Mommy must have Daddy in her heart!
"If Mummy likes Daddy, tell him!" Little Xingxing moved closer to Hawthorne, tugged on her sleeve, and after she leaned over, he whispered in her ear.

Hawthorne choked on a mouthful of milk, and calmed down after coughing several times. He turned his head and glanced at Lake, who was not following him, and lowered his voice, "My baby, don't talk nonsense!"

Little Xingxing smiled, the milk left a circle around his lips, he was extremely cute, but he still wanted to pretend to be mature, "I am the flesh that fell from Mommy, I am one with Mommy, Mommy is thinking What, I know."

Hawthorne stroked his forehead, "Baby, don't say such things in the future."

"Why? Isn't it the most normal and the most appropriate thing for Mummy to like Daddy?" Little Xingxing tilted his head.

Hawthorne choked on his words, and swallowed that sentence, we are a fake marriage.

"Mommy is a girl, she will be shy!" She said seriously.

Little Xingxing thought for a while, then nodded, "Well, Mommy is a girl, so you should be more reserved. If you like this kind of thing, men should say it first."

Huo Sang gave a dry laugh, Xing Chenyou would never like him, he would never say it.

"By the way, Mommy, Daddy asked me to ask you when I will have a daughter with him." Little Xingxing glanced at his mommy's expression, scooped a large spoonful of peanut butter on the toast, and bit With a sip, he asked without changing his face.


Hawthorne can't drink milk properly, what the hell! ?
"Are you sure he asked you to ask me?" Hawthorne's eyebrows almost flew up, he couldn't believe what Little Xingxing said.

Little Xingxing blinked, took a napkin to wipe the milk from the corner of Hawthorne's mouth, and said in a childish and lovely voice, "Mommy, of course it's true."

It's just that, after a little embellishment, what dad said is, if you want to give birth, you have to ask Mommy.

In other words, as long as Mommy wants it, Daddy has no objection, so it's right to urge Mommy.

Huo Sang frowned, still didn't believe it, but looking at Little Xingxing's serious eyes, she couldn't bear to refuse, so she kicked the ball back to Xing Chenyou, "Mummy is a girl, so it's not good to take the initiative. You go ask your daddy."

Little Xingxing smiled, eyebrows curved, "So, as long as Daddy takes the initiative, Mommy is willing to have a younger sister."

Therefore, whether it is daddy or mommy, it is very important!

It seems that he wants Daddy to take the initiative!

Seeing Little Xingxing's happy appearance, Hawthorne couldn't bear to ruin his good mood, so he had dinner with him, and sent him to school with Lake.

On the way back, Hawthorne explained to Lake Cha and Gu Zheng.

Lake finally understood why the young master didn't let him go to the company today, it turned out that he was asked to help Miss Huo with things.

"Take me to the Queen's Cafe, and I will go directly to the crew later."

Lake nodded and sent Hawthorne to the Queen's Cafe before leaving.

Huo Sang went in and searched, but couldn't find Qiu Yuexin, so she went back to the front desk and asked, "Is Qiu Yuexin here today?"

"Qiu Yuexin? She resigned yesterday."

"Resigned? Did she say where she went?"


Huo Sang couldn't speak, so he came out of the coffee shop in deep thought. Qiu Yuexin couldn't get through on the phone, and she didn't know where Qiu Yuexin lived. This person seems to have evaporated from the world now. , not found.

If she can't be found, the clue to her biological mother, Qiu Xiaochi, will be broken.

At this time, Hawthorne thought of Lin Yuewan again. She was the first person who told her that Qiu Xiaochi had been in the entertainment industry for a short time many years ago. Perhaps, she could know more.

Hawthorne called Lin Yuewan.

Lin Yuewan didn't expect that Huo Sang would call, she picked it up without hesitation, and after hearing what Huo Sang said on the phone, the corners of her lips curled up, "Well, Sang Sang, Qiu Xiaochi was once a flash in the pan in the circle , I also heard some seniors talk about it, but I don’t know the specific situation.”

After Huo Sang hung up the phone, he knew that he had no way to find the trace of Qiu Xiaochi.

She was even more sure that Xing Chenyou must have been a hindrance, she bit her lip, changed her mind, took a taxi, and went to Xing Chenyou's company.

Now everyone in Xing's company recognized Hawthorne's face, so when the front desk saw her rushing in, they didn't even ask, and let her go in the elevator, and no one dared to stop her.

Hawthorne took the elevator directly to the 37th floor.

As soon as the elevator arrived, Hawthorne went straight to Xing Chenyou's office with a burst of anger.

But when they got outside the office, they paused for a moment, then knocked on the door, pushed the door open and went in. The secretary's office not far away saw Hawthorne coming, and all of them raised their heads and looked in her direction.

"Xing Chenyou, are you—"

Huo Sang just opened the door and went in, only to see Xing Chenyou sitting by the sofa, the beautiful secretary in an A-line skirt suit was bending over to talk to him, her chest was bare, and Xing Chenyou was looking up to talk to her.

From her point of view, she could see everything.

Hawthorne choked up all his words when he saw this scene, and his blood surged up.

Xing Chenyou heard the voice and turned his head.

The female secretary also stood up straight in an instant, blushing, "President Xing, I want to go out and sort out what you said."

Xing Chenyou nodded, with no expression on his face.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Hawthorne always felt that when the female secretary passed by him, she seemed to see the smug look on the female secretary's face, as if she was showing off.

Huo Sang felt a little uncomfortable, and when facing Xing Chenyou, his mood was even worse, and his tone was a little aggressive.

"Has Qiu Yuexin been hidden by you? Why don't you let me check my biological mother, Qiu Xiaochi?" She decided that Xing Chenyou was the one who made trouble.

Otherwise, how could Qiu Xiaochi suddenly not be contacted, and suddenly disappeared? Among the people she knew, except for Xing Chenyou, no one had such great ability!
Xing Chenyou's handsome face turned cold, "Have you eaten gunpowder? Are you so angry?"

When Huo Sang thought of the female secretary just now, he felt uncomfortable all over, and he didn't realize how sour his tone was to Xing Chenyou, "Yes, I'm eating gunpowder, unlike Mr. Xing, who is surrounded by beauties and looks at her every day. , and feel better.”

Xing Chenyou's eyes flickered and changed, and suddenly he leaned back on the sofa, looked Hawthorne up and down, and jokingly said with great interest, "Are you jealous?"

Hawthorne was taken aback for a moment, and then his arrogance was instantly extinguished.

"I...why am I jealous, Xing Chenyou, you were interrupted, I asked you about Qiu Yuexin and Qiu Xiaochi, did you hide her?" Hawthorne suppressed his sour self, and only asked I want to ask.

Xing Chenyou nodded casually, with a dignified manner, "Yes."

"Why did you do this?" Hawthorne was heartbroken when she got an affirmative answer, and her brows were almost knotted.

Xing Chenyou stood up and walked towards her. Hawthorne was nervous and backed away unconsciously until it was impossible to retreat. He leaned his back against the wall and looked up at him.

He stretched out his hand and gently lifted Hawthorne's chin. Their breaths were intertwined with each other, and they were so hot.

"I said, don't embarrass me."

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