That woman is now facing away from them, and they cannot see her face.

However, that figure is dressed like a woman, which is right.

"My daddy doesn't have any women around." Xiaomi Tang's small person had a sweet voice, but she spoke calmly.

Compared with the timid and shy look in the children's room, it looks a lot different.

Little Xingxing thought for a while, as if before his father had no mommy, there was no woman around him. Thinking of this, he looked at the woman very seriously.

"We hide."

Of course, Xiao Mitang hid with Little Xingxing, but she couldn't help but look in that direction.

"Why doesn't she turn around?" Little Xingxing looked anxious.

He is very similar to Daddy, he looks like a father and son, but Xiao Mitang is not like Uncle Fu at all, why, he thought, Xiao Mitang must look like her mother, if this The woman turned her head, and if they saw her face, they would know if it was Xiaomitang's mommy.

Xiao Mitang was very nervous, she felt her heart beating wildly, and she kept looking in that direction.

Bai Yu always had a feeling that someone was watching her.

This feeling is really strange, so she naturally turned her head and looked in the direction she thought was very strange.

But, she didn't see anything, Bai Yu couldn't help but frowned.

Because Little Xingxing and Xiaomi Tang's eyes were not on Fu Yichen, of course he didn't notice their eyes.

"what happened?"

Seeing the strange appearance of the woman in front of him, Fu Yichen couldn't help raising his eyebrows, his tough face showed no expression.

Bai Yu glanced at him, shook her head, "It's nothing."

But for Little Xingxing and Little Honey, it's not a big deal.

Little Xingxing was stunned, not to mention Xiao Mitang on the other side, after seeing Bai Yu turn her face, Xiao Mitang was dumbfounded, she stared in that direction in a daze, her mind was full of what she saw just now. The face of that aunt.

She was very familiar with that face.

Because she herself looks exactly like her.

Little Xingxing came to his senses and turned to look at Xiao Mitang, "Xiao Mitang... that woman, could it be your Mommy?"

This question is almost certain, Little Xingxing thinks, that person must be Xiaomitang's mother, otherwise, why would Uncle Fu come here with her?

It must be to further confirm the blood relationship.

Xiao Mitang didn't speak, her eyes were fixed on Bai Yu's direction.

"Little honey?" Seeing that she was silent, Little Xingxing called out again.

But Xiao Mi Tang moved suddenly, she suddenly ran out from the corner.

She wore small leather boots on her feet, and she stepped on the big, marble floor of the hospital corridor, making a crisp sound.

Both Bai Yu and Fu Yichen looked in her direction.

When he saw Xiao Mitang, Fu Yichen's face changed drastically, and he subconsciously blocked Bai Yu. Even if he knew that Xiao Mitang was coming, it would be useless for him to block Bai Yu, but he still wanted to block it.

Before this matter was confirmed, he didn't want Xiao Mitang to know, but how could Xiao Mitang know, how could she know?

Although Xiaomi Tang's mind is more sensitive, but it is not so sharp and smart.

As he was thinking this way, he suddenly thought of Xing Chenyou's ghostly son. Fu Yichen immediately looked behind Xiaomitang, and sure enough, he saw Little Xingxing running in this direction.

Xiao Mitang felt a little sorry for Fu Yichen's unattractive expression.

"Uncle Fu, I'm sorry."

Uncle Fu didn't want Xiao Mitang to know about this, but he still felt in his heart that their children also have the rights of children, and they should know about these things.

Now Fu Yichen doesn't want to hold Little Xingxing responsible or anything, he just brought Xiaomitang here.

"Mi Tang, didn't Daddy let you have fun there, why are you here?" Fu Yichen slightly bent down to hug Xiao Mi Tang.

However, Xiao Mitang avoided him, and then ran to the side, looking up at Bai Yu.

Although I had secretly seen Xiaomitang just now, and knew that this child looked very similar to me, but now that she was in front of her, and when she raised her head to face her with that soft and cute face, Bai Yu still felt a little nervous. I was so overwhelmed that I didn't even know where to put my hands and feet.


Bai Yu raised his hand and greeted Xiao Mitang.

This meeting was so sudden and weird that she really didn't know what to do other than say hello first.

Xiao Mitang stared at Bai Yu's face, in her always timid eyes, besides being a little bit shy now, there was more courage.

Fu Yichen knew his daughter—or in other words, he thought he knew his daughter.

Xiao Mitang shouldn't be like this, she should be hiding behind him in fear, but now she is standing in front of her, standing in front of Bai Yu, looking at her seriously.

The air seemed to condense at this moment.

Fu Yichen gave Bai Yu a look, as if threatening her not to talk nonsense.

Bai Yu received his gaze and understood what he meant, but, she was thinking, what is not talking nonsense?

Because, the little girl who looked like herself asked a question she didn't know the answer to.

"Auntie, are you my mommy?"

She really wanted to say no to this question, she definitely wasn't, and the result would come out soon.

However, facing such a face and the anticipation in his eyes, Bai Yu was really embarrassed and at a loss.

Looking at this scene, Fu Yichen suddenly had no intention of intervening, so he stood aside, waiting to see how Baiyu would answer Xiaomitang.

He could feel a trace of familiar aura from Baiyu, that aura was like the involvement that Xiaomitang brought to him, he couldn't describe it, but he was very sure that Baiyu It's Xiaomitang's biological mother.

"Auntie... I don't know either."

Bai Yu couldn't bear to lie to such a cute little girl, but she also couldn't bear to tell her that she was not her mommy, so she told the truth, "Auntie doesn't know if it's your mommy, but, your daddy Seeing that my aunt looks so much like you, I brought my aunt for a paternity test."

Xiao Mitang understands the meaning of paternity test, what Xiao Xingxing told her just now.

She blinked again, and looked at Fu Yichen, "Daddy, how long will it take to know the result?"

Xiao Mitang looked nervous, shy but not timid.

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