Xing Chenyou narrowed his eyes, paused in his steps, and then walked forward.

Lake and several bodyguards followed behind, never leaving.

Sheng Rong smiled and watched Xing Chenyou approach, and watched him stop five steps away from him in the play.

Xing Chenyoujun's face was cold, and he looked at Sheng Rong with deep and dark eyes, condescendingly, "Sheng Rong, this is not your place."

Sheng Rong smiled slightly, "So what, I just came here to take away my lover, what does it have to do with you, Xing Chenyou?"

"Lover?" Xing Chenyou sneered, "Even if you hypnotized her, do you think she is your lover?"

Sheng Rong's smile widened a bit, and he was not at all embarrassed by being exposed, but a little excited, "Someone is blind and ignorant, so don't blame others for preemptive action. You don't love Hawthorne, and neither does Hawthorne." Why do you keep her by your side?"

His spring-like voice is always pleasant to hear. If anyone sees this scene, they will wonder what these two men are doing. How can one have a bright smile while the other has a dark and dark face.


Xing Chenyou sneered, he raised his eyes, and that glance was unparalleled.

At this time, a helicopter flew over, and the sound of the propeller turning seemed to be a bit roaring above the head, and the hair of Xing Chenyou and Sheng Rong was messed up.

But the demeanor of the two remained the same.

Before the helicopter came down, two ropes hung down from above, and a few more people came down quickly.

The clothes on those people are very casual, one of them has an afro head, wearing cool beach pants and beach clothes, with a funny expression, one is a very strong bald head, with orchid fingers raised, looking very shy, and the other She was plump and smiling, like a Maitreya Buddha, but she was obviously in good shape. The last one to come down was a woman with a coquettish appearance and a pair of blood-red eyes, like a poisonous snake.

Sheng Rong glanced at those people, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes, and then he looked at Xing Chenyou with a wider smile.


Those people stood in front of Xing Chenyou, Xing Chenyou glanced at them, and the chubby Maitreya Buddha immediately looked towards Sheng Rong's plane, just as he was about to raise his hand, Sheng Rong spoke.

"It's all about Sangsang's affairs, why bother to make such a fuss." Sheng Rong glanced at the fat man, said with a chuckle, then turned to tell Asen, "Asen, go and bring my fiancée out."

Asen nodded, turned and boarded the plane.

Hawthorne was eating snacks on the sofa when he saw A Sen coming up.

When A Sen saw Hawthorne, he didn't know what to call him for a moment. He glanced at the ring in Hawthorne's hand. Although the former grandfather also liked to play, it seemed that such a thing had never happened.

"Ma'am, I want you to go down for a while." Asen said, his voice softened on purpose.

Huo Sang frowned, she really didn't want to see that perverted man Xing Chenyou, "Can I not go?"

A Sen was stunned for a moment, and thought for a while, "Master really wants Madam to go down."

Master let Hawthorne go down, he must see her go down, A Sen hoped that Hawthorne would cooperate a bit.

Hawthorne pursed his lips, put down his snacks, and raised his legs to follow A Sen.

Because of her pregnancy, Hawthorne was careful in everything she did.

The plane and Sheng Rong are still a little far away.

At this time, Sheng Rong was still talking to Xing Chenyou.

"By the way, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you." Sheng Rong suddenly said as if he had thought of something.

Xing Chenyou stared at the plane, and when he saw her figure descending with her head down, her brows that had been furrowed relaxed a little.

Then, he heard Sheng Rong say with a smile, "Sangsang's fetus is unstable, and she almost had a miscarriage before, you know that?"

Xing Chenyou's eyes were still on Huo Sang.

Seeing this, Sheng Rong felt displeased, but the smile on his face became even bigger, "This time, something happened again, so Sangsang had a miscarriage. It's a pity, that child, my doctor said, it was a baby." Where's the girl?"

Hearing this, Xing Chenyou's body froze, his face suddenly turned cold, and he looked at Sheng Rong with sharp eyes, as if he wanted to kill him.

Seeing his eyes fall on him again, Sheng Rong saw the cruelty in his eyes, and the smile on his face became even wider.

He seemed happy.

It's nice to see others hate him.

"It's a pity, isn't it?" Sheng Rong repeated with a smile, "But, don't tell Sangsang about this, she doesn't know yet, if she knows, she will be very sad and her mood will fluctuate greatly, so Not good for her recovery."

Xing Chenyou only glanced at Sheng Rong, then turned his attention to Huo Sang.

When she got off the plane, she clutched her stomach and was very careful.

Xing Chenyou would not believe what Sheng Rong said, but he knew about Huo Sang's body.

If the child is gone...

A look of pain flashed in Xing Chenyou's eyes, she will be very sad, and so will Little Xingxing.

If the child was really gone, it would be better if she didn't know.


Xing Chenyou looked at Huo Sang's stomach, he didn't completely think that the child was really gone, Sheng Rong's mouth was unbelievable.

Sheng Rong saw that there was no unnecessary expression on Xing Chenyou's face, as if the loss of the child was insignificant to him, so he chuckled, "It seems that you really don't care about Sangsang, then you should stay away from her, don't delay It's time for her, don't you still have An Qingsi?"

Xing Chenyou's eyes paused.

"An Qingsi matches you very well." Sheng Rong didn't know what to think of, and seemed to be very happy and said with a smile.

When Huo Sang came over, Xing Chenyou and Sheng Rong didn't speak, she glanced at Xing Chenyou expressionlessly, meeting his deep and cold eyes.

At that moment, her heart shook involuntarily, and something jumped at the tip of her heart.

She looked back at once, the shaking feeling made her a little uneasy.

Xing Chenyou saw that Huo Sang's eyes didn't stay on his face, but moved away in an instant, and his face was expressionless, his heart sank when he was prepared.

Although she may not have a good face when she sees it, no matter what it is, it is better than being expressionless.


Sheng Rong called out to Hawsang, walked over, and took Hawsang's hand with the diamond ring.

Under the sun, the diamond ring shone brightly, and everyone here was blinded by the light.

Those odd-looking people also secretly glanced at Xing Chenyou with weird expressions, but they didn't seem to dare to look any further, so they quickly withdrew their gazes.

Lake also glanced at the diamond ring, then at Hawthorne, and finally at Xing Chenyou, who frowned.

Sheng Rong was also dazzled by the halo of the diamond ring, his smile was gentle and gentle, "Sangsang, do you like this ring?"

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