Hawthorne's face was paler than usual, with a kind of bluish white, looking very fragile.

She was wearing a hospital gown, her hair was covered by a surgical cap, and she was wearing a breathing mask on her face. She looked like she was about to leave at any time.

Xing Chenyou followed the push bed, and the others reacted and followed.

The operation was very close to the intensive care unit. After coming out of the operating room, she was immediately in the intensive care unit, and she was not seen for a few seconds at all.

Xing Chenyou watched Huo Sang being pushed in, those few seconds were like their last time, which made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Ayou, don't worry, the operation was very successful, and he should be released from the intensive care unit soon.

"Nan Shaochen comforted Xing Chenyou.

But Xing Chenyou was not so optimistic in his heart.

"How about her injury, did she hurt her internal organs?" Xing Chenyou only asked, the place where the umbrella was inserted was likely to hurt her internal organs.

If the internal organs were not injured, it would indeed not be too life-threatening, but if the internal organs were injured... Even if he is not a doctor, he knows how dangerous it is.

What's more, Sangsang only has one kidney, and he doesn't know if it will have any effect on her recovery.

"I hurt my gut.

"Nan Shaochen nodded, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "It hurts the kidney..." It seemed difficult for him to continue, "At present, I have controlled it. As long as she gets through it, nothing will happen." Dangerous, but she only has one kidney..." But I was afraid that she would not be able to make it through, because she only had one kidney.

Mo Yu, who had been listening silently at the side without interrupting, frowned when he heard this, "What does this mean? Why does my daughter only have one kidney?!" sad.

Nan Shaochen glanced at Mo Yu, and knew that this young-looking middle-aged man was Hawthorne's father, as Lake had said.

"Hawthorne was operated on a few years ago and had her kidney removed.

"Nan Shaochen thought for a while, thought of Mo Yu's identity, and felt that it was necessary to tell who the person who took her kidney was, "The person who took her kidney was the granddaughter of Mr. Ming, Mingyi, Mingyi, Ming The daughter of the old man's son.

"Calling Ming Yiren Huo Sang's sister now, no matter if it is a relative, a cousin or a cousin, is probably not qualified. I am afraid that Mo Yu and Xing Chenyou are eager to strangle Ming Yiren now.

Mo Yu was so angry that he went crazy, his face instantly turned black as if he came from the darkness of hell, his whole body was about to explode, and the surrounding air seemed to condense.

As a diplomat of the Moluo country, he has of course met the Mingyi people, and he even has a good impression of the Mingyi people.

Now, he finally understands what happened to his inexplicable affection for Ming Yiren. It turns out that Ming Yiren has a kidney of his daughter Mo Yu in his body!Mo Yuqi's heart was about to stop in pain, he took a deep breath, and then said, "If her kidney has a problem, can Ma Shan perform a transplant operation?" Nan Shaochen nodded confidently, "As long as it's me If it's the chief surgeon, then there won't be any big problem.

Mo Yu immediately said, "Make a match for me and Sangsang."

Qiu Xiaochi, who was crying on the side, also said immediately, "Make a match for me too, we are her biological parents, and our match rate with her must be high!" "Nan Shaochen glanced at Xing Chenyou, and said before he could speak, "You don't need it, I did it for you before, and it doesn't match.

"Mo Yu also glanced at Xing Chenyou. After hearing Nan Shaochen's words, it is undeniable that his impression of Xing Chenyou was a little better.

Nan Shaochen took a look at Mo Yu, and felt that it would be the best if Mo Yu and Huo Sang's kidneys matched. Obviously, Mo Yu's physical condition is better, and he maintains his body like this at such an age , It's really not easy.

Xing Chenyou's eyes were filled with ink.

"Go and find the Mingyi people.

"Xing Chenyou ordered Lake in a cold voice.

Lake nodded. For so many years, he had been by Xing Chenyou's side. He understood what the young master meant when he said such a word.

It may be too late to find Ming Yiren now, dig out her kidney and return it to Madam, but her kidney must definitely be returned to Madam, and it must not be kept in her body anymore!Mo Yu and Qiu Xiaochi followed Nan Shaochen to do matching work, while Xing Chenyou, Xiao Xingxing, Fu Yichen and Xiao Mitang were still at the entrance of the intensive care unit.

Fu Yichen patted Xing Chenyou on the shoulder, "She will be fine.

"Xing Chenyou didn't speak, Fu Yichen looked at his daughter, and said softly, "Let's leave your Uncle Xing alone for a while, okay?" "Xiao Mitang glanced at Little Xingxing, thought for a while, and then nodded.

Fu Yichen heaved a sigh of relief, he was really worried that Xiao Mitang would stay here with Little Xingxing, so he would be jealous.

Fortunately, Xiaomitang nodded.

Fu Yichen picked up Xiaomitang, hugged it in his arms, and left here.

Little Xingxing raised his face and looked in the direction of Xiao Mitang and Uncle Fu, just in time to see Xiao Mitang lying on Uncle Fu's shoulders, Xiao Mitang's big eyes were all quiet, just so quiet He looked at himself obediently and softly.

At this moment, Xiao Xingxing seemed to feel that Xiao Mitang was silently comforting himself, and he immediately remembered this scene.

Little Xingxing waited until the figures of Xiao Mitang and Uncle Fu disappeared from his eyes, and then he looked away. He reached out and grabbed his father's hand.

"Daddy, Mommy will be fine.

"Little Xingxing's voice was firm.

And his crisp and lovely voice also pulled Xing Chenyou back who had fallen into the dark abyss at once. He squatted down, hugged little Xingxing, and rubbed him into his arms.

"Yes, your mommy will be fine.

"The news of Xing Chenyou's wedding scene was well sealed, but some news still leaked out.

It was the news from the funeral home. The sudden death of Huo Silian, Jiang Yuhua and An Qingsi hit the headlines. Among them, An Qingsi used to be a ballet queen with many fans. Her death made a group of people feel distressed Her fans were heartbroken.

Immediately afterwards, someone broke out about An Qingsi's death, which aroused heated discussions, and led to the news that An Qingsi died at the wedding of Huo Sang and Xing Chenyou.

When Huo Jiao's contact sent these news, she was terrified, but she thought of the death of her parents and An Qingsi's death, so she did all this secretly.

And Huo Linchen, who spent a lot of effort to get Huo Jiao out of the wedding scene, opened the door of Huo Jiao's room immediately when he saw the news on the Internet.

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