Mengbao came to the door: Dad is uglier than you

Chapter 427 Mr. Xing, Don't Cry

"Sheng Rong often takes you to play these exciting things?"

When Xing Chenyou heard Huo Sang mentioning Sheng Rong, he immediately frowned, his displeasure was obvious.

Of course Hawthorne saw his expression, she smiled immediately, and then said with a smile, "Yes, he often takes me to play."

Xing Chenyou stared at Huo Sang's face and smiled.

His sudden smile dilutes his cold and sharp temperament, and then Hawthorne heard him say, "It seems that you are really not afraid, then I will take you to play with the others in a while .”

Hawthorne said calmly, "It's boring to play other games, why not play this one more times."

She didn't believe that a man like Xing Chenyou would come to play in the playground before, let alone that he would play with such things.

Although she hasn't played it before, how can I say, she has played those roller coasters before. This thing should be no different from roller coasters. What she plays is the heartbeat and the feeling of weightlessness.

Xing Chenyou raised his brows high, then lowered them, and then nodded.

While talking, the two of them had already fastened their seat belts, and the staff came to check them one by one, and then the staff left.

Hawthorne watched the staff retreat outside, and then, her breathing almost stopped as nervously.

To be honest, she overestimated herself a bit.

In fact, she hadn't played roller coasters a few times before, and when she thought about spinning in various ways while still in mid-air, she felt dizzy all over.

This can't be done, she hasn't gone up yet!

Huo Sang took a deep breath, took a deep breath, and took another deep breath, hoping that her mood would be calmer, and that she would never be nervous. She couldn't help but glanced at Xing Chenyou beside her.

From the corner of the eye, he could see that he was calm and composed, with a calm expression on his face, no change from usual, and he didn't seem to be afraid of what was going to happen next.

Xing Chenyou's sense was very keen. When Hawthorne looked over, he immediately reacted and tilted his head slightly.

"what happened?"

Huo Sang said with a cold face, "It's nothing, I just want to see if Mr. Xing is afraid."

When she said this, she paused, as if thinking of something funny, "Mr. Xing, don't cry out in fear, it's best not to cry!"

As long as Huo Sang thinks that Xing Chenyou might cry because the big pendulum is too exciting, just thinking about that scene makes him want to laugh.

Xing Chenyou saw that a smile finally appeared on her face. Although he was laughing at himself, it was not easy, so he didn't try to spoil her good mood.

He didn't say anything, just smiled lightly, and then said ambiguously, "If you are afraid, you can hold my hand."

Huo Sang snorted coldly, "Boss Xing, who are you, who am I, how could I be afraid? Even if I was afraid, why did I arrest you—"

Before she could finish her words, she felt a sense of weightlessness. Immediately, she couldn't say anything, and the last word just choked in her throat.

Hawthorne also hung up in one breath, grabbed the safety device with both hands, and his face became a little dignified.

Xing Chenyou was always a little careless, and he looked at Huo Sang from the corner of his eye. When he saw that Huo Sang's sneering face suddenly changed, and then became serious, he couldn't hide the smile in his heart.

He looked at Hawthorne's hand that was tightly grasping the safety device, the finger bones were a little white, and the smile on his face deepened.

He was so scared that he was dying, but he insisted on pretending that he was not afraid of anything.

Why are you so stubborn, isn't it good to admit it?

Is it bad to admit it?
They were still rising, and Xing Chenyou said again, "If you are afraid, grab my hand."

Hawthorne ignored him.

Even if she was afraid of death, she would not grab his hand!

Moreover, this is just an entertainment facility, that is, it feels a little weightless for a while, and there is nothing to be afraid of. All the safety facilities in the playground are well done, and there is no possibility of anything happening.

Seeing that Huo Sang was ignoring him, Xing Chenyou pursed his lips for a moment, and calmed down without saying anything.

Some timid people around have already started screaming, mixed with the excited laughter of some people.

Huo Sang and Xing Chenyou looked a little special in the crowd.

Neither of them made a sound, and the expressions on their faces seemed to be out of place.

One is plain and the other is dignified.

Little Xingxing is queuing up at the carousel right now.

When adults bring their children to the playground, they always come to play on the carousel, and when they come with male and female friends, they always visit here. Therefore, the carousel is always a very popular item.

From the perspective of the merry-go-round, Little Xingxing can see the big pendulum that has risen in mid-air on a high place not far away.

"Uncle Lei, have you seen that big pendulum?" Little Xingxing was bored and chatted casually with Lake.

Lake looked in the direction that Little Xingxing was looking at, and saw the big pendulum at a glance. Moreover, he saw that the big pendulum began to rotate slowly, and those people's feet were dangling in the air. It's a little scary.

"How could someone play this game so boldly!" Lake sighed with emotion.

Little Xingxing gave him a sideways look, "Uncle Lei looks very scared? What's there to be afraid of! If I'm not tall enough now, I must go to play!"

When he said this, he was a little aggrieved. Adults always talked about bringing children to the playground, but, in his opinion, the playground is for adults to play!Because most of the amusement facilities here are set with height settings!
Their children are really miserable, adults want to come and play, but also name their children!
Lake just laughed, and said, "Our little Xing Xingxing is really courageous, he must have inherited it!"

Little Xingxing became a little interested, "How do you say that?"

Lake said, that way, mysteriously, "Little Xingxing, let me tell you a secret, your dad used to like to come here to play these exciting sports, of course, every time he comes, he will reserve the venue, so no one Know."

Little Xingxing was very emotional when he heard this incident that didn't match his father's cold appearance, "So, Daddy is really boring!"

Lake, "..." Young master, do you know what Mensao really means?

"My mommy is different. My mommy is afraid of such exciting projects. My mommy just follows me on some roller coasters made by children. It's so boring. My mommy is even more afraid. Yelling!"

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