Mengbao came to the door: Dad is uglier than you

Chapter 564 Not Just This One Time

The accident happened at this very moment. The bodyguards guarding An Qingsi were dumbfounded when they saw this scene. Immediately after they realized it, they rushed towards the sharp knife. Even if they were injured, Madam couldn't be hurt! "Be careful!" Mo Yu and Xing Chenyou exclaimed at the same time, and they pulled her to hide behind them.

The accident is not just this time.

No one knew where An Qingsi got so much strength and explosive power, she just rushed towards the little star behind Hawthorne with one foot.

No one paid special attention to these two children who were flower girls behind Hawthorne.

The umbrella An Qingsi had been holding in her hand stabbed at Little Xingxing, and at the front of the umbrella handle was obviously a sharp blade! "Little Xingxing!" Hawthorne turned over and rushed towards Little Xingxing. All the changes happened in this instant!The sharp blade on the An Qingsi umbrella pierced into Hawthorne's body.

The blood instantly dyed Hawthorne's wedding dress red, with a desperate color and breath.

Hawthorne's heart was beating wildly, she threw herself on Xiao Xingxing, then raised her face, looked up and down palely on Xiao Xingxing, checking whether he was injured.

Little Xingxing's face turned pale, Hawthorne rarely saw little Xingxing like this, she was very worried.

"Little Xingxing, how are you? Are you okay? Talk, Mommy is scared.

"Little Xingxing stared at Hawthorne's wedding dress, she blinked, and tears fell, "Mommy! "He yelled, his voice trembling, and at the same time, Xing Chenyou and Mo Yu rushed to hug Huo Sang.

In the end, Mo Yu took a step back and let Xing Chenyou hug Huo Sang.

Hawthorne hadn't reacted yet, she just felt a little uncomfortable, but it was nothing, she was too nervous just now, it's good that little Xingxing is fine now.

"I'm fine..." Hawthorne looked away from Xiao Xingxing, and then looked at Xing Chenyou, but just as she said this, a sharp pain came from her back to her chest, and she froze for a moment, He looked down at his chest.

When he looked at it, he could see the sharp knife piercing her body that was piercing her chest.

"I—" Hawthorne opened his mouth, wanting to speak, but blood came out of his mouth suddenly, and he couldn't stop it.

All these changes happened in a blink of an eye. Everyone only saw the sharp knife in An Qingsi's hand, but they didn't expect that the crutch-like umbrella she was holding had another mystery.

Huo Sang saw Xing Chenyou's anxious eyes looking at her, she didn't want him to be so worried, "I'm fine..." But when she opened her mouth, blood came out uncontrollably, she tried to swallow, but her throat was full of blood. The smell of fresh blood, the smell of fresh blood, almost overwhelmed her, she couldn't swallow it, really couldn't swallow it.

Xing Chenyou hugged Huo Sang and rushed out. When he passed by An Qingsi, he became ruthless and kicked An Qingsi fiercely, kicking her a few meters away.

An Qingsi was wearing a skirt and looked embarrassed when she was kicked away.

I don't know if it was intentional, but the place where Xing Chenyou kicked happened to be her stump, and she immediately died of pain. When she looked down, she saw that her stump was bleeding, and she knew that this time, she might have to go to Cut it up a bit, it might cause inflammation, maybe... No matter what, she doesn't want to live anymore.

There is no meaning for her to live anymore, she came here today to let Hawthorne remember this day forever.

"Huo Sang!" An Qingsi shouted at Xing Chenyou's back, "You see clearly, you see clearly! Today is not a good day for your wedding, today is your hell! Huo Silian and Jiang Yuhua died there On the other hand, they jumped down from the upstairs and died so badly that their brains burst out! And me, look at me!" An Qingsi pulled out the ancient silver hairpin from her hair, and forcefully He stabbed his own eyes and dug out the eyeballs.

She laughed wildly, "Did you see that I am blind, so these eyes are useless if you want to come, do you see that my blood donation is flowing, Hawthorne, I am dead, I won't let you go, I will become a ghost, pester you every day, pester you every day, until I turn you into me!" After An Qingsi said this, she directly held that kind of ancient hairpin It stabbed hard into her own neck, then pulled it away again, and the donated blood spurted out from her neck, instantly dyeing the beach red, and she fell down laughing.

When Huo Sang raised his face from Xing Chenyou's arms and looked back, he saw this scene directly. Her chest tightened and she passed out directly.

Everyone at the scene was frightened by this scene, and no one reacted, even Lake and the bodyguards were shocked.

No one thought that An Qingsi came here with the determination to die.

Huo Jiao, who was hiding behind the crowd, was occasionally dumbfounded. Thinking of An Qingsi's appearance just now, her whole body was cold and frightened.

Mo Yu hugged Xiao Xingxing and Xiao Mitang into his arms, preventing them from seeing the scary scene just now.

When Fu Yichen rushed over, he just saw Xiao Mitang and Xiao Xingxing hiding in Mo Yu's arms, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

If he knew that he would encounter such a thing when he came to Ayou's wedding this time, maybe he would not come because of Xiaomitang.

Xiao Mitang was a little autistic at first, and when he encountered such a thing, he was really worried that his autism would worsen in the future.

But fortunately, there is little star next to Xiao Mitang, and Mo Yu is also protecting her.

"Honey, come, give me a hug from Daddy.

"Fu Yichen squatted down and opened his hands to hug Xiaomitang.

Xiao Mitang poked her head out of Mo Yu's arms, quickly stretched out her hands, and hugged Fu Yichen.

Fu Yichen scooped her up, carried her into his arms, and pressed her on his shoulders, preventing her from seeing the surrounding scene.

Mo Yu also stood up holding Xiao Xingxing.

"Grandpa, where is my mommy? Where is my mommy? I'm going to find my mommy!" Little Xingxing's heart was clenched, and tears were streaming down his eyes, "Grandpa, I want mommy!" , I want Mommy, you take me to see Mommy!" "Okay, grandpa will take you there right now, I'll take you there right now.

"Mo Yu didn't know how to get along with children, so he agreed to everything at once.

Qiu Xiaochi on the other side also rushed over, grabbed Mo Yu's arm, covered his mouth, "A Yu... Sangsang..." "Don't say anything, we'll go find Sangsang right away.

"Mo Yu said calmly, and then took Qiu Xiaochi's trembling hand.

Lake consciously dealt with the next thing, called the police, and evacuated the scene.

Mo Yu took Qiu Xiaochi and Huo Sang directly into the car to chase Huo Sang and Xing Chenyou.

Because Nan Shaochen had an emergency operation today, he would come late. He hadn't come to the hospital at this time, and Xing Chenyou called and asked him to stay in the hospital to prepare for the emergency operation.

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