Mengbao came to the door: Dad is uglier than you

Chapter 439 Little Stars Are Useless

Little Xingxing turned his head and saw Mummy standing not far away, the anger in his eyes didn't have time to dissipate.

Of course, Hawthorne also saw the indignant expression on Little Xingxing's face, and felt a pain in his heart.

How big is her little star, she is useless as a mother, so she wants such a small child to stand out for herself!Little Xingxing was just angry at first, not wronged.

However, when he turned his face to see Hawthorne, he couldn't restrain the grievance in his heart anymore, tears fell down in a flash, he was so sad.

Little Xingxing ran towards Hawsang, still crying, "Mommy! It's little Xingxing who is useless..." After he said this, he couldn't control his tears, and he said more No more exports.

He thought again, it would be great if he grew up a little bit, if he was an adult, then he would be able to protect Mommy better, and he would be able to protect Mommy's medicine! "How can little Xingxing be useless? Little Xingxing is the cutest, and he is also the most capable. Little Xingxing is a baby genius!" Hawthorne quickly opened his mouth to comfort Little Xingxing, and told Xiaoxing all the good things she could think of. Xing Xing listens, she hopes that her baby will be happy and confident.

Little Xingxing sniffed. He knew that Mommy would feel distressed when she saw him cry. He didn't want Mommy to feel distressed, so he tried his best to keep his snot and tears back.

Hawthorne saw that Little Xingxing stopped crying and stabilized his emotions. He was extremely relieved but also had some complicated emotions.

Sometimes, she really hopes that little Xingxing is really just a mediocre child, not such a smart child.

Smart children always mature earlier, are always more aware of the world, and are always more sensitive.

Fortunately, her little star has a cheerful personality.

Hawthorne touched Little Xingxing's head, and then looked at An Qingsi on the opposite side.

An Qingsi was lying on the bed, and some ointment was smeared on her face. The ointment was dark green, so her face now looked a little oozing.

Little Xingxing is still young, but he is not an ignorant child, he will not argue with An Qingsi for no reason.

An Qingsi must have done something to anger little Xingxing.

Hawthorne knew that he was biased and protective of Little Xingxing, but, Little Xingxing was the precious child he gave birth to in ten months of pregnancy, and An Qingsi was nothing.

"Sister-in-law, Little Xingxing misunderstood me.

"An Qingsi waited until Hawthorne's attention was on her before she spoke.

This was the first sentence she spoke.

Hawthorne frowned and said, "Then can I trouble Miss An to explain what happened?" Her voice was quite rusty, and her eyes looking at An Qingsi became even colder.

At this moment, she made no secret of her dislike for An Qingsi.

An Qingsi was also taken aback by Hawthorne's attitude.

She thought that in Hawthorne's heart, she was a friend who could talk—no, to be precise, for Hawthorne who lost his memory, she, An Qingsi, was a friend who could talk.

Could it be that Hawthorne has recovered his memory?An Qingsi's eyes gradually became serious, not as relaxed as before.

"My face suddenly became serious, and I wanted to scratch my face in pain, and the words in my mouth couldn't be controlled at all, so it should be when I couldn't control myself, let Someone went to bring the ointment and used it... Nan Shaochen still has this ointment at Nan Shaochen's place, but I just used it first, sister-in-law, don't worry, there is medicine for your face.

"An Qingsi explained anxiously.

But as soon as she said these words, Little Xingxing's eyes turned red, "You didn't steal it. There are so many reasons to say that you stole my mommy's medicine? Wouldn't it hurt if you hurt my mommy?" ? Why should my mommy wait, why don't you have to wait?" Little Xingxing was in a hurry, and as soon as An Qingsi said this, he lost his temper at An Qingsi.

He felt that what An Qingsi said now was just an excuse, and she was just trying to steal Mommy's medicine.

"I really didn't. At that time... I was in so much pain that I really lost my mind, so I really don't know what I said..." An Qingsi said helplessly, then looked at Hawthorne, There was some apology in her eyes, "Sister-in-law, I'm sorry, I should bear it a little longer, I shouldn't have taken your medicine, I'm sorry..." Hawthorne looked at An Qingsi apologizing to himself, but he didn't know what he should do now What kind of response is good, should I be angry, or should I accept her apology.

All she knew was that An Qingsi put herself in a position, and if she didn't accept her apology, it would seem like she was being petty.

"You've used all the medicine, so is apologizing still useful?" Little Xingxing snorted again angrily, "If an apology is useful, would it be enough for someone to kill someone and say an apology?" His voice was milky Milky, what he said was extremely serious, making it impossible for people to treat him like a real child.

An Qingsi was silent, and then asked softly, "What do you want, little Xingxing? Do you want me to kneel down and apologize?" The second half of her sentence was very pitiful, very sad.

It seemed that if Xiao Xingxing asked her to kneel down and apologize, she would really kneel down and apologize.

Little Xingxing is no match for An Qingsi. Although he is smart, smartness and scheming are two different things.

He turned his head and looked at Hawthorne beside him.

Huo Sang looked at An Qingsi, and An Qingsi also looked pitiful and self-pitying.

"If you always quarrel like this, it won't be good for Miss An's recovery.

" Hawthorne said, and turned his head to look at the bodyguard.

These bodyguards were called by Xing Chenyou to watch her, but they helped her steal the medicine - she was really not sure whether these bodyguards followed An Qingsi's advice, or they just couldn't stand An Qingsi's request to go Do.

The bodyguard also had an ashamed expression on his face.

He knew that he shouldn't help Miss An get the medicine, but at that time, Miss An was in terrible pain and begged him hard. He thought that Dr. Nan still had a lot of ointment in his hand, so he didn't have much After thinking about it, I took the medicine and gave it to Miss An.

Hawthorne looked away, and then looked at An Qingsi again.

An Qingsi looked at Hawthorne's expression, although she had a helpless and guilty expression on her face, she felt a sense of uneasiness in her heart.

Hawthorne said, "I think Lanxin Lake is very big here, and there are many villas..." As soon as she opened her mouth, An Qingsi knew what Hawthorne might say next, and her eyes tightened unconsciously.

Then, An Qingsi also saw Lake who just came back diagonally, and behind him was Xing Chenyou whose face seemed to be paler again.

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