Mengbao came to the door: Dad is uglier than you

Chapter 342 Next week 5, I will have surgery

"You don't need to tell me about this kind of thing anymore, just refuse." He looked cold, without any emotion, as cold as frost.

It's been a long time since Lake saw the young master showing such an expression, so he nodded quickly.

The old man of the Ming family is now critically ill, and all those who have the right to inherit the Ming family have returned to him, waiting for him to die before proceeding with the funeral. The name is mentioned on the bright side.

He had to meet Qiu Xiaochi, the daughter who was living abroad before he was willing to die before he was willing to name the final heir.

Therefore, everyone in the Ming family is now looking for Qiu Xiaochi, and the Ming Yi brothers and sisters are the first to bear the brunt.

It would be fine if the Ming family was just a wealthy family in a certain place, but the Ming family is a royal family. Although Mo Luo is just an insignificant small country, it is a wealthy small country. Still eligible.

As long as the old man of the Ming family admits it, then she has the right to inherit.

This is not a bad thing for Qiu Xiaochi, nor is it a bad thing for Hawthorne, but the young master refuses the Ming family's approach without mercy.

Lake was a little confused, but if he couldn't figure it out, he didn't think about it.

Xing Chenyou went to the study to deal with the company's affairs. Because of Hawthorne's reasons, Lake moved the company's documents to Lanxin Lake.

But he was a little absent-minded, and he was also a little preoccupied with the documents that the company needed to deal with urgently.

Xing Chenyou always thought of Huo Sang's face. When he was working, he was rarely so restless.

Opening the drawer, Xing Chenyou took out the cigarette that was placed in the innermost part, holding the cigarette between his slender fingers, he walked to the window and took a deep breath, the smoke he exhaled lingered in front of his eyes, sinking everything into the foggy world.

"Cough cough, cough cough~~~"

After only taking two puffs of cigarettes, Xing Chenyou began to cough violently. At first he only coughed once, but in the end he couldn't suppress it, coughing one after another.

Xing Chenyou's heart beat faster, and his vision was even darker. The familiar symptoms before the onset came again.

After snuffing out the cigarette, Xing Chenyou frowned, covered his lips and coughed again. He opened his hands, and he found dark red blood on his palm.

Xing Chenyou stared at the dark red blood for a long time, then took out a tissue to wipe it off expressionlessly.

Then, he walked to the desk, took out the medicine from the third drawer, and swallowed it expressionlessly, as if the scene just now had never happened.

When Lake received the call, he was on his way to the company's car. If the eldest son is not in the company, he will be in the company. After the vaccine case, although the company has gradually become the same as before, there are still many things that need to be watched.

"next week?"

When Lake heard Xing Chenyou's words on the phone, he couldn't help gasping.

No matter how anxious you are, it shouldn't be next week!

But Xing Chenyou's tone on the phone was very firm and decisive, "Next Friday, everything will be postponed that day."

After hanging up the phone, when Lake was still in a daze and flustered, Xing Chenyou had already called Nan Shaochen.

Nan Shaochen has been in a very bad mood these past few days. There are already a lot of wine bottles piled up at his feet, but he just can't get drunk. At this time, he hates his thousand cups for not getting drunk.

When the phone rang, Nan Shaochen pulled his clothes with an ugly face, groped in the wine bottle, found the phone, glanced at the caller ID, and frowned severely before answering it.

"Hello?" Nan Shaochen's tone was displeased, and his hoarse voice was obviously drunk.

Xing Chenyou raised his eyebrows. He knew a little about Nan Shaochen and Lu Ran, but he just felt that Nan Shaochen was really incompetent for getting drunk like this.

"Next Friday, I'm going to have surgery."

Xing Chenyou's indifferent five words floated into Nan Shaochen's ears and almost made him jump up. The wine bottle in his hand fell to the ground without a firm grip, and the liquid in the bottle spilled all over the floor.

"Are you crazy?" Nan Shaochen couldn't believe it.

Xing Chenyou said expressionlessly, "I know my body, and you know it too. I believe in your ability. I will come to the hospital on time next Friday."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone without waiting for Nan Shaochen's answer.

Nan Shaochen still couldn't believe it when he heard the beeping sound on the other end of the phone.

However, he also knew that what that guy was going to do was not something he could just say no to. He could only pull himself together and prepare for his operation quickly.

Nan Shaochen sat slumped on the ground beside the sofa, thought for a while, and a smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

Either way, find something to do for himself, so that the time is compact, and he won't think about Lu Ran anymore.

After Xing Chenyou hung up the phone, he coughed violently again, and the tissue was covered with dark red blood.


Little Xingxing's voice came from outside the door, very clear, Xing Chenyou's eyes darkened, and immediately threw the tissue in his hand into the trash can, and looked up at the little Xingxing who pushed the door in.

"what happened?"

Little Xingxing was nervous, "We have guests at home."

Even though he said that, his little face was tense, obviously, he didn't like the guests at all, even hated them.

Xing Chenyou frowned, "Who's here?"

Little Xingxing pursed her lips and rolled her big eyes, "That An Qingsi is here, and that annoying old woman."

Mommy is abnormal now, so they can't let them see Mommy. Besides, isn't that An Qingsi a dancer? Shouldn't a dancing leg be very sad if her leg is broken?

Xing Chenyou frowned, but obviously he had no intention of going out.

Little Xingxing was surprised, he blinked, and stood beside Xing Chenyou's legs, "Daddy, you don't plan to go out?"

Xing Chenyou lowered his head and worked hard with a cold expression.

Little Xingxing looked at the piles of documents on the table, and then at his father's expression, he understood.

"I'm going to accompany Mommy on the road!" He thought for a while, and immediately realized that staying with Mommy at this moment and protecting the silly Mommy is the most important thing.

Little Xingxing opened the study and ran out.

Sun Lin came in with a wheelchair, and saw little Xingxing rushing out of the study like wind, and then ran upstairs without saying hello.

Of course, when she saw this scene, her mood sank instantly,
She is Xing Chenyou's stepmother, that kid wanted to call her grandma, but now that he sees her, he doesn't call her USANA, and even turns around and runs away!
An Qingsi looked thoughtfully at Little Xingxing's movement of running upstairs, and she looked in the direction of the study.

Today, Xing Chenyou is at home, and he is in the study.

It was beyond her expectation that Huo Jiao could survive this time, she thought that Huo Jiao would definitely die.

Since Huo Jiao is not dead, she must come to see Ah You once.

That woman Huo Jiao went crazy, she couldn't guarantee the consequences.

"Aunt Sun, Little Xingxing has gone upstairs. You are his grandma. You should give him the gift you prepared for him yourself."

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