"Hawthorne took over the Xing family? Are you joking?" An Qingsi threw down the spoon in her hand, and the expression on her face was distorted for a moment.

After Xing Chenyou fell into a deep coma, An Qingsi didn't sleep well either, and she tossed and turned all night, so her face was ugly and gloomy, but when she got the news in the morning, she almost threw her breakfast on the bodyguards.

She couldn't help feeling annoyed, if it wasn't for her legs, the person who could replace Hawthorne standing in the Xing family would be her, it must be her.

Although she dances ballet, she grew up in Xing's parents, and no one knows the Xing family better than her.

An Qingsi's teeth were about to be broken, but she couldn't change everything.

She stared at her legs for a long time, took a deep breath, Hawthorne forced herself to have no way out, how could she do this, in this Lanxin Lake, in this Xing's family, there really is no her An Qingsi location!An Qingsi lost all her appetite in an instant. She asked the bodyguards to withdraw all the breakfast, then took out her mobile phone, searched the address book, and found Xing Zhengqing's contact information.

If there is anyone who can change all this now, it can only be Xing Zhengqing. This Xing family was originally the world that Xing Zhengqing laid down in the early days. If it weren't for the foundation he laid for Xing Chenyou, Xing Chenyou would not There will be an opportunity to develop the Xing family into what it is now.

Therefore, if anyone can justifiably take back everything of the Xing family, no one is more suitable than him except Xing Zhengqing.

Xing Zhengqing would never allow his property to be taken over by such an irrelevant woman.

After calling for a long time, no one answered. An Qingsi frowned, and called again. This time, the phone was answered.

The male voice on the other end of the phone was exhausted and depressed.

"Uncle Xing, it's me.

"An Qingsi thought that Xing Zhengqing should have stayed in the police station before, but he had been recuperating at home because of a sudden illness. His mental state was indeed not very good.

Because she knew that the people sent by Xing Chenyou were taking care of him, not so much taking care of him as monitoring him.

During this period of time, Xing Zhengqing felt as if he was besieged at home, unable to go anywhere, he was very suffocated, and his words were very angry.

"Who are you?!" An Qingsi froze for a moment, then softened her voice, "I'm Sisi, An Qingsi, Uncle Xing.

"Xing Zhengqing frowned when he heard An Qingsi's name, but his tone was still very impatient, and his words were also sour, "I am useless as an old man, so I was locked at home by my son, and no one knew to come and see Me, what, what are you looking for? "An Qingsi was a little displeased, but thinking of Xing Zhengqing's identity, her voice was still soft, "Uncle Xing, it's not that I don't want to come to see you, but that I got into a car accident and my leg...was amputated, so I can't come to see you you.

"Xing Zhengqing was very surprised when he heard that, and after the surprise, he hated iron and steel, "Sisi, you can be regarded as I grew up watching, why are you so useless, so now let that woman ride on your head? ?How can you argue with her like this! "An Qingsi felt a hostility in her heart, but she still held back, "Uncle Xing, I called you this time to tell you something. I think you, as the founder of the Xing family, should know of.

Xing Zhengqing frowned, and asked impatiently, "Just say what you have."

"" Now Ah You let Hawthorne take over all the affairs of the Xing family!Uncle Xing, Ah You gave Huo Sang such power..." An Qingsi said half of what she said was kept, and the remaining half was naturally for Xing Zhengqing to imagine.

She knew that according to Xing Zhengqing's understanding, he must have thought that Xing Chenyou had gifted the Xing family to Huo Sang, and he would definitely be furious, and would definitely ask Xing Chenyou to question this matter, and if this happened, he would definitely On the Internet, the major news media will know some news.

Therefore, Lake will definitely prevent Xing Zhengqing from going to Xing Chenyou to question him, and will not even give them a chance to meet, otherwise the Xing family will enter a state of chaos, and various opponents may take advantage of the chaos to make trouble.

But the more Leike prevented Xing Zhengqing from seeing Xing Chenyou, the more Xing Zhengqing would think that Xing Chenyou gave up the Xing family to a woman.

Xing Zhengqing certainly cannot tolerate such a thing, and there must be a group of old guys in the Xing family who will not accept Hawthorne.

She knew that many of the old directors of the Xing family were dissatisfied with Xing Chenyou, thinking that he was too young, but because he was Xing Zhengqing's son and his wrist was strong, they gradually accepted him later.

But Hawthorne is different, Xing Zhengqing gathers those old directors and can eat Hawthorne alive.

At that time, Xing Chenyou didn't wake up, so he couldn't help Huo Sang at all.

She didn't believe that under such circumstances, that damned woman Hawthorne wouldn't run away by herself.

A big cake like Xing's is not something such an ignorant woman can eat! "What?! Is he crazy!?" After Xing Zhengqing was stunned for a moment, he seemed to be furious. He couldn't believe that Xing Chenyou could do such a thing!An Qingsi thought for a while and said, "Perhaps, Ah You is just a little tired recently, so I want Hawthorne to go out and practice..." "I think he is dazzled by beauty! Practice!? She Huo Sang What qualifications does Sang have to practice with the Xing family! I think he is really crazy, I want to see him!" Xing Zhengqing was so angry that he felt that the country he had built so hard would be ruined by Xing Chenyou and Huo Sang .

An Qingsi listened, the corners of her mouth curled up, but her voice was a little hesitant, "Uncle Xing, I heard that Huo Sang's current power is the same as that of Ayou, how can she lead Xing as a person who has not finished college?" Shi, Uncle Xing, I was worried that she would destroy Xing Shi, so I secretly called you..." Xing Zhengqing is not a fool, and he understood An Qingsi's words at once, "I know, I won't Tell others that you told me, Sisi, thank you uncle.

"After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone in a hurry.

Satisfied, An Qingsi also put down her phone.

Although Xing Zhengqing is old, and the older he gets, the more weird he gets, but when he was young, he was very courageous and had certain connections. Before the Xing family was controlled by Xing Chenyou, although he was still not convinced, but it was his son after all, he would not It's too bad, but it's different now.

An Qingsi smiled at the corner of her lips, as if she had already thought of Hawthorne's miserable days ahead.

Hawthorne, who had already arrived at the company and was preparing for the first meeting, did not know this.

The conference room was already full of people, all waiting for her to come over. Everyone was whispering in private, wondering what the sudden change was.

Hawthorne walked into the conference room with a cold expression on his high heels.

At that moment, everyone seemed to see Mr. Xing appearing on her body.

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