His smile was beautiful, with the warmth of the spring breeze. He reached out and tucked the quilt for Hawthorne.

Xing Chenyou was sitting on the plane, his brows were furrowed, his face darkened, Lake watched the distance getting closer, and couldn't guess what the young master was going to do at this moment.

If there was no Hawthorne on that plane, maybe the young master would directly do something to the plane in front of him, and things like shooting down that plane were nothing.

But there was Hawthorne on that plane, so, obviously, what was there to do but run after?

Rick was also very nervous.

"Send an attack signal."

With a cold voice, Xing Chenyou suddenly opened his mouth when Lake was still thinking wildly, his eyes were cold.

Lake turned pale with shock, "Master, there is still a lady on the plane."

"Send an attack signal!" Xing Chenyou's voice was a little bit heavier, and he ordered directly, with a solemn tone.

Lake didn't dare to waste time, and quickly asked the captain to issue an attack signal.

This is a modified aircraft with combat functions. Although it is far from an authentic fighter, it is not difficult to shoot down an aircraft.

When the attack signal is sent out, the opponent will know that they are going to attack, but in the end whether to attack or not depends on the captain's manual launch.

Xing Chenyou's eyes were dark, looking at the approaching plane on the screen, he couldn't see what he was thinking in his deep eyes.

"Master, the plane behind us is only two kilometers away from us, and they sent an attack signal!"

After Sheng Rong's people detected the attack signal, they immediately ran behind him and reported the matter to him immediately.

After hearing this, he still had a gentle smile on his lips, looked at Hawthorne who was still sleeping, and said softly, "Look, that man doesn't love you at all, why should you stay by his side, why don't you come to me early Around, what he can give, I can give you, and the tenderness that he can't give you, I can also give you."

Sheng Rong's voice is warm and magnetic, like playing a cello, very pleasant to hear.

In his sleep, Hawthorne seemed to have heard what he said, and a slight smile appeared on the corners of his lips.


"It's okay, he won't really attack." Sheng Rong smiled lightly, reassured and leisurely, and even poured himself a cup of tea. He smelled the tea, closed his eyes and sighed, "The taste of Longjing tea in Ming Dynasty is really delicious. good."

Hearing what Sheng Rong said, the man was relieved and went down with his head down.

After another 2 minutes, Hawthorne's eyelashes trembled slightly on the bed, Sheng Rong put down his teacup, and looked up at her expectantly.

Hawthorne opened her eyes and saw a familiar gentle face beside her, looking at her with anticipation and joy at the moment, she blinked.

Sheng Rong chuckled, "Sangsang, do you still recognize me?"

Huo Sang was speechless, "Sheng Rong, what the hell are you doing?"

She sat up, feeling a little dizzy, and couldn't help reaching out to press her temples.

Sheng Rong said with a smile, "It's nothing, there is a pervert chasing after us, so I had no choice but to take you away."

Huo Sang raised his eyebrows, and subconsciously said reflexively, "What exactly does Xing Chenyou want to do?"

After finishing speaking, she was stunned for a moment, always feeling that something was wrong, but in an instant, the feeling that something was wrong disappeared in her mind.

"That man has always been unpredictable, a pervert, a devil, cold, like ice." Sheng Rong said with a smile and sighed.

Hawthorne also frowned, turned over and got off the bed, "He's sick, he clung to Lili before, and now he clung to me."

When Sheng Rong heard her say that Xing Chenyou was sick, the corners of his lips twitched, he touched his nose, and said nothing.

He used some tricks to hypnotize Hawthorne, and the result of the hypnosis was that in her mind, his and Xing Chenyou's identities and behaviors were reversed.

However, in terms of character, the result of his hypnosis is still that Sheng Rong is a gentle and modest gentleman, while Xing Chenyou is a cruel and cruel man.

Of course, that little star was also erased from her memory by him. After all, the child's related memories are not easy to deal with.

The easy one to deal with is the one in her stomach.

Now what she said about Xing Chenyou was obviously her true feelings for him.

"Maybe he is too lonely and boring." Sheng Rong said again with a smile.

Huo Sang frowned, thinking of what Xing Chenyou had experienced, it was pitiful to be subjected to such brutal treatment and molested when he was only ten years old, but he did it when he was ten years old Killing the person who hurt him is considered revenge.

"What is lonely and boring is that I am immersed in the things that happened when I was ten years old. I feel that everyone in this world owes him, and I feel that everything must be done according to his heart. Otherwise, the world is unfair and must be done. You have to follow him, and those who disobey him are boring people."

Hawthorne poured himself a cup of tea and said casually.

Sheng Rong was about to take the teacup and pour himself another cup of tea, when he heard Huo Sang's words, his hand trembled, and the teacup was almost lost.

He raised his head and looked at Hawthorne with some surprise. At that moment, his smiling eyes were deep.

"Is it?"

After a few seconds, he put down the teacup and said softly.

Hawthorne took a few sips of tea and nodded, "Yeah, he can obviously get out of that kind of thing, but he can't get out, and then he takes revenge on the society and becomes a pervert, a devil, isn't that What is it that he can't get out of?"

Although she didn't dare to comment on Sheng Rong, she still dared to comment on Xing Chenyou.

Sheng Rong didn't speak, but after a while, someone came over and said, "Master, the distance is only 1000 meters away."

"What 1000 meters?"

Hearing this sentence, Huo Sang raised his head to ask Sheng Rong curiously, and couldn't help but take another look at his face.

Sheng Rong is really good-looking, handsome and gentle, when looking at people, those eyes are always full of affection, it is easy for people to indulge in those eyes.

But Huo Sang knew clearly that Sheng Rong didn't love her.

He never said he loved himself.

However, there was a deal between them, a deal because of the child in her womb.

Thinking about it, Hawthorne couldn't help touching her belly, she could feel the presence of the baby in her belly.

"That lunatic flew a plane and chased us for tens of kilometers, and now there is only about 1000 meters between the two planes." Sheng Rong said with a smile after watching her movements.

When Huo Sang heard this, she was speechless. She opened her eyes wide, "He won't attack us, will he? Sheng Rong, stop the plane and land!"

If Xing Chenyou was so frantic and shot down the plane, what would she do?
There is a baby in her belly!

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