Mengbao came to the door: Dad is uglier than you

Chapter 371 Nobody Will Want Me Anymore

As soon as Nan Shaochen mentioned An Qingsi, something happened to An Qingsi over there, and the timing was just right.

He has always disliked An Qingsi, and always felt that she was always carrying it. He grew up together when he was a child, and he was also a childhood sweetheart, but somehow he just didn't like her.

Now I can't even walk.

Xing Chenyou glanced at Nan Shaochen, Nan Shaochen sighed, and could only follow behind depressed.

Anqingsi has been taken out of the guest room by the bodyguards, and is now placed in a room that has not been spread by the fire.

When Nan Shaochen went in, he saw An Qingsi lying on the bed with a pale face. Her face was really bloodless, and her eyes looked hollow and scared.

It looks like it has been stimulated a lot.

Nan Shaochen moved his eyes down again, and saw An Qingsi's legs at a glance. Now, everything became clear.

He looked at Xing Chenyou beside him, lowered his voice, and said, "An Qingsi's leg is probably broken."

Xing Chenyou raised his eyebrows and looked back at him.

Nan Shaochen also showed some pity in his eyes. Although he didn't like An Qingsi, An Qingsi also grew up with them and was their childhood sweetheart. Now, this childhood sweetheart couldn't keep her leg and had to amputate it Well, this is still a young girl, no matter how you look at it, she is pitiful and a pity.

"There is no way to recover?" Xing Chenyou asked.

Nan Shaochen nodded, "The back of her leg has been injured several times, I have seen it when I bandaged her before, if her leg is well maintained, it can be recovered, but, I can't bear it anymore Another heavy blow, her legs already had a lot of bruises and tended to be necrotic."

Xing Chenyou pursed his lips, raised his legs and walked over to the bedside.

An Qingsi muttered to herself, "Impossible, impossible...Impossible, my leg, my leg...It hurts, it hurts..."

She wanted to cry, but she didn't seem to know how to cry, and the expression on her face was very blank.

Xing Chenyou looked at her, pursed his lips, "Shaochen will operate on you as soon as possible, don't worry, technology is very advanced now."

He's in an extremely bad mood now, and his voice is cold and heartless, but he can still talk to An Qingsi patiently because she is the savior of his biological mother and also the savior of himself just now.

When An Qingsi heard Xing Chenyou's words, she seemed to feel something, her neck was a little stiff and she turned towards him. When she saw Xing Chenyou's handsome face, a deep sense of sadness, loss and grievance suddenly appeared on that dazed and confused face .

"Brother Ah You, my leg hurts so much..." she cried, her face was pale, sitting on the bed she was tender and very petite, which made her look even more pitiful.

Xing Chenyou glanced across her bloody leg.

Nan Shaochen had already stepped forward to check her wounds, and after only a few glances, he said, "Arrange a car immediately and take her to the hospital. Her leg must be amputated. If it's too late, where is the amputation?" It's going to go up."

His words at the moment seemed a bit cruel, but, as a doctor, Nan Shaochen always hoped that the danger to patients would be minimized.

He always hopes that patients can protect their own interests to the greatest extent, just like now, since the amputation must be done, the fewer amputation locations the better.

However, his words greatly stimulated An Qingsi.

She never thought that her leg would be amputated, she never thought that a car accident she arranged would cause her to be disabled, and she never thought that the explosion tonight would cause the lights above to fall. Come down and hit your own leg!
If she had known earlier, none of this would have happened, and she would have fundamentally prevented all of this from happening!
After An Qingsi heard Nan Shaochen's cold words, her face turned even paler.

"I don't amputate, I don't amputate, I'm a dancer! I can't amputate!" An Qingsi yelled, and then yelled again. Later, the yelling became louder and louder, and the look on her face The expression was even a little ferocious, which prevented everyone from approaching.

"I'm a ballet dancer, how can I be amputated! Even if my leg is injured and I can't dance to my heart's content in the future, I can still do some dance moves, but how can I amputate, amputation, that means everything is over , My life is over! No, no, no!"

The tears in An Qingsi's eyes fell one by one, she was really desperate and frightened!

Therefore, these words are also from the heart!

Xing Chenyou looked at her and frowned, "If you want high-level amputation, you will be exhausted."

An Qingsi's face turned even paler when she heard the words "high-level amputation". She looked at Xing Chenyou with wide eyes with a pale face, and was even more deeply moved to pull him.

"Brother Ayou, what should I do if my leg is amputated? No one will want me in the future, no one will want me, brother Ayou..." She cried and called Xing Chenyou as she did when she was a child, Wronged Baba.

Xing Chenyou frowned, seeing An Qingsi's pitiful appearance, he thought of Hawthorne.

"Prosthetics today do exactly the same thing as the real thing."

This sentence completely stimulated An Qingsi, "How can a prosthesis be the same as a real leg! A prosthesis is a prosthesis, and a disabled person is a disabled person! I don't want this, I don't want this! I don't want it, I don't want it! Brother Ayou, no one would If you want me, no one will want me..."

Nan Shaochen looked at the aggrieved An Qingsi who was crying, and to be honest, it was the first time he saw this aloof woman who always held a holy white lotus in her hands showing such aggrieved and weak appearance.

He looked at Xing Chenyou again.

He knew something about Ah You and An Qingsi before, if there was no Huo Sang, Xing Chenyou would not reject marrying and having children with An Qingsi.

"What do you want?" Xing Chenyou's hand was firmly held by An Qingsi, he frowned, glanced at her leg, and asked.

An Qingsi sobbed softly, clenched her hands tightly, "I don't want anything, I just beg you not to drive me away from here in the future, let me live here, only by brother Ayou's side, can I feel safe, in the future , if I become a useless person in the future, I can't do anything..."

She closed her eyes, and when she said the last sentence, a tear of extreme sadness rolled down her eyes.

Nan Shaochen frowned, "An Qingsi, your leg is your own. If you don't want to have an amputation, you can spend it here. No one will force you, but you want to live in Ah You's new house." It's too much to come."

There are some things that Xing Chenyou may not be able to say to An Qingsi, but he doesn't care that much.

What's more, she is Lu Linkun's younger sister, and Huo Sang has a good relationship with Lu Linkun, so of course he helped Huo Sang!

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