Mengbao came to the door: Dad is uglier than you

Chapter 576 Daddy, Did I Say It Already?

This is a forbidden place that he can't get close to.

Seeing that Xing Chenyou was left alone in the end, he pursed his bloodless lips, lowered his gaze, turned around and left here with difficulty.

He knew that Hawthorne must be out of danger now, and the operation must have been very successful, so it would be useless for him to look further here.

No, it didn't work in the first place.

Huo Linchen walked down the corridor little by little, and when he reached the last step, he walked out of the hospital.

It's night now, and it's pitch black outside. When he raised his head, it seemed that there were no stars in the sky, and the whole place was very dark, just like his current mood.

After Huo Linchen left, the bodyguard immediately stepped forward and told Xing Chenyou, Xing Chenyou's expression didn't change at all, he just nodded lightly.

"Ayou, your body can't bear such a long time, go to rest first, Hawthorne should wake up, tomorrow will wake up, you should sleep well first, don't let her wake up, you will fall down.

"Nan Shaochen changed his clothes, washed his hands and came over to persuade Xing Chenyou.

He is his doctor, who knows his physical condition best. He knows that it is impossible for him to suffer like this for several days and barely sleep.

"I know.

"Xing Chenyou pinched the bridge of his nose, took a last look at Huo Sang, and ordered the bodyguards to stand guard outside, as soon as Huo Sang woke up, they would call him as soon as possible.

Nan Shaochen was relieved to see that Xing Chenyou no longer insisted on guarding outside, but after he was relieved, he became worried.

He knew him, if he hadn't really reached the point where he had to rest and his body couldn't bear it, it was impossible for him to rest.

Xing Chenyou pressed his temples, returned to the single ward prepared for Hawthorne, and went directly to bed to rest.

His own body, he knew that it was indeed time for him to take a good rest.

This day is both stressful and joyful for everyone.

Finally ushered in the second day, when Xing Chenyou woke up, he exhaled a sigh of relief. After a night of rest, he felt a little more comfortable, and the uncomfortable feeling that always seemed to be pressed in his heart dissipated. few.

"Daddy!" Seeing that Xing Chenyou woke up, Little Xingxing immediately ran over holding the thermos.

"Is your mommy awake?" Xing Chenyou pinched the bridge of his nose, sat up and asked Little Xingxing.

Little Xingxing shook his head, "Mommy hasn't woken up yet, but Uncle Nan said that Mommy's postoperative indicators are all very good, and she will definitely wake up today. This is the soup made by grandma. Daddy, you Drink a little, you haven't eaten anything these days, and you're not handsome, Mommy will be happy if she wakes up and sees that Daddy isn't as handsome as before!" He handed over the soup in his hand.

Xing Chenyou took it, put it on the bedside table, got up and went to the bathroom to wash up, and when he came back, he poured himself a bowl of soup.

It can be seen that Qiu Xiaochi was very careful when making the soup. He ate two bowls.

Little Xingxing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Daddy eating, otherwise he would really worry that Daddy would collapse before Mommy woke up.

"Boss!" At this time, there was a knock on the door, Xiao Xingxing and Xing Chenyou both turned their heads and looked outside. Outside the door was Xing Chenyou's bodyguard guarding outside the intensive care unit.

"Young Master, Eldest Young Master, Madam has woken up.

"The bodyguard said excitedly.

Xing Chenyou immediately put down the things in his hands, got up and walked towards the door.

His steps seemed a little stumbling and unsteady.

Little Xingxing also hurriedly followed behind.

The father and son soon arrived at the intensive care unit. In the intensive care unit, they saw that Hawthorne had opened his eyes. However, he was still wearing a breathing mask and his face was still pale, but at least he was conscious.

After Xing Chenyou changed his clothes, he took Little Xingxing's hand and went in.

"Mommy!" Little Xingxing saw Hawthorne lying on the bed with a pale face, but woke up. He was both happy and sad. The sad thing was that Mommy had to suffer such a thing.

Hawthorne's head was dizzy, and his body was tired and uncomfortable as if he had been crushed by some heavy object.

She spent a lot of effort to keep her mind clear, and when she finally woke up, she saw Xing Chenyou and Xiao Xingxing, one big and one small.

Huo Sang felt as if she hadn't seen Xing Chenyou and Xiao Xingxing for a long time. It was really a long time. She wanted to talk, but when she opened her mouth, she found the breathing mask next to her mouth. She stretched out her hand to take it off with some discomfort. mask.

"Mommy, do you want to talk? Daddy, can Mommy talk?" Little Xingxing discovered Huo Sang's intentions, and immediately turned to ask Xing Chenyou, but Xing Chenyou looked at Huo Sang, and at this moment he was relieved , "Let Nan Shaochen come over.

"Sangsang, wait for a while, and wait until Nan Shaochen confirms that you can take off the oxygen mask before taking off your words."

"Xing Chenyou bent down slightly, and said very gently to Huo Sang.

Hawthorne nodded. She knew that her body had to listen to the doctor's words. She even remembered that she was stabbed by An Qingsi's umbrella at her wedding. She still remembered that at her wedding, someone died .

Nan Shaochen had already been notified, and now he was rushing towards Hawthorne's ward.

So, Hawthorne didn't have to wait long, and Nan Shaochen came over.

After he came over, he greeted Hawthorne with a smile, and then began to do a simple check on Hawthorne.

After finishing, he said, "You can take off the breathing mask, but if you feel uncomfortable, you can put it on again immediately.

"As soon as these words came out, Xing Chenyou and Xiao Xingxing were very happy.

Hawthorne opened his mouth, but found that his throat was hoarse and he couldn't speak many words.

"Little Xingxing..." After a little effort, Hawthorne called out to Little Xingxing.

Little Xingxing's eyes turned red as soon as these three words came out, but he held back his tears, and then he realized that it had been a long time since Mommy had been calling his familiar name in the past few years.

"Mum, it's okay, you will be fine, with Uncle Nan here, you will be fine, you will be fine.

"Huo Sang nodded, and then looked at Xing Chenyou.

She saw that even the clean and handsome face that was cleaned up by the bodyguards when she was in a coma before was now unshaven and her eyes were a little red.

She felt that Xing Chenyou's appearance was a little strange, so she laughed, looked at him and said, "Ugly.

"Xing Chenyou was stunned, he didn't expect that the first words after Hawthorne woke up, no, the first word was to say that he was ugly.

He touched his face.

Little Xingxing looked back at Xing Chenyou like I knew it a long time ago, "Daddy, I've already told you, Mommy will definitely find you ugly when she wakes up!"

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