Mengbao came to the door: Dad is uglier than you

Chapter 618 Only in this way can she be protected

With a look of joy on Lake's face, both Hawthorne and Xing Chenyou looked towards him.

But Lake still smiled and let Little Xingxing speak first.

"Little Xingxing, tell me first."

Of course, Little Xingxing was not impolite, and took the lead in sharing his good news, "Xiao Mitang's daddy and mommy are getting married, and Xiao Mitang was the first to invite me to be a flower girl in the future."

Xing Chenyou raised his eyebrows, his stern face showed surprise, and Huo Sang's face was even more surprised.

She did remember that Fu Yichen was carrying Xiaomitang, obviously a loner. Before Xiaoxingxing said that he had found Xiaomitang's birth mother, she thought that Fu Yichen and that woman would have entanglements for a period of time, and then maybe it would be a positive result in the future. Getting married is just like her and Xing Chenyou, but unexpectedly, they are going to get married now?
Is this pace too fast?
The fast-paced Hawthorne felt that too much time was wasted between herself and Xing Chenyou, and she couldn't help but admire the determination of Fu Yichen and that little honey birth mother.

"This is indeed good news." After hearing this, Lake nodded. Marriage is of course a good thing.

"Uncle Lei, it's time for you to tell me the good news." After finishing speaking, Little Xingxing looked at Lake, waiting for his good news.

It's a good time, of course, the more the better, after he finished talking, of course Uncle Lei has to say it quickly.

"It's the matter of Mo Luo Country, and it's settled." Lake said with a smile.

Huo Sang was stunned for a moment, the matter on the Moluo Kingdom, of course, refers to the division of interests such as the succession rights of the Moluo Kingdom after the death of Mr. Ming.

That small country is inherited by the royal family, and the power of the country is in the hands of the royal family.

Her father took her mother to Moluo country.

At that time, her mother disagreed. Her daughter was injured. As a mother, of course she wanted to stay here with her daughter. It was she and her father who tried to persuade her that her mother followed her father.

With Xing Chenyou on her side, nothing will happen. On the contrary, her father has been separated from her mother for so many years, and now she doesn't want to be separated at all.

Her dad had had enough of being alone after separation.

Calculating the time, it will only take half a day for her father to return to Mo Luo Country. Can so many things be accomplished in this half day?

"What's the matter?" Hawthorne blinked and asked directly.

Lake said with a smile, "Mr. Mo won the succession of Little Xing Xing."

As he spoke, he looked at Little Xingxing.

Huo Sang and Xing Chenyou's expressions changed, and they both frowned, obviously not believing it.

"Little Xingxing is still so young, how could the group of Mo Luoguo's Ming family agree to this matter? It's like watching the benefits fall to a child." Hawthorne had an intuition that it was impossible.

Xing Chenyou frowned and didn't say anything, but he obviously didn't believe it. He thought for a while before he said, "Is it the best choice for each family after thinking about it, and the interests have been divided?"

Lake nodded, "Yes, the interests have been divided."

Xing Chenyou nodded, "This is indeed good news."

Hawthorne didn't understand this kind of thing, he was puzzled by what Lake and Xing Chenyou said, "Little Xingxing is still so small, how could it be..."

"In addition to Ming Yi, there are many people of the same age who are eyeing that position in the Ming family. In this case, everyone wants to get in, and no one admits defeat. So what is the result? Either fight to the death, but the result It may be a disastrous failure, not enough insurance, or it may be to find a middle-of-the-road balance.”

Xing Chenyou patiently explained to Huo Sang, "Father-in-law should have said some conditions, and then put it out to let Xiao Xingxing take the position. After all, he is still so young, and others will think that a child is nothing to be afraid of."

Hawthorne thought about it, this is true, but, "They should also know that my dad will support Little Xingxing and be his brain truster. Although he is still young, but..."

After hearing this, Xing Chenyou showed a mysterious smile on his face, "Father-in-law has been in Moluo Kingdom for so many years, and it's not for nothing. He has connections and influences, so it shouldn't be a problem to fool them."

After hearing this, Hawthorne thought about it. Her father is a diplomat. Although it is not appropriate to say that a diplomat is a diplomat, diplomats have very powerful mouths. Xing Chenyou said that her father fooled those people, but she still believed it. of.

"In this case, little Xingxing should go to Moluo country, he is still so young..."

When Huo Sang thought that Little Xingxing was about to leave her for Moluo Country because she was so young, she became panicked and nervous.

Since the birth of little Xingxing, she has not been separated from him in any way. Now she is still recuperating in bed, but little Xingxing will definitely go to Mo Luo Country. I don’t know how long it will take return.

According to the current situation, it is estimated that it will take a long time, and, "There are still issues such as nationality?"

"Mr. Mo has considered all of these, so it shouldn't be a problem." Lake was still very relieved of Mo Yu's ability.

Hawthorne nodded, "When will Little Xingxing leave?"

Lake glanced at Little Xingxing. Little Xingxing was a little confused at first, but he was not an ordinary child, so he grasped the point immediately.

One, he is going to Moluo country with his grandfather to do important things, and two, he is going to leave Mommy for a while, and he doesn't know when he will come back.

"It's only been two days," Lake said.

Little Xingxing frowned again, "I promised Xiaomitang to be the flower girl for her parents' wedding, this won't affect it, and I will definitely come back when the time comes."

"That's definitely no problem." Lake promised, thinking, this is not a big deal.

Now Huo Sang and Xing Chenyou don't think it's a big deal. It's not like Xiao Xingxing won't come back after going to Moluo country. He will definitely come back to attend the wedding or something.

"I'll call my mother later, and ask some details about this matter." Hawthorne said again.

After all, the first time a child leaves him, he always has to ask about the situation over there.

Mo Luo Country is a small country, and even though her father is protecting her, she is still worried about what will happen to Little Xing Xing in the past.

She has really seen too many conspiracies in history, such as assassinations and so on. Little Xingxing is still so small. If she had a choice, she would rather not have those interests and not let him get involved in it.

But she knew that little Xingxing had to be involved. The people of the Ming family might have long regarded little Xingxing as a thorn in their side, doing something secretly, it would be better to appear in front of them openly.

Over there, at around four o'clock in the afternoon, Bai Shu and Lou Xiaomin appeared outside the Fu family's old house on time.

When she got off the car and saw the magnificent old house in front of her, Lou Xiaomin was stunned.

"The future in-laws don't look easy."

"That's good, I can protect Xiaoyu in the future."

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