Mengbao came to the door: Dad is uglier than you

Chapter 560 Then we will depend on you

Mo Yu saw that little Xingxing brought a cute little girl like a soft bun, his cold and handsome face softened, he looked at this pair of children, he really hoped, this is his child! "Little Xingxing is coming to Grandpa, who is the little sister next to you?" Mo Yu squatted down to hug Little Xingxing, but when he saw that Little Xingxing was holding the little girl's hand, he stopped. , and then turned to look at the little girl curiously.

The little girl had a timid expression on her face, and she hid behind Little Xingxing, not daring to speak.

Seeing her timidly avoiding him, Mo Yu couldn't help but wonder if his appearance had declined, or if he had a look that made children afraid.

A little depressed.

Seeing her grandfather's depression, Little Xingxing stepped forward with a smile, and said, "Grandpa, this is Xiaomi Tang, the daughter of Daddy's friend Uncle Fu. Xiao Mitang is very shy. Grandpa, don't scare Xiao Mitang." Honey.

"Mo Yu still had a smile on his face when he heard the first half of Xiao Xingxing's sentence, but when he heard the second half of his sentence, his face darkened instantly. He touched his face, and then looked into Xiao Xingxing's eyes It's all depressed.

"Why, does grandpa look scary?" "Why, grandpa is the youngest and most handsome, but sister Xiaomi likes the cute and lively type like me, and doesn't like grandpa who is so cool!" Little Xingxing said sweetly Said, while looking at his father, and finally at his grandfather.

Mo Yu was thinking, how could someone like Xing Chenyou give birth to such cute cookies as Little Xingxing?It must be because Xiao Xingxing looks like his daughter, and his daughter must have been so cute and cute when she was a child! "Daddy!" Little Xingxing turned his head and ran towards Xing Chenyou after seeing his grandfather's face for the last time.

When Mo Yu saw that little Xingxing was running towards his father in a blink of an eye, he felt a little depressed again, then stood up, and Xiao Mitang still followed behind little Xingxing.

"Why didn't you accompany your mommy at your mommy's place? Your mommy is going to have a wedding soon, she must be very nervous, go to your mommy's place to stay with her.

"But as soon as little Xingxing passed, Xing Chenyou said to little Xingxing, telling him to go and accompany Huo Sang immediately.

Little Xingxing blinked, and looked at Xing Chenyou with a very curious look, "Daddy, tell me honestly, is something wrong?" He is not so easy to fool, he is very smart!Xing Chenyou didn't deliberately hide it from him, he just said, "Yeah, something happened, so don't let your mommy know, you have to guard your mommy, don't let bad things affect your mommy Mood, of course, Daddy doesn't want to tell you about this, because he doesn't want your good mood today to be ruined.

"But he won't tell Little Xingxing about it either.

Two people jumped off the building and died at his daddy and mommy's wedding. This is a terrible thing for any child, no matter how smart and precocious Little Xingxing is.

Little Xingxing blinked, and asked again, "Is it related to the Huo family? When I was playing in the sandpit with Xiaomitang, I saw the Huo family.

"Xing Chenyou raised his eyebrows, but he really didn't expect that Little Xingxing would see it, so he nodded, "Yes.

"Mo Yu glanced at Xing Chenyou, he didn't expect that Xing Chenyou would tell Little Xingxing such things that were obviously too mature.

But he glanced at Little Xingxing again, and what surprised him even more was Little Xingxing's ability to accept and calm down in the face of such a mature matter.

He couldn't help sighing again, thinking that his daughter must have been such a cute little girl when she was a child, and he regretted not growing up with his daughter even more, and he was even more dissatisfied with that person surnamed Huo.

"Daddy, I understand. I will definitely stay with Mommy, and I will not let Mommy know about those unhappy things. I will definitely let Mommy marry Daddy happily!" Little Xingxing thought for a while , without further questioning, and then, said very seriously.

Xing Chenyou patted Little Xingxing's head, "Then we all depend on you, son.

"Little Xingxing blushed when he heard Xing Chenyou's son, then nodded, took Xiaomitang's hand and went out.

After Xiao Xingxing and Xiao Mitang went out, Mo Yu looked at Xing Chenyou, "Since you want to hide little Xingxing from him, then you should hide everything and let him know nothing. Now let him know Know something, what is it, children are curious.

"Xing Chenyou glanced at Mo Yu, as if deliberately provoking, and said, "I have been with Xiao Xingxing for almost a year, I know his character, and he will definitely do what he said, Xiao Xingxing is wise early Indeed, if you don’t tell him anything, he will be curious and pursue it instead. If you tell him clearly that it’s no good for him to know about it, he will stop being curious instead.

"Mo Yu was irritated by Xing Chenyou's statement that I have been with him for almost a year. He stood there sullenly without speaking for a long time.

Xing Chenyou glanced at the time, "It's almost time, the wedding will start soon, everyone take their seats.

"His cold voice carried a kind of sharpness, and his brows and eyes were full of Ling Ran's color.

Xing Chenyou put on his cuff buttons, raised his legs and walked out.

Mo Yu also took a deep breath and got ready.

Some people at the wedding scene saw the scene where someone jumped off the building just now, and their faces were a little ugly, but they were all Xing Chenyou's few friends, so they tried their best to raise a congratulatory smile on their faces.

The beach is covered with a road made of flowers and stars. At the end of the road is the end with the stars and the moon as the background. There, Xing Chenyou is waiting there, and soft music is playing on the beach, raising a happy and gentle feeling. smell.

Hawthorne had already heard the sound of music outside, and knew that her wedding was about to begin. She stood up, and the stylist and costumer arranged her clothes for the last time.

Qiu Xiaochi stood in front of her, carefully looked at her makeup, and said with a smile, "Sangsang, you are so beautiful today.

Hawthorne pursed his lips and smiled, then looked towards the door.

After a while, Mo Yu was going to hold her hand and walk towards Xing Chenyou.

Little Xingxing and Little Honey were also tidied up by the stylist, and they waited behind Hawthorne, holding a flower basket on their wrists.

Although Xiao Mitang was very silent and didn't speak, she understood what Little Xingxing said, as if she was holding this flower basket and waiting quietly.

Mo Yu took a deep breath and pushed open the door of the dressing room.

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