Mengbao came to the door: Dad is uglier than you

Chapter 591 It's up to you today

Little Xingxing returns to Hawthorne and Xing Chenyou.

He excitedly took Hawsang's hand and talked about the incident between Uncle Fu and that aunt just now.

"Mommy, Daddy, I just saw Xiaomitang's mommy with my own eyes!" Little Xingxing's face was full of excitement.

The most surprised person was Xing Chenyou. He knew his friend best. He accepted the child and raised him alone because he didn't know who the hell the child was.

It is said that it was the woman who left the child at the door of his house. It felt as if the woman knew everything about him, but he knew nothing about it.

"Where did you see it? How do you know it's Xiaomitang's mommy?"

"Daddy, I'm not blind. That aunt looks very similar to Xiao Mitang. This is the first. Secondly, Uncle Fu took that aunt and Xiao Mitang to do a paternity test. The result of the paternity test was that Xiaomi Tang is the daughter of this aunt."

Hawthorne was a little surprised, that little girl was so cute, she was thinking, what kind of cruel woman would abandon her?No matter how hard life is, you shouldn't give up on your daughter.

At that time, when she was raising little Xingxing, her life was also difficult, but no matter how difficult it was, she never thought of giving up on him.

"and then?"

Huo Sang and Xing Chenyou looked at each other, curious about what happened next.

Little Xingxing said, "The aunt doesn't seem to know that she gave birth to Xiaomitang, and she still doesn't admit it. Anyway, Uncle Fu should confirm this matter with her again, but I think she must be Xiaomitang's mother. I feel so pitiful for Little Honey."

Now that Xiao Mitang is no longer around, Xiao Xingxing said this, no longer encouraging Xiao Mitang, but said with some pity in her tone, "Xiao Mitang is so cute, this aunt is so cruel, even the facts are out of control." I don’t even recognize Xiaomitang when it’s in front of my eyes.”

After hearing this, Huo Sang thought of the child he had lost, and thought of Little Xingxing. As a woman, she really couldn't hear such words, so she glanced at Xing Chenyou.

Xing Chenyou immediately understood the meaning in her eyes.

"I'll go over to see Ah Chen in a while, and ask him what's going on, and if I can help."


After hearing this, Hawthorne nodded, then frowned again, finally sighed, and said, "This should be a misunderstanding, perhaps, Xiaomitang's biological mother really doesn't remember having a child, she has lost her memory or There are other possibilities."

Xing Chenyou touched her face, "You don't have to worry about this matter, your task now is to take good care of your injuries, and don't worry about other things."

Hawthorne hummed, "I also like Xiaomi Tang. I think she and Xiao Xingxing can play well. I hope this little girl will be fine."

"Mummy, Xiaomitang will be fine, don't worry! I will cover her!"

Little Xingxing patted his chest, with a face like I promise to take care of Xiaomitang.

When Hawthorne saw it, there were smiles in his eyes.

After Xing Chenyou left Huo Sang's office, he went to find Fu Yichen immediately.

Knowing that his friend came to ask about this matter, Fu Yichen stroked his forehead, "I haven't fully confirmed it yet, but according to the paternity test, she is 50.00% Xiaomitang's biological mother."

"50.00%?" Xing Chenyou raised his eyebrows.

"If she has an identical twin sister, then the other 50.00% is her sister, but if she doesn't have a sister, she is 100% the biological mother of Little Honey. Science doesn't lie."

Fu Yichen said calmly and rationally.

Xing Chenyou nodded when he heard it, "How about the investigation result, does the other party have such a sister?"

"I asked my friend to check the household registration. She doesn't have such a sister. If the family didn't lose any children, then she is Xiaomitang's biological mother."

"If it is confirmed that she is Xiao Mitang's biological mother, what are you going to do?" Xing Chenyou asked in a deep voice.

He thought about it, and his situation was different from his own. He really didn't know the existence of Little Xingxing back then, but how could a woman not know if she had given birth or not?
The woman forcefully said what she didn't know, so she could only be sophistrying.

Such a woman who abandoned her child...

Xing Chenyou frowned, he didn't think that would be a good mother, he thought for a while, and said, "What are you going to do? With such a woman, you will let her be Xiaomitang's mother? Achen, what do you think ?”

Fu Yichen snorted coldly, "What do you think, this woman has evaded responsibility for many years, of course she has to take responsibility, and Xiao Mitang has been wronged for so many years, she must be responsible."

Xiao Mitang has her current personality because she doesn't have a mother, which cannot be compensated by how good her father is. Outside, there are always so many people with bad mouths who attack her with this point.

In the kindergarten, he didn't know what to do to make up for the psychological harm caused to Xiao Mitang by the words of those children.

Apart from finding another mother for Xiao Mitang, but where can I find such a woman?
Didn't he never think that such a woman is worth him looking for and doing a paternity test?
However, what Xiaomitang needs is the affirmation from her biological mother, telling her that she did not abandon her on purpose.

That knot, only that woman can undo it.

As Fu Yichen thought about it, the color in his eyes became darker.

Xing Chenyou is a man, seeing the desire to conquer in Fu Yichen's eyes, and hearing what he just said, there is still something he doesn't understand.

In the final analysis, this guy is interested in and conquering that woman.

He thought for a while, then smiled, Ah Chen's vision was not that bad, maybe that woman really wasn't the one who abandoned the child.

Xing Chenyou patted Fu Yichen's shoulder, "I'm really curious about what that woman is like, which made you so interested."

Fu Yichen brushed his hand away, glanced at him, and said nothing. Just at this time, the phone rang, and he picked it up to answer it.

It was Bai Yu who called.

"Mr. Fu, let's meet tomorrow and bring the child with us. The place is at the western restaurant near the hospital."

With the support and attention of her father and mother, Bai Yu made this call.

Fu Yichen frowned, thought for a while, and didn't object.

Although Xiaomitang is small, she doesn't know everything, "Okay."

Bai Yu thought for a while, and finally said, "My parents will also come when the time comes. If there is anything, we will clarify it tomorrow."


Fu Yichen had no objection to this.

The next day, at the appointed time, Bai Yu brought her parents to the parking lot of the restaurant, and told her mother, "Mom, today is up to you, you have to help me make it clear that I don't want to be a mother. "

Baiyu's mother readily agreed.

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