Super strong honey love: the wife is extraordinary

Chapter 80 Did he go to Antarctica to buy water?

" the amusement park we were looking for? Has someone died? Seriously?"

Xie Xiao looked at the crowded amusement park in front of him, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

I saw that the amusement park in front of me was very large, and at the same time, there were many people in the playground, and the people coming and going were very lively. There were two staff members in doll costumes blowing out balloons at the door.

An amusement park where people have popular?

He has read a lot, don't lie to him!

Seeing so many people, Jian Weian wondered for a while whether she had found the wrong place.

I just picked up my phone and looked at the address, and found that it was indeed correct.

"It's right here... Cough cough, there may be something hidden, let me check." Jian Weian picked up the phone and started typing.

After a while, the information of the amusement park came out.

Just looking at the information he found out, Jian Weian's expression was not very good.

Unlike Lijia Village, which was full of all kinds of supernatural words when you searched, this amusement park was peaceful after being searched, and it was filled with all kinds of praise.

After flipping through several pages, I finally found the news about the dead people in the haunted house in this amusement park, but found that it was marked that the dead people in the haunted house were just a gimmick of the amusement park, it was a special effect, and it was fake.

Xie Xiao naturally also saw the news on the phone, he frowned slightly, thought for a while and said, "Is this amusement park doing something wrong?"

He didn't suspect that Jian Weian had misunderstood the news. Although he didn't know the background of Jian Weian's family, it should be very reliable.

If it wasn't for the fact that the haunted house in this amusement park had a real problem, Jian Weian would not have come here.

Since this is the case, then this amusement park must have really died - since there is no search, it can only mean that the news on the search was deleted by someone.

"Hey, the background of this amusement park is pretty big, and even dead people can be handled so cleanly." Xie Xiao crossed his arms and looked at the amusement park in front of him, tsk-tsk twice.

"Let's go, let's go in and have a look." Jian Weian put away the phone, and led Xie Xiao inside.

Seeing Jian Wei'an holding his hand, Xie Xiao couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, but soon he realized again: "No, you won't just..."

"Yeah." Jian Wei'an nodded as a matter of course, "I've checked, and the haunted house in this amusement park is closed now, we just need to be careful when we go in."

When they said this, the two of them just walked into the gate of the amusement park, and the doll worker at the gate handed it over with a balloon.

"Send you balloons~" The doll worker is a cute boy.

Xie Xiao was not interested in balloons, and originally wanted to wave his hand away, but saw that the staff member handed over a balloon in the shape of a heart, so he took the balloon involuntarily.

"Thank you."

Xie Xiao grabbed the ropes of the two balloons, as if holding his and Jian Weian's hearts.

After walking in, Jian Weian saw the balloon in Xie Xiao's hand, and was a little surprised: "I didn't expect you to like these... Cough, you're quite girlish~"

Jian Weian held back her laughter.

"..." Can you speak well?
Xie Xiao rolled his eyes angrily, divided the balloon in his hand and handed it to Jian Weian: "Here, here it is for you."

Jian Weian was slightly taken aback: "Give it to me?"

"The staff member originally gave it to the two of us... Well, besides, I am a big man, what do I look like holding two balloons?" Xie Xiao's eyes were a little dodgy, "Do you want it? If not ..."

"Thank you." Jian Weian took the balloon and smiled slightly, "Let's go."

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The heart couldn't help beating violently.

"Unbelievable..." Xie Xiao covered his chest with his other hand, and cursed slightly with a twitching corner of his mouth.

"What are you muttering about?" Jian Weian turned his face away with some doubts, and his eyes noticed his hands again, "Does your heart hurt?"

Xie Xiao quickly put down his hands, pretending to be nonchalant: "It's nothing. Where is the haunted house? Why haven't you arrived yet?"

"The haunted house is relatively remote, and there is still a long way to go." Jian Weian didn't pay too much attention to Xie Xiao's abnormality. If he is normal one day, then he will be really abnormal!
Although the haunted house is relatively remote, under the continuous walking of Jian Weian and Xie Xiao, the two finally came to the haunted house.

Looking at the empty space in front of him, Xie Xiao's mouth twitched: "...It's really, it's quite remote." There was no one there.

But in fact, the location of the haunted house is not bad. The reason why there are no people is because the equipment around the haunted house is also stopped, and some shops are also closed.

"It seems that the people in this amusement park are also afraid." Jian Weian just glanced at it, and then roughly understood.

"So what if you're afraid? Why don't you just drive as usual?" Xie Xiao shook his head and chuckled, "As long as the benefits are big enough, people who die a lot will still have the courage to drive!"

"Okay, let's go in and have a look." Jian Weian raised his hand to check the time, "Be careful, follow me."

