"Uncle Lu, you are a busy person, why do you have time to call me?" Little Xingxing sat down on the bed and said to the phone with a smile.

Hearing Xiao Xingxing's voice, Lu Linkun seemed to have swept away the exhaustion of the day. He sat down on the sofa and said with a smile, "Then are you busy? If you are not busy, why didn't you call me, Uncle Lu?" Xingxing laughed and laughed, "I'm very busy, I'm very busy, Uncle Lu, don't look down on me, I can do a lot of things! I have to help Mommy with some things every day!" Mentioned Huo Sang, Lu Linkun's smile faded, he took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, bit the cigarette, lit it with one hand, took a sip, and asked, "How is your mommy?" "My mommy is fine!" Little Xingxing didn't understand what Uncle Lu was calling to ask, of course his mommy is fine.

Mommy and Daddy's relationship is also good, but Xiao Xingxing thought about it and thought about Uncle Lu's feelings for Mommy before, so he didn't say this.

Lu Linkun took another puff of cigarette before he said, "I read the news. You two, mother and son, are involved in the inheritance dispute of the Moluo Kingdom. Is this true?" Little Xingxing knew about it. However, neither Huo Sang nor Xing Chenyou really regarded him as an ignorant child, so they would tell him these things.

"Of course it's true, that old man Ming is Mommy's father.

"Little Xingxing explained, but he really didn't know. Uncle Lu called and asked what he was doing.

"Is there anything I can do for you, Uncle Lu?" Lu Linkun put down his cigarette and asked with a smile, his tone was a little foolish, "Your Uncle Lu, I'm from the sky and land, and I can do anything. If you, Uncle Lu, come out, these It's not a problem!" Little Xingxing said with a smile after hearing this, "Uncle Lu, have you forgotten, my daddy is Xing Chenyou, and my daddy can do anything without Uncle Lu's help!" "You little boy Son, I will forget about Uncle Lu after having your own father! Who pulled you up with shit and piss back then?!" There was no sadness in Lu Linkun's grinning voice, at least Little Xingxing didn't Hearing it, I found his tone very amusing.

"Uncle Lu, don't get me wrong, I didn't grow up eating shit! Besides, Uncle Lu was so busy back then, how could he have time to pee!" Lu Linkun also laughed, as if remembering I forgot the simple and busy days of living with Hawthorne, mother and son when I was abroad.

As he thought about it, his eyes became darker. If he was given another chance now, he would never let Hawthorne go back to China. My daddy, if that's the case, what's wrong with that guy Xing Chenyou!As Lu Linkun thought about it, he felt a little blocked. He pressed his eyebrows and tried his best to suppress the dark thoughts in the letter.

"Uncle Lu wants to ask your mommy to meet, please tell your mommy for me.

" Lu Linkun straightened his face before opening his mouth.

Little Xingxing snorted twice, "This is your real purpose, Uncle Lu, isn't it?" Lu Linkun could imagine the cute look of Little Xingxing's puffy face now, thinking about it now, he couldn't help pinching his face, he smiled He said, "You found out.

Little Xingxing asked him, "Uncle Lu, it's not a bad thing for you to ask my mommy to meet, and my mommy won't miss you, why don't you just go to mommy and let me tell you the story?" "This really puzzled him.

Lu Linkun said, "I'm thinking about it, but your cheap daddy must have set something on your mommy's phone. He probably blocked me. I can't get into your mommy's phone, so I have to call is you.

"This is the first time that Little Xingxing has heard such a black-bellied daddy's behavior so clearly. His eyes popped out immediately, and he murmured in his heart. Usually, his daddy is quiet, and he doesn't seem to care much about Mommy." Caring, always indifferent, but the result is so narrow-minded! Sure enough, you know people, know faces, but don’t know your heart! Little Xingxing thought so, and then said, "Then my dad won't let you see my mommy, Uncle Lu, I If you meet my mommy and my daddy finds out, I'll be in trouble! "Lu Linkun rubbed his forehead, "Why don't I know, even the bold little Xing Xing will be afraid one day, so you will be punished to death by your father?" Little Xingxing pouted and said, "Then my daddy is my daddy, I'm still young, I have to listen to my daddy, I haven't reached the stage of rebellion yet!" "Hey~~" Lu Linkun sighed. On the one hand, he wanted Little Xingxing to imagine his pitiful appearance, but on the other hand, he didn't know what to say. If Little Xingxing didn't repeat it, how could he find Sang? Sang contacted, it is estimated that he can't even walk into the Xing's mansion.

He suddenly felt very sad.

It stands to reason that they have known each other and spent much more time with each other than that guy Xing Chenyou.

"Uncle Lu, do you still like my mommy?" Little Xingxing hesitated before asking.

He was serious, like a little grown-up.

Lu Linkun was taken aback for a moment, and then said duplicity, "You Uncle Lu, I am so charming and like my beauties so much, why did I hang myself on the tree of your mommy? I need your mommy for business.

"Then Uncle Lu, you have to promise!" "Little Xingxing breathed a sigh of relief.

He really likes daddy and mommy together, Uncle Lu can't poach daddy's corner.

If Uncle Lu wants to poach the wall, then he can only feel sorry for Uncle Lu and prevent him from seeing Mommy.

"I promise, I'm only looking for your mommy because I need to find your mommy.

"Little Xingxing heard Lu Linkun's reassurance, and remembered that Uncle Lu was also a person who kept his promises before, so he nodded and agreed to this matter.

*Today's lunch is destined to be different.

Since Mo Yu was here, he didn't even leave until dinner time, so Hawthorne had no choice but to politely invite him to stay for dinner.

Mo Yu couldn't wait to stay. Before Huo Sang and Xing Chenyou were seated, he sat down with Qiu Xiaochi. Of course he was sitting next to Qiu Xiaochi.

On the other side of Qiu Xiaochi was Little Xingxing.

Hawthorne helped the chef bring the dishes out of the dining room. When he saw Mo Yu sitting upright, the corners of his mouth suddenly curled up. She glanced at her mother with soft eyes, and her mood became more relaxed.

When Xing Chenyou came down and saw Mo Yu sitting at the dining table, his face darkened a little.

After he sat down, Mo Yu's face darkened a bit. The two men disliked each other.

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