Mengbao came to the door: Dad is uglier than you

Chapter 605 This man really looks like a beast!

Bai Yu's face was flushed, looking at Xiao Mitang, looking at herself and then at her eyes, trying to hold back the shyness in her heart.

It was because Xiao Mitang's eyes were too hot, Bai Yu couldn't hold back, and asked, "Xiao Mitang, what's the matter, is there something wrong with Mommy?"

"Mum, you are a woman, and I am also a woman. Why do we look different?"

Little Honey's eyes were full of confusion.

As soon as Bai Yu heard her words, the blush on his face became even hotter. He really didn't know how to answer this question.

Everyone is female, why are they different?
"Because Xiaomitang hasn't grown up yet, when Xiaomitang grows up, she will be like Mommy." Bai Yu tried to calm herself down, like a real mother.

But in fact, when she was a child, her mother didn't take her like this, and Xiao Mitang obviously, although she doesn't talk too much, compared to some children of the same age, she must be much more mature.

Such a mature child would always think a little more about some things.

Xiao Mitang listened, blinked, then nodded, "Oh."

After that, she didn't think too much, looked at the water in the bathtub over there, pulled Bai Yu over there, "Mommy, let's go."

Bai Yu was still thinking about what Xiaomi Tang said just now, she must have never bathed with anyone before, and there was no woman around to tell her something, Fu Yichen is a man, no matter how close a man is to his daughter, he will not Tell her this.

In the future, Xiao Mitang will grow up, go through puberty, and experience such things as her aunt. If she doesn't have a mother by her side, indeed, many things will be inconvenient.

Not only is it inconvenient, but it may have some impact on the child's heart.

So, is that why Fu Yichen wanted to find a mommy for Xiaomi Tang? Finding someone else is worse than finding her, the original mommy.

Thinking in her heart, Bai Yu has already sat down with Xiao Mitang in the bathtub.

Xiao Mitang skillfully picked up a bottle beside the bathtub, opened it, and poured something into the bathtub. After a while, Xiao Mitang swiped the water vigorously. After a while, the water was full of foam.

"Mommy, bubble bath!"

Xiao Mitang smiled and raised her face to look at Bai Yu, as if offering a treasure.

Bai Yu smiled and leaned on it comfortably.

She has grown up so much, and she has never taken a bubble bath. If you think about it this way, your life in the past 20 years was really rough.

At home, just take a quick shower and you're done. How could it be like this bubble bath? It's not that big of a bathtub, and it's not that relaxing.

But now Bai Yu is in a good mood looking at Xiao Mi Tang, soaking in this bathtub, she also feels very comfortable, her limbs and bones seem to be stretched out.

The thing that Xiaomitang poured in just now must be unusual.

It's just strange, if Fu Yichen is just a captain, how can he live in such a luxurious villa, the things here seem to be very high-tech, and the bathroom is very high-end at first glance.

Xiaomitang was soaking quietly, smiling at Baiyu from time to time, very shy and happy.

Fu Yichen looked at the time below.

Under normal circumstances, Xiaomitang's daily bubble bath time is about half an hour, at most half an hour, and will not exceed this time.

Sure enough, half an hour later, there was movement upstairs.

Bai Yu has already put on her shirt, her underwear, and of course, her veil. Although it is uncomfortable to sleep at night, but now that she is here with Fu Yichen, of course she should be more conservative.

Xiaomitang is wearing pink pajamas, Hello Kitty style, very cute.

Bai Yu blow-dried Xiao Mitang's hair. As for her messy hair, she just blow-dried it casually, and it was enough to blow it half dry. She didn't have that much patience for herself.

"Okay, let's go to sleep." Bai Yu took Xiao Mitang's hand and walked towards Xiao Mitang's bed.

Xiaomitang's person is small, but the bed that Fu Yichen prepared for Xiaomitang is very big. This bed is more than enough to sleep their mother and daughter.

But Xiao Mi Tang blinked, and instead pulled Bai Yu out, "Mommy, let's go."

Bai Yu was a little confused, let's go?Where are you going?

Xiao Mitang didn't speak, Bai Yu thought that Xiao Mitang had something else to say to him, so he didn't stop her, followed her to the door, watched her open the door and walked out, and was pulled over.

As soon as Fu Yichen looked up, he saw Bai Yu upstairs.

The moment he saw Bai Yu, he froze for a moment. It was impossible for him not to recognize his own clothes. What Bai Yu was wearing was obviously his own shirt.

The black shirt covered her body. The shirt was so big that the hem reached her thighs, covering everything that should be covered. However, her skin was whiter with the black lining, and the two long The legs are shining brightly under the black shirt.

Bai Yuren was petite, and Fu Yichen didn't feel that the word sexy had anything to do with her, but now, at this moment, his breath was suffocated, and he suddenly felt Bai Yu's sexiness.

This woman - didn't she prepare pajamas for her, why is she still wearing his shirt?

Fu Yichen narrowed his eyes.

Could it be that she wanted to seduce him on purpose?

For this woman, Fu Yichen obviously still has a lot of wariness.

Bai Yu was a little dazed until Xiao Mitang dragged her to the room where she picked up her clothes just now.

If I remember correctly, this is Fu Yichen's room, what is Xiaomitang dragging her here for?
Xiao Mitang raised her head, just in time, Bai Yu lowered her head, the eyes of mother and daughter met, Xiao Mitang very aptly explained her confusion, "Mommy, let's sleep together tonight."

us, sleep together?

Bai Yu now really wants to know who is included in this us.

If it's just her and Xiao Mitang, it's fine to sleep in Xiao Mitang's room, why come to Fu Yichen's room?
Bai Yu's heart beat faster, "Then let's go back to your room, what are you doing here at your father's place?"

Xiao Mitang blinked, but said in a doubtful and natural tone, "Daddy wants to sleep with Mommy, and I want to sleep with Mommy too."

Actually, what Xiaomi Tang meant was that Daddy and Mommy are husband and wife, of course they have to sleep together, but she also wants to sleep with Mommy, so they sleep together.

However, Bai Yu's ears changed a bit when she heard these words. She subconsciously thought that it was Fu Yichen who told Xiao Mitang that he wanted to sleep with him, and then he used Xiao Mitang as an excuse to pull her in to make peace with her. sleep together.

This man really has a human face and a beast heart!
Looking upright, who knew he was a hooligan!

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