Jian Weian's face convulsed again.

You know a thread!

Judging from the expression on his face, he must have misunderstood.

But Jian Weian didn't bother to explain, after all, she couldn't tell the little nurse, "People don't like me, they like my blood", right?
It is estimated that no one will believe it - after all, her blood type is not a special blood type.

Unfortunately, although Jian Weian and Xie Xiao followed the main force, Chi Yangzhu and Chi Luoxue still followed.

It is estimated that they will wait for the two of them to come up to talk.

But in the eyes of other little nurses, the handsome little brother has been stalking and chasing after his favorite Gu Niang!

Mom, it's so exciting!

What women like to do most when they are together is to gossip. A group of nurses and a few doctors are chatting very vigorously at this time, and their faces are red.

Jian Weian said that she was autistic and was too lazy to talk nonsense.

Chi Yangzhu didn't walk towards Jian Weian until the tour guide finished his general explanation and announced free activities.

But when he was about three meters away from Jian Weian, Qi Meili quickly floated to Jian Weian's side, and even hugged Jian Weian's arm and shook it.

"La la~ I'm back~ An'an, I've already filled this Beauty Valley for a while, and I know how to play and follow me later!"

Qi Meili said with a smile, when she first came to Beauty Valley, she flew in first and took a rough look around.

Poor Miss Qi, she still doesn't know that she has been exposed.

"...So it's not a wild monster."

Chi Yangzhu walked in front of Jian Weian and Xie Xiao, but his eyes were on Qi Meili, and he spoke calmly.

Qi Meili, who was smiling happily, suddenly went cold and stiff.

"...An, An'an, did you hear someone talking just now?" After a pause for two seconds, Qi Meili said with a stiff face, "It's an illusion, right hahaha..."

Jian Wei'an glanced at Qi Meili with some pity, and then looked at Chi Yangzhu: "Mr. Chi, I have clearly rejected what you said yesterday, and I won't in the future."

Although blood is nothing, even the hospital has her blood samples - but the person in front of him doesn't know who he is, so of course it is impossible to hand over his blood easily.

It's not like she doesn't know how special her own blood is.

What if this person has some special means and uses her blood to do bad things?
Hmm... Thinking about it this way, I have to carefully preserve the blood samples I got back in the hospital.

"I have no malice." Chi Yangzhu looked at Jian Weian and said very seriously, "Really."

Probably because he also felt the coldness of Jian Weian's attitude, so he wanted to express himself as friendly as possible: "I just want to use it for an experiment."

Jian Weian: ... I don't want to give it to you when you say it like that.

But seeing Chi Yangzhu's stupid and cute appearance, Jian Weian felt that he didn't look like a bad guy - after all, bad guys are not so stupid.

But she still doesn't want to give it—well, at least for now, after all, everyone is not very familiar with it.

The scene was a little stiff for a while, but in the end it was Chi Luoxue who broke the deadlock.

She tugged at the corner of Chi Yangzhu's clothes, gnashing her teeth a bit: "Brother, we are not very familiar yet, can we not mention this for now?"

We've only known each other for a day, don't be so arrogant, okay?
"Okay." Chi Yangzhu was dragged back by his old sister in time, although he didn't mention Jian Weian's matter, but focused on Qi Meili who was hiding behind Jian Weian.

He frowned slightly: "You lied to me, you are not a wild monster, you are a domesticated monster."

If that's the case... Then yesterday, this monster came to eavesdrop!
"Wow! Don't slander me! I never said that I am a wild monster, you think so!"

Being stared at, Qi Meili felt that her whole body was going to explode, she quickly grabbed Jian Weian's arm, and she couldn't be more cowardly.

"..." Where did the usual arrogance with him go?
Xie Xiaolue looked at Qi Meili speechlessly.

"You pretended to be a womanizer on purpose." Chi Yangzhu still stared at Qi Meili, frowning deeper and deeper.

Qi Meili hid behind Jian Weian and boldly retorted: "I don't! I'm a womanizer! I'm very horny, okay?"

Is this the truth, why do you need to pretend to be deliberately?
Is it completely true to the role?
"Well, I can testify to this point." Jian Weian stretched out her hand silently, "She's really pretty."

Even Xie Xiao next to him nodded his head: "This is true."

Qi Meili: "..." Why do you feel so ashamed even though you are testifying for me?

"Okay." Chi Yangzhu finally let Qi Meili go, he turned his head and walked forward, walking towards the depths of the Valley of Beauty.