Xie Xiao directly reached out to hold her hand, and smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I will follow closely!"

Jian Weian blinked, but she didn't repel too much.

But when Jian Weian and Xie Xiao were about to go in, a voice suddenly sounded!
"Stop! Don't go in!"

Jian Weian and Xie Xiao froze.

Before they could react, a burly man in security uniform stopped in front of them: "This place is not open, you can go to another place to play."

Jian Weian blinked: "Why isn't it open? We came here because we saw this haunted house!"

"Exactly! My girlfriend and I came here specially to play in the haunted house, why is it not open?" Xie Xiao stretched out his hand and directly embraced Jian Weian's shoulder.

This is just taking advantage...

Cough, don't say it, it's quite cool.

Jian Weian, who was held by Xie Xiao's shoulders, slowly turned his head, stared at him and squinted his eyes, but in the end he still didn't say anything.

Is this guy addicted to acting?
Or was he ruthlessly shown off by others in the past, so now he seizes the opportunity to show off to others and take revenge?
Jian Weian said - she also understands this very well.

"The haunted house is closed and closed, so don't stare at it and want to go in, let's go." The security guard frowned, waving his hands like chasing flies.

"Really not?"

"No, no!" The security guard's tone was not very good.

Jian Weian and Xie Xiao looked at each other, knowing that they couldn't get in no matter what.

Thousands of calculations have been made, but there is still a security guard watching here.

"Okay, we know." Jian Weian didn't insist too much, she didn't want to make things big.

It's just that the two of them left, and they couldn't help but look back as they walked, as if they really wanted to go in and play.

And every time they turned their heads, the two of them could see a face so ferocious that it could scare a child to tears.

Jian Weian frowned after leaving the security guard's line of sight: "I can't get seems to be to prevent someone from sneaking in."

"Then what should we do now?" Xie Xiao asked.

The two of them walked out slowly while talking, and the originally quiet surrounding became lively.

"Hmm..." Jian Weian thought for a while, "Let's try again at night. Maybe it will be easy to sneak in at night?"

"Okay." Xie Xiao nodded.

After walking for a short distance, Xie Xiao stared at the various amusement facilities in front of him, his little thoughts became active.

"Hmmm, but just waiting... Boring, right?" Xie Xiao pulled Jian Weian forward, "Anyway, we're here, why don't we play?"

Xie Xiao looked at Jian Weian with sparkling eyes.

"Ah?" Jian Wei'an was taken aback for a moment, unable to react for a while.

"Ah what, let's go!" Xie Xiao didn't care whether Jian Wei'an agreed or not, he pulled her and ran forward!

"Hey! You, you..."

"Rebuttal is invalid!"

"No, run slowly! I'm going to fall!"

In the following time, Xie Xiao took Jian Weian to stroll and play in various ways in the amusement park, such as merry-go-round, bumper cars, spinning cups... all played over and over again!
But they didn't play because it was too exciting, such as the big pendulum and the 360 ​​roller coaster.

"Wow~ So cool!"

After stepping down the torrent, Jian Weian couldn't help shouting with her face in her hands.

Of course, I played in the amusement park, but that was when I was young.In the past few years, I have been busy between work and monsters, and I have no time for fun.

Today, I had a great time playing!
Seeing Jian Weian having so much fun, Xie Xiao couldn't help laughing himself.

today they...

Is it a date?

Dating... Thinking of this word, Xie Xiao's little heart was beating wildly, and his face felt a little hot.

Damn, what a shame!
"Sit down for a while." Turning his head suddenly, Xie Xiao saw a claw machine not far away, and his eyes lit up immediately, "Wait for me."

Jian Weian blinked, and said "Oh", "I want orange flavor." She thought Xie Xiao was going to buy a drink.

Xie Xiao, who just got up, looked confused: What orange flavor?
The two are not on the same channel at all.

"Oh, good." Regardless of Xie Xiao, he didn't think too much about it, he didn't care what the orange flavor was, and he would go to the small shop to look for it later, and pack up any orange flavor.

So Jian Weian obediently sat on the chair and waited.

5 minute has passed...

"Why haven't you come back? Is the small shop that far away?" Jian Weian touched his face in doubt, "Could it be that he went to a small shop far away by mistake?"

Well, it's possible... After all, Xie Xiao is so stupid.

10 minute has passed...

"Is he going to Antarctica to buy water?" Jian Weian's mouth twitched, she took out her phone to check the time, and decided that if Xie Xiao didn't come back in 5 minutes, she would...

So 5 minutes later, seeing that there was still no figure of Xie Xiao, Jian Weian took a deep breath, looked for the direction where Xie Xiao had just left with a grim expression.

Just after walking for a while, she heard Xie Xiao's familiar voice.

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