a little wet, but she said angrily: "I hate it!"

"Qingqing, do you miss me?"

"No, I'm busy!"

"Are you busier than me?"

"Of course I'm not busier than you. You are a big president, and I'm a small actor. We are not comparable."

"Then you have to take a break from your busy schedule and think about me."

"Stop talking, I'm sleepy!" If he continued, she would really cry, and fly back to his side desperately.

"Okay then, go to sleep. I'll call you tomorrow!"

"OK, good night!"

"Good night, Qingqing, kiss you!"

The word "kiss you" made Luo Qingqing's face burn.She quickly hung up the phone and buried her head in the pillow.

what to do?She seems to have found the feeling of love!
She has been secretly in love with Tang Chen for so many years, but she has never been in love with him. This taste is like cotton candy floating in the air, light, soft and sweet!
She decided that when he called again tomorrow, she would tell him that she missed him too!

Luo Qingqing just thought about Tang Chen and fell asleep.

In the dream, she seemed to be back a few years ago, when she was filming "Twenty Loves" on the set.The director is calling her: "Luo Qingqing, pay attention to your expression, think about how it feels when you are in love? Hey, yes, it's like this, shy and timid and a little sweet. Yes, yes, the small eyes are quiet Glance at the other person without daring to actually look at him! It's great..."

Next, the director taught Luo Qingqing how to act. She has a strong comprehension ability and is always praised by the director.

And when the director looked at her, he would always show a generous and friendly smile, which made Luo Qingqing feel extremely comfortable.

That director was Liu Yuge, who was only 35 years old at the time.He is tall, with short hair, and a pair of black-rimmed glasses on his square face.

He is highly myopic, so the lenses are very thick, but it gives him a scholarly look.

He speaks very slowly, and he treats actors mostly with encouragement and earnest guidance. He has never lost his temper, and never scolded anyone.

Luo Qingqing felt that she was really lucky. It was her first time making a movie that she met such a good director.

Their "Twenty Years of Love" was a great success, winning several domestic awards, and was nominated for Best Foreign Language Film at an international film festival.

After winning the award, Luo Qingqing became very popular and became the spokesperson of the pure girl by fans. There were constant film appointments and announcements, but she was unable to cooperate with director Liu Yuge for more than a year.

But Liu Yuge always cared about her, and even called her specifically to warn her not to be proud, she should not accept too many films, and should go back to school in time to study systematically.

It's just that Luo Qingqing didn't understand the reasoning at that time. If someone asked her to make a movie, she would always come and refuse. As a result, the movies and TV series she made later did not cause much splash.

Later, Liu Yuge got a good script and wanted to cooperate with Luo Qingqing again.

Luo Qingqing was so happy that she asked Liu Yuge to have dinner.

Luo Qingqing respects Liu Yuge very much, and treats him as her elder brother, so she can't wait to cooperate with him again.

But she never expected that on that day, their meals were drugged, and it was a heavy dose of drugs.

At the beginning, Liu Yuge tried his best to bear it, but soon he couldn't help it, revealing his true nature of a man.

His eyes were red, he hugged Luo Qingqing and was about to kiss her, and even took off her clothes.

Luo Qingqing was so frightened that she cried right then.She didn't know why it ended like this after eating a good meal once.

But she didn't let Liu Yuge succeed, she smashed his head with a plate.

Liu Yuge woke up a little bit, and he said to Luo Qingqing guiltily: "You go, leave me alone!"

Luo Qingqing was about to leave in a panic, but someone blocked the door.Liu Yuge's wife, Li Fengxia, blocked her way, and she slapped Luo Qingqing twice as soon as she came up.

At that time, Luo Qingqing was just a little girl who was not deeply involved, she was so frightened that she could only cry.

And Li Fengxia also brought reporters along, and the reporters took random pictures without asking why.

That day, it was Luo Qingqing who took advantage of the chaos to call Xiao Yu, and he brought a few bodyguards with him to save her from the chaotic situation.

From then on, the Internet was full of insults against Luo Qingqing.During that time, she was almost depressed and hid at home, afraid to go out.

She asked Xiao Yu to investigate who was harming her and who put medicine in the food, but Xiao Yu searched for a long time, but did not find out the result!

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