Both Jian Weian and Xie Xiao looked at Chi Yangzhu in bewilderment, unable to keep up with this person's way of thinking - what does this mean?
At this time, Chi Luoxue felt her role come.

She sighed and explained: "What my brother means is that we should get familiar with each other first, and go to play together. Let's go."

"It's hard for you." Seeing that Chi Yangzhu had left, Qi Meili quickly breathed a sigh of relief, and hearing Chi Luoxue's words, the skin feeling of soul power emerged again, "Brother Duji, this is it."

Reader Ji Chi Luoxue: ...

This title is not very honorable, thank you.

It was probably because Chi Luoxue's attitude was bound to be friendly and friendly, and everyone was indeed out to play, so the group turned into a strange combination of four people and one demon, watching and playing in the Valley of Beauty together.

Although this is the case, Jian Weian always feels a little uneasy in her heart - she always feels that something is about to happen.

It's just that this feeling is too thin. Even though she stretched out her hand to try to grab it, she still couldn't catch it in the palm of her hand.


The royal villa at night always looks very eerie, because the villa has some European styles, and the whole decoration is like a castle, with a pointed roof.

It looks like a castle inhabited by monsters in comics.


"I'm so hungry~"

The seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl rubbed her stomach, stepped on a pair of pink slippers, and walked down from the second floor.

The soles of the shoes rubbed against the stairs, making an unpleasant sound.


The girl had just walked into the hall when she heard the sound of chewing and swallowing coming from a corner of the hall.

"Strange, who is it that eats in the middle of the night?"

The girl touched her face, she felt a little apprehensive, and wanted to turn around and run back to her room immediately, but the nine-year compulsory education and atheism made her suppress this thought.

What are you afraid of, scientific society, what strange things can there be?

So the girl listened carefully to the sound in the hall with curiosity, and finally she followed the sound to a door.

The door is a little worn out, and the wall beside the door is also a little peeling.

"Where is this? Is there such a place at home?" The girl muttered non-stop, as if she was genuinely puzzled, and also seemed to be emboldened for herself.

She didn't think she would be in any danger, after all, the security in the villa area was pretty good.

In fact, she couldn't remember how many rooms there were in the house and what they looked like-she was just trying to embolden her.

"Huh—" the girl took a breath, and she put her hand on the door, her fingertips felt a little cool, but she didn't pay attention.

In the end, she gritted her teeth and pushed the door hard and hard!

Then, the girl was stunned—followed by fear like a tide!


A sharp cry pierced the silent night.


"The seed has started." Miyoko reported to Gong Ou with no expression, "A seed has officially begun to bear fruit."

This is the Sanctuary Nightclub. In fact, Gong Ou doesn't like to meet Miyoko and the others in the office, so the most common place for them to meet is at the Sanctuary Nightclub.

"Well, very good." Gong Ou didn't know better, because he knew that they would not let him down, "How are Tuo Li and Mao Yushan doing?"

"It's almost there. They're all 'ripening', and it's probably going to be soon." Miyoko thought about her words and said, "It's just that the seeds are still on the way. It's best not to be destroyed, otherwise it will be easy to waste all previous efforts."

The meaning of these words is that I don't want Jian Weian to come out and destroy it.

After all, Jian Weian and Xie Xiao were the ones who sabotaged the first two times, which caused the "seeds" that had just been planted to wither.

"I said, I will find a way to stop them." Gong Ou didn't take this matter too seriously, "Just do what you should do."

Miyoko lowered her head a bit: "Yes, Master Gong."

Young Master Gong's orders cannot be disobeyed, this is an agreement between them - this man looks like a dog, but he is a lunatic!
Miyoko doesn't want to argue with the lunatic. Once the lunatic really goes crazy, he will bite people regardless of enemy or friend!

Gong Ou picked up the phone, and after seeing the caller ID, his face changed slightly and became serious.

Then, he answered the phone: "Master."

"I already know about your affairs." The voice on the phone said dully, "It's okay, I believe you can handle it well."

Gong Ou pursed his lips: "Yes, I will not disappoint your high expectations. Then, I would like to ask the Patriarch, about my matter..."

"Just don't worry, the photo has been sent to you." The voice on the phone seemed a little impatient, "But remember, this is for the benefit of the family, don't get too indulged in your personal affairs!"

Being reprimanded like this, Gong Ou's face didn't show any embarrassment, but his throat tightened.

He heard his slightly hoarse voice: "Yes, I see."

"Complete the task as soon as possible." The other end of the phone snorted coldly, and then hung up the phone.

Looking at the hung up phone, Gong Ou pursed his lips, but there was no luster in his eyes.

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