Mengbao came to the door: Dad is uglier than you

Chapter 457 Do You Think I'm a Fool?

If it's selfish, Hawthorne really doesn't want to contact Xing Chenyou at this time.

She didn't want to see him, even though she had him in her heart.

So, Hawthorne thought for a while, "Of course I won't contact your daddy anymore. Are you contacting your daddy now because you want your daddy to take us back?" Little Xingxing became very entangled, "Mummy , be more realistic, Daddy must be more reliable than this man outside!" How could Hawthorne not know this truth, she frowned, "This man wants something from us, so he shouldn't be able to do anything..." Little Xingxing sighed, and suddenly said in a somewhat disappointed tone, "Mum, do you think we are very useless? Could it be that we can't do without leaving Daddy? Such things are waiting for Daddy to come, if I A little bigger would have been nice.

Hawthorne felt very ashamed when he said this. Little Xingxing was a child, but she, Hawthorne, was an adult and the child's mother.

She should be responsible for Little Xingxing and get rid of those awkward emotions in her heart.

"Don't say that, it's because Mommy is not strong enough, it's because Mommy can't protect you.

"Huo Sang hugged little Xingxing, closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyes were full of determination, "We want to contact your father, but we can't rely entirely on your father, now we are here , Xing Boyan is outside, if he does something crazy, we can't predict it.

"Mommy, what are you going to do?" "Little Xingxing cheered up, and he heard that what Mommy said meant that she had an idea in her heart.

"I plan to temporarily agree to the deal he said, and then try to get a chance to send you out.

"Little Xingxing and she are both in Xing Boyan's hands at the same time, which is really not conducive to them.

Even if Xing Chenyou came, he would definitely be restrained by Xing Boyan. With them in Xing Boyan's hands, even if Xing Chenyou wanted to do something, he would be restrained.

At least send the little star out.

"Mommy, what about you?" Little Xingxing frowned. He very much disapproved of Mommy sending him out, but he stayed with his dangerous second uncle.

"Mummy will always find a way, don't worry about me.

"Hao Sang thought that Xiao Xingxing was still worried about himself at such a young age, and felt even more that his mother had failed in his duty.

"Mummy..." "Little Xingxing, listen to me, you are Mommy's baby, and Mommy absolutely doesn't want to see you in any danger.

"Little Xingxing wanted to say something, Hawthorne immediately looked down at him, and said seriously.

Little Xingxing bit her lips, "Remember, Mommy, you are my only Mommy, and I absolutely don't want to see Mommy in any danger, Mommy, you must be well.

Hawthorne rubbed Little Xingxing's hair, "I'll be fine."

The mother and son then discussed the next plan, and Hawthorne asked Little Xingxing to wait in the room to contact Xing Chenyou, while he moved the chair away, opened the door and walked out.

Xing Boyan was sitting on the sofa in the living room, as if he hadn't gone anywhere or moved anywhere just now, just waiting for him there.

After Huo Sang came out, Xing Boyan looked at her with intriguing eyes, as if he had expected that she would come out to find him.

"Comfort your son?" Xing Boyan adjusted a more comfortable posture, just looking at Huo Sang.

Huo Sang's expression was indifferent, and he sat down on the single sofa opposite Xing Boyan.

"You said you could help me fight for the custody of Little Xingxing, how do you fight for it?" Hawthorne looked at Xing Boyan calmly and a little suspiciously, as if after deep thought.

Xing Boyan smiled, "When I have most of the shares of the Xing Group, I can't do whatever Xing Chenyou wants to do. I can suppress him, and I can also give you financial support. You have more control over the matter of custody.

Huo Sang also laughed, "But, these things haven't happened yet, how can you guarantee that if I trade with you, you will be able to get most of the shares of the Xing Group?"Are you making a deal with me because you want me to do something, using me and Little Xingxing to exchange shares with Xing Chenyou?If this is the case, it seems that there is no need to make a deal with me. Can't you just make a deal with Xing Chenyou directly? A stern look flashed in Xing Boyan's eyes. Looking at Huo Sang's smile, he could clearly feel her contempt for him and her doubts about his ability.

If Xing Chenyou hadn't been born a few years earlier than him, if he hadn't occupied most or even all of the Xing family's power, he wouldn't have been suppressed into such a miserable situation by him now.

His ability is not necessarily inferior to Xing Chenyou.

"As I said, if I agree to your conditions, I will definitely do it. What I want you to do is to get some documents from Xing Chenyou.

"Xing Boyan said with a cold face.

Hawthorne smiled, "Then what if I promise you but fail to do so? Then you can break the contract at any time, and the little star is still in your hands. What should I do then?" "So what do you want to do?" ?" Xing Boyan frowned, a little impatient.

Huo Sang smiled, "How about this, let's sign an agreement, write all these contents, and then get someone to notarize..." "Huo Sang, do you think I'm a fool?" Xing Boyan sneered, and the notarization After that, others will know, and when the time comes, Xing Chenyou will find his location easily.

He just wants to keep little Xingxing here and let Hawthorne go out to do things for him. If Hawthorne tells about his being here, then she will have to weigh little Xingxing's safety.

If he hadn't happened to see Hawthorne and Xiao Xingxing going to the supermarket in the neighborhood, he would have no way of knowing that Xing Chenyou's wife and children ran away from home and were still hiding here.

Huo Sang knew that Xing Boyan was going to say that, but she was not afraid of people like Sheng Rong, but she was still afraid of Xing Boyan?She pretended to be frightened by Xing Boyan's appearance, and then said, "Just make sure you don't hurt Little Xingxing.

""As long as he is useful, I won't touch a hair of him, otherwise... hum! "Xing Boyan stared at Huo Sang and said coldly.

He didn't think she was a smart woman. If Hawthorne was smart, he should hold on to Xing Chenyou firmly instead of running away from home.

To a man, a woman is just a plaything, as long as the plaything does its job as a plaything, it will be fine.

What's more, Hawthorne's face looked half ruined, if she was smart enough, she wouldn't end up like this now.

Hawthorne nodded, "What two documents do you want..." 'Bang! At this time, there was a loud noise in the room, and Hawthorne stood up from the sofa, turned his head to look towards the room, and immediately raised his legs and ran over.

"Mommy!" Little Xingxing screamed.

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