"It would be great if Daddy recovers, Daddy, you don't know how hard Mommy has been during this time!" Little Xingxing said immediately.

Hawthorne had already sat down on the sofa next to him, poured himself a cup of tea, and listened carefully to the father and son talking.

Xing Chenyou knew that Huo Sang's eyes were on him, "Why is your mother working so hard?" "Mommy has to get up very early every day to go to the company, and when she is in the company, if the secretary and auntie reminded Mommy to have lunch, Mommy would be so tired." I'm too busy to take care of lunch. Also, it's okay for Mummy to be busy when she's in the company. Mummy still has to bring her work home. She stays busy in the study until late every day. Mummy thinks I don't know , Actually, I know all about it!" Little Xingxing looked a little proud.

Hawthorne really didn't know that Little Xingxing would know that he was working late in the study.

"How do you know?" She couldn't help asking.

Little Xingxing pouted, "Of course I saw it secretly.

"Huo Sang thought of how late he stayed in the study, thought of Little Xingxing who came to peek at him in the middle of the night without sleeping, and wanted to reprimand him for not sleeping well, and felt distressed.

"It's not allowed to be like this in the future, you have to sleep well, and you will grow taller if you sleep well.

"Hawthorne touched Little Xingxing's head after a while and said.

Little Xingxing let out a hum, and continued to look at Xing Chenyou, "Daddy, if you are in good health, daddy should deal with the company's affairs, don't you need Mommy?" His eyes blinked and looked at himself, Xing Chenyou suddenly felt sour in his heart, and said in a low voice, "Why, I love your mommy, but not Daddy?" Little Xingxing said confidently, "Daddy, the company's affairs are originally Daddy's. Daddy should be tired no matter how tired he is, but Mommy is a girl, and girls will be haggard when they go to bed late, and Mummy has been haggard a lot recently!" Hearing this, Xing Chenyou was stunned for a moment, and turned to look at Huo Sang , I don't know if it was Xiao Xingxing's words or other reasons, he looked at Hawthorne, and he really felt that she looked a lot more haggard than before.

"By the way, Daddy, did you know that Mommy's movie will be released next Wednesday!" Little Xingxing said cheerfully again.

Originally, when Xing Chenyou saw Huo Sang's haggard appearance, he felt distressed in his heart, but in an instant he heard Little Xingxing say this in an excited and happy tone, and then he remembered what he saw on the Internet. The videos of Huo Sang and Lu Linkun's beauty, those clips, and their private interactions on the set.

At that time, he didn't pay much attention to the scene that Huo Sang was filming. He only got involved in the intimate scene, and he didn't visit the set very much. He never expected that Huo Sang and Lu Linkun would be so close in private.

Forget about the clips during the filming, Xing Chenyou is worried about how intimate they are with each other in private.

As a result, Xing Chenyou's face darkened, and his already stern and distinct eyebrows and eyes looked even colder.

Sitting on Xing Chenyou's lap, little Xingxing was stunned for a moment when he saw Daddy's appearance. He turned his head and glanced blankly at Huo Sang.

Hawthorne also looked at Lake in a daze, and asked Lake with his eyes—what happened to him all of a sudden?Seeing the dazed faces of Hawthorne's mother and son, Lake couldn't help laughing in his heart, but after the funny, he couldn't figure out the current situation.

Although the Young Master has a cold face all the year round and looks like strangers should not enter, he is not a person with a volatile temper, and seeing how the Young Master is doing now, he is not suddenly angry. He remembered the situation in the living room before he came in The atmosphere in the room was dignified and different from usual, so I couldn't help but start to think about what happened today that upset the young master.

Thinking and thinking, Lake naturally thought of the movie that will be released soon. If there is any accident today, it will only be this movie.

But there is nothing to be upset about when a movie is released, so... a flash of inspiration flashed in Lake's mind, and he suddenly thought of the marketing draft posted on Weibo, as well as those videos, trailers, and various shooting periods. interview video.

These videos, of course, were shot around the male and female protagonists. When they were first filmed, they were prepared for marketing purposes in the future. The more there is a sense of CP between the male and female protagonists, the more they have that kind of character in the play. Sparks, the more attractive it is to watch the movie.

Therefore, those videos were originally edited a bit ambiguously.

So... a flash of inspiration flashed in Lake's mind, and he suddenly understood in seconds that the young master was jealous.

Wanting to understand this point, he looked at the young master's dart flag again, and suddenly felt that his guess was very accurate. He instantly felt that he was completely superfluous here now, he was just a big light bulb.

"Young master, I suddenly remembered that there are still some things I haven't done today. The things are left in the company, so I'll go back and deal with them.

"Lake suddenly said anxiously. After finishing speaking, he didn't look at Hawthorne's expression. After seeing the glance from the young master, he turned around and left with confidence.

When he left, he glanced at Little Xingxing.

Little Xingxing was curious about why Uncle Lei was leaving suddenly. Didn’t he still have to talk about work with Mommy? He used to chat with Mommy about work until late every day, and Uncle Lei hadn’t eaten yet.

Lake left just like that, and Hawthorne was a little confused.

Little Xingxing couldn't understand why Uncle Lei suddenly wanted to leave, but he looked at his daddy and then at his mommy, and vaguely felt that he was like a one-kilowatt light bulb.

"Mommy, my stomach hurts, I'm going to the bathroom.

"Little Xingxing jumped off the sofa very neatly, and decided to dodge first like Uncle Lei.

If you don't understand something, you have to look at your intuition, and now your intuition tells him that he should leave as soon as possible.

After Little Xingxing left, those bodyguards around silently hid their figure so that they could not be seen, and even moved silently outside the door.

Hawthorne was still in a daze, confused, suddenly, what happened?She looked at Xing Chenyou, her eyes were wide open. In Xing Chenyou's eyes, she looked a little silly.

"Are you unhappy? Did something happen?" Hawthorne asked directly.

Xing Chenyou pressed the center of his eyebrows, "You suddenly moved the movie to release? Did you send out those drafts?" It turned out that it was for the movie.

Huo Sang thought to himself, but he couldn't figure it out, what's wrong with Xing Chenyou that the movie was released suddenly?She pursed her lips, thinking of her petty thoughts about suddenly bringing the movie up, she was suddenly a little embarrassed to say it.

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