She leaned against the window sill and nodded.

"Well, originally, my mother didn't want to see him, but he told me that he had been waiting for many years, and he wanted to see her. I think maybe he should be given a chance, and my mother should be given a chance to explain what happened back then. , maybe, everything is a misunderstanding, if it is all a misunderstanding, they have missed it for so many years, I hope they will not miss it for the rest of their lives.

"She said, still playing with Xing Chenyou's hand, his fingers were slender and fair, very beautiful.

It's just that the finger is still empty now, without a ring.

Thinking of the ring, Hawthorne couldn't help but think of the ring stolen by An Qingsi again, she sighed.

"Isn't this a good thing, why are you sighing?" Xing Chenyou raised his eyebrows.

Hawthorne raised his eyes and glanced at him, that look was a little coquettish, "It's not because of the ring that An Qingsi stole, if you had given it to me long ago, how could such a thing happen!" Xing Chenyou stroked his forehead and smiled She smiled, "There will always be rings, don't worry.

"Mummy, who was that man just now?" "Little Xingxing couldn't help tugging at the corner of Hawthorne's clothes, and asked again, he seemed to have guessed the identity of the man, but he was not sure, "Is that my grandfather?"But isn't my grandfather the one named Huo? "Of course Little Xingxing knows that his grandfather's surname is Huo, and his mother's surname is Huo. He even went to check that Huo is not a good person.

It wasn't long before Huo Sang knew about this matter, and she really didn't know how to tell Little Xingxing. She thought about it and looked at Xing Chenyou.

That look seemed to be saying, it was you who found the news, if you explain it to Xiao Xingxing, you should also explain it.

Xing Chenyou hugged the little Xingxing, and the little Xingxing put his arms around Xing Chenyou's neck.

"The person surnamed Huo is not a good person, wouldn't it be good to change him?" In the end, Xing Chenyou only said this in a low voice.

Then, Little Xingxing thought about it so seriously, yes, the person surnamed Huo is not a good person, it is better to change to a grandfather.

Moreover, now that he thought about it carefully, the man just now was full of vigor and good-looking, and he and grandma were a perfect match!Thinking of this, Little Xingxing laughed, and both eyes lit up, "Will grandma like the new grandpa?" A child's heart is still pure, Hawthorne thought, even if Little Xingxing is so smart, She doesn't know how to think about complicated things, so she touched Little Xingxing's head and said with a smile, "I don't know, it depends on whether your new grandpa can impress your grandma.

"Little Xingxing tilted his head and said with a smile, "Then I hope my new grandpa can impress grandma. I hope grandma can be as happy as mommy!" After hearing this, Huo Sang glanced at Xing Chenyou, "You really look good on your father!" "Little Xingxing took it for granted, "My daddy is my daddy, so of course I want to make my daddy look good."

"Huo Sang couldn't help laughing, Xing Chenyou hugged Huo Sang.

Upstairs, the atmosphere in Qiu Xiaochi's room was not as peaceful as it was here.

The moment Qiu Xiaochi saw Mo Yu, his face was frozen, and he remained frozen until now, as if he hadn't reacted yet.

Mo Yu looked at Qiu Xiaochi's face, his gaze was from her eyebrows to her lips, not letting go of every inch of her face. His gaze was as if he had been in the desert for a long time and finally met Qingquan same gaze.

That gaze swept Qiu Xiaochi's heart with a predatory intent.

Qiu Xiaochi's breathing was almost stagnant. She never thought that her daughter would actually let Mo Yu in. Now she couldn't help but wonder if her daughter knew that Mo Yu was her biological father.

Maybe he didn't know it at first, but with Xing Chenyou here, Mo Yu came to the door in person again. It seems that even if he didn't know, he knew it.

Qiu Xiaochi sighed, turned around, and stopped looking at Mo Yu.


"Mo Yu's voice was deep and magnetic, and the sound of Xiaochi seemed to have been so long since a century, so long that his voice became dry and hoarse, and all the air seemed to condense at this moment.

Qiu Xiaochi lowered her head, and when she heard someone calling her Xiaochi again, her mind was in a trance for a moment, then she lowered her head without making a sound.

However, she couldn't help clenching her hands on her knees.

The two of them haven't seen each other for more than 20 years.

As soon as we meet at this moment, something seems to be about to move, and I can't wait to break out of the ground.

However, she didn't want this.

Mo Yu waited for a while, seeing that Qiu Xiaochi didn't answer him, he couldn't help but stepped forward and stood in front of her.

He has always been strong. He was already very strong when he was in his 20s. Now that he has been in a high position for more than 20 years, his aura has become more cold and majestic. When he stood in front of Qiu Xiaochi, he was in a daze. She saw the scene many years ago.

When they met for the first time, it was winter, and she was still a young actor who had just entered the film industry. That day, she was just about to leave from the set when someone called her.

When she turned her head, she saw Mo Yu standing beside that person, looking at her from a distance under the streetlight.

Qiu Xiaochi himself didn't even think that that scene was buried deep in his heart and he never forgot it.

She still remembered that Mo Yu was wearing a black cashmere coat, and his straight legs were wrapped in trousers to make him look even more slender. He had a handsome and ruthless face, and a tall figure. When he stood beside the producer, he looked extremely outstanding.

He was more handsome than any actor she had ever seen.

Qiu Xiaochi was thinking in his heart, who is this man.

Then she saw the man walking towards her, stretched out his hand to her in an extremely powerful manner, and then she heard him say—"Qiu Xiaochi.

"The man called himself, then stretched out his hand, "I'm Mo Yu.

"Mo Yu.

That was their first meeting.

Qiu Xiaochi was puzzled, but nodded, and then she remembered that she looked at the producer next to Mo Yu as if asking for help.

The producer smiled and said something, made an excuse and left.

At that time, there were only the two of them left, the sky was very dark, and the dim lights on the side of the road shone on them, and they became ambiguous.

Then, the second sentence Mo Yu said to her, with a predatory force, "Qiu Xiaochi, be my woman.

At that time, she turned her face, and she remembered that she said, "You are crazy!" "Then, she turned around and left at that time. She knew that she had known her beauty since she was very young. She also knew that when she entered the entertainment circle, many big shots wanted to rule her. She knew it all.

She thought that Mo Yu was just one of them.

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