There are not only makeup artists, but also costume artists, stylists, and even a wedding dress hanging on the hanger in the car.

The lights in the car were a bit dim, but this did not prevent Hawthorne from seeing the wedding dress clearly.

This is a floor-length wedding dress without a large hem. It has a natural drape. The wedding dress is embroidered with stars and moons. It is precisely because of the dim light that the faint golden glow refracted from the stars and moons looks abnormal. eye-catching.

But this golden glow is not a little tacky like gold thread embroidery, but very fairy-like, making this one-shoulder wedding dress extremely beautiful.

The sleeves are made of transparent gauze, and some stars are embroidered on it, which is extremely beautiful. The veil is very long, and the veil falls to the ground, shining with stars and moons, it is amazingly beautiful.

Hawthorne liked this wedding dress very much. She always liked simple styles, and the simple design of this wedding dress made her very happy.

"This is..." Although he already had the answer in his heart, Hawthorne pointed to the wedding dress and asked the stylist and others beside him.

"Miss Huo, this is the wedding dress that Mr. Xing gave you, and Mr. Xing hopes that you will wear this wedding dress to marry him.

"Today is a beautiful day, everyone present is in a good mood, the stylist said to Hawthorne with a smile.

When Hawthorne heard this sentence, his eyes suddenly turned red, and an unknown emotion lingered in his chest.

She always thought that the tears in the eyes of those who attended the wedding on TV and novels were fake. Marriage should be a happy thing, a happy thing, and it should be a smile. Why would they cry?Who knew that when she experienced such a thing, she wanted to shed tears before she even got to the wedding scene or put on her wedding dress. Then what should she do when she really gets married? It must be I can't help but cry.

"Did he say anything else?" Hawthorne swallowed back his crying forcefully, and then looked at the stylist.

The stylist thought for a while and said, "Mr. Xing didn't say anything else, so Mr. Xing just said that we can make Miss Huo look beautiful.

After finishing speaking, he laughed, and Hawthorne also laughed.

"Then you must dress me up beautifully!" Hawthorne also said mischievously.

The door of the nanny's car was closed, and the car slowly drove in one direction.

Ten minutes passed quickly, and the interviewing reporters were already waiting. Lu Linkun called Huo Sang several times, but she didn't answer. He couldn't help but frowned, very worried.

Brother Jie glanced at the time, "Akun, why don't you go to the interview first, and I'll go find Sangsang.

But Lu Linkun frowned, "That guy probably took Sangsang away."

""That rascal? "Brother Jie asked this question back, and then realized that this person was referring to Xing Chenyou.

"Then you don't have to wait for Sangsang, Akun, you go to the interview first.

"Jack said.

But Lu Linkun's face showed a lack of interest, and he seemed not to want to accept the interview at all, "This interview was originally focused on CP interaction, but now that Sangsang is not here, what am I going to accept the interview by myself? It's not interesting, so I won't go.

"He said so directly.

Brother Jie's face darkened, "This media interview is still under the official banner, so it's not good to just break the appointment like this.

"Lu Linkun understood what he meant, and frowned, but still refused, "I won't go.

"He stood up, put away the laziness all over his body, and his demeanor suddenly returned to its original dignity.

When Brother Jie saw him, he immediately remembered that when Lu Linkun came out to film, he just wanted to fight against his family's rebellious behavior. For him, filming is not his main business now, and he is not afraid of others blocking him.

After all, his real identity is now the prince of the Lu family.

People in the country don't know about this matter yet, but the industries related to the Lu Group are now known.

Brother Jie sighed. Although he felt it was a pity, no one could persuade him to do what Lu Linkun didn't want to do, so he had no choice but to go to the media to explain it himself.

Unexpectedly, that media is not easy to mess with. Hearing that the interviews that had been scheduled, the male and female protagonists all of a sudden did not come. The report was published on the Internet.

The title, of course, is "The Old City's Heroine Plays Big".

This article quickly detonated on Weibo. The media has a backstage behind it, so what they said was obviously quite fearless. They directly criticized Lu Linkun for playing big names, and even criticized Huo Sang, a newcomer for playing big names, and even exposed fake news , Said that she played big names during filming.

What he said was well-founded and well-founded, so all the melon eaters on the Internet believed his words for a while.

Even more because of his background, many people commented that Hawthorne's acting career had just begun, and now it is doomed to end.

Many people have seen this report, including Anqings who has been paying close attention to Hawthorne.

She was suspicious then.

Although she didn't spend much time with Hawthorne, she also knew that she didn't seem like someone who would release people's pigeons for no reason, and she was indeed releasing people's pigeons now.

Then, the reason could only be because she had a reason to release the pigeons.

Now that Hawthorne is filming, she naturally hopes that the film will be good, and it is impossible for a moth to appear at this time, so her reason for letting go must be more important than filming.

An idea flashed in An Qingsi's mind, and she immediately thought of the wedding.

Yes, a wedding!Could it be that Xing Chenyou wants to hold the wedding today! ?An Qingsi immediately glanced at today's date on the phone, and then calculated the current time. The wedding will be held in the evening, and this time is just right!Her eyes lit up, and she made a phone call right away, her eyes filled with excitement.

An Qingsi was not the only one who paid attention to the wedding of Hawthorne and Xing Chenyou.

The Huo family also watched.

Huo Silian and Jiang Yuhua are in a situation where everyone is beating each other in Shangjing. The Huo family's business can't start at all. Now the Huo family is living on the money Huo Linchen earned from working.

Huo Linchen is very tired every day, apart from work, he has no time to take care of other things.

Therefore, he didn't particularly stare at Huo Silian and Jiang Yuhua, and he didn't have time to stare at Huo Jiao, because Huo Jiao had been quiet for a long time, and his obedient behavior made Huo Linchen finally relieved.

Huo Jiao frowned after reading the big-name news about putting a reporter's pigeon on the premiere of Hawthorne's film online.

She and Hawthorne grew up together, and of course they knew her well. She knew that what Hawthorne had promised would never be broken for no reason.

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