And she couldn't believe it, so she directly questioned Qi Meili after she came in.

But at the same time, that is, in today's situation, seeing that the situation has developed to this point.

After hearing Jian Weian's explanation, she also knew that this matter was not as simple as she thought.

The twists and turns in it, I'm afraid it will be more troublesome, and it will be difficult to solve it in this bunch. On the contrary, her questioning like this now seems a bit unreasonable.

Chi Yangxue, who realized that she was too excited now, quickly came back to her senses, and saw that she tried her best to calm down her emotions.

Then he raised his head and looked at Jian Weian in front of him again: "That is to say, the person who took the entire exorcist union and my brother away is Xu Fufu?"

Of course Chi Yangxue knew Xu Fufu, after all, this person was a member of the guild, and she also had a certain contact and relationship with Chi Yangzhu back then.

So, as Chi Yangzhu's younger sister, how could Chi Yangxue not know her?

It's just that what Chi Yangxue didn't expect was that Xu Fufu, who had some contacts at the beginning, but not too deep, would do such things under the current situation.

Although Chi Yangxue was indeed somewhat dissatisfied with Qi Meili's behavior this time, but after realizing what happened this time, it had nothing to do with Qi Meili.

In addition, Qi Meili is also a victim, and she has a big belly. She came to the Northeast without hesitation to find news about Chi Yangzhu. Even if she is Chi Yangzhu's sister, she is not qualified to treat Qi Yangzhu. Beautiful to carry any accusations.

So even though Chi Yangxue's temper was a bit straight, and the tone of the first-class questioning and the anger she vented just now were a bit inexplicable, but it was still logical.

After all, she is Chi Yangzhu's younger sister, and now seeing her brother disappear, how could she not feel worried?

It's just that after she understood the truth of the matter clearly, realized that what she did was not appropriate, and that she blamed the wrong person, she quickly reacted again.

I saw Chi Yangxue over here, after realizing this, without the slightest hesitation, she directly looked at Qi Meili in front of her again.

"I'm sorry that I was too impulsive just now. It's just that I said the wrong thing because I was out of breath until my brother disappeared."

Although it is true that Chi Yangxue's temper is a little irritable, comes quickly, and it goes quickly, knowing that she has wronged the wrong person, and this approach is not good.

She can also continue to apologize calmly, and won't care too much about what happened this time.

On the other side, Qi Meili, who didn't say much from the beginning to the end, after hearing Chi Yangxue in front of him apologize to him, he didn't have anything to worry about.

After all, this time, she also blamed herself for the news of Chi Yangzhu's disappearance. If she had persisted and hadn't let Chi Yangzhu go back, perhaps Chi Yangzhu would not have disappeared just because she returned to the union up.

Similarly, outside of this situation, he saw Qi Meili here, but he didn't say much about it.

He just kept silent, and after a while, he turned his gaze back again: "I'm not sorry, it's indeed my fault."

Jian Weian looked at Qi Meili and blamed all her sins on herself.

Subconsciously, I want to open my mouth to say something, but under the current situation, it is not easy to say more words, so I simply did not say more.

Chi Yangxue, who was standing there, saw that the current atmosphere was a bit radical, and she came here this time to ask Qi Meili and Chi Yangzhu where they went and how they disappeared.

Now that she has got the answer from Jian Weian, there is no need for her to stay here any longer, and then do more other things.

So it was for such a reason that I soon saw that Chi Yangxue didn't say anything else, just opened his mouth.

"It happens that I have been filming here recently, so I have some contacts in this place, and I will also investigate together. If there is a need, you can call me directly."

After saying this, Chi Yangxue took out a business card of the four of them from his wallet, and then went to the table beside him.

"I came here while I was free in the middle of filming, so now I should say I'm going back to filming. If I have any clues, I will tell you, and if you have any clues, don't forget to tell me."

After saying this, you can see Chi Yangxue on this side. After putting down all the personal business cards in his hand, he just turned around and left.

Obviously I don't plan to talk to them about anything else, and I also made it clear that I plan to go back to filming and do my own work.

And Chi Yangxue, who chose this side, came back right after leaving Xie Xiao.

But Jian Weian, who did not expect Xie Xiao and Dechun to come back so quickly, saw the two of them coming back so quickly, so she also went up to her family and asked, "Did you get any useful news? Or a clue?" ?”

Hearing this, Xie Xiao and Dechun sat down beside them, because Jian Weian took the initiative to ask this time, so it was Xie Xiao who answered out loud.

Xie Xiao shared the information he had just received. It turned out that the head of the exorcist union in the Northeast had just passed away.

However, Jian Weian, who did not expect the current situation to develop to such an extent, could not help but subconsciously frowned.

"If this is the case, then the representative of the exorcist union here met Chi Yangxue, wouldn't the result of that group of people be worse than that of the exorcist union of Chi Yangzhushou's family? ?”

Regarding this point, the few of them present here naturally understand it, but even if they understand it, there is nothing they can do about it. After all, the leader of the exorcism guild cannot just be assigned to one person casually.

If it is not done well, it may cause some confusion, not to mention that they are outsiders, and they are not qualified to manage the guild. Now that there is no leader among the dragons, who do they plan to let become the trusted leader.

So even if Jian Weian said this and was worried, there was nothing they could do.

I saw Dechun over there, after hearing what Jian Weian said, he didn't say anything else, he just said a simple sentence.

"Even if the current situation is indeed like this, we have nothing to do. There are already no leaders here, and there are small groups of their own. Before a new leader is debated, I am afraid that they will also provide us with Not much help."

Originally, the purpose of Xie Xiao and Dechun going to this exorcism guild this time was to find some help, and then to find some helpers.

Help them investigate locally, but now that things have developed to such an extent, no matter what they think, I'm afraid there is no way to really get these people as they originally planned. helped.

Here is also because of such a reason, I quickly saw Xie Xiao here, but didn't say anything else.

It's just that in the shortest time, in the most appropriate way, he intends to give up on this matter.

"In short, the exorcist guild here can't help much. Instead of relying on them to give some clues, it is fortunate that we don't need to ask more questions in the past to avoid internal conflicts that may arise among their group. Letting our side get involved, it has no effect except to make things more troublesome."

Regarding what Xie Xiao said, these few people didn't mean to object, after all, it was just like what they said before, under the current situation.

Now that the situation has developed to this point, the most important thing is naturally not only this, after all, they came this time, just a few of them.

Instead of relying on those who have never dealt with before, they may not be reliable.

At that time, it is better to simply choose to give up now, the possibility that these people will help.

This picture of what Xie Xiao said, after Ben said it, he saw a few people here, and nodded lightly, as if he agreed with what Xie Xiao said.

And after the matter about the exorcist union here came to an end, after a few people's discussions, they felt that Xu Fufu's sudden visit to the northeast might be related to some forces here.

Otherwise, how could Xu Fufu, who had no contacts or contact with the Northeast at the beginning, come to the Northeast all of a sudden?
And after coming to the Northeast, all the clues suddenly disappeared. If there is no force to help her clear up these traces and help her solve the things behind it, how could it be possible to reach such a level?
This is because they all have something in their hearts that can guess this point.

Therefore, for such a reason, they began to think about what kind of monsters, or the forces behind them related to monsters, existed in the northeast area.

While talking, seeing that it was not too early, several people decided to go out for dinner.

As soon as she entered the restaurant, Jian Weian keenly felt that she was being watched.

It is precisely because she is more sensitive to these messy atmospheres than everyone else.

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