The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 945 Get it done early, go home early

Tu Yi was taken aback for a moment, then saw her get up, and immediately stopped her, "No, it's not safe for you to go to a secluded place by yourself."

"I won't go far, Xu Yan and the others are right by, and nothing will happen."

"And even if Chris appears, I can temporarily entangle him, otherwise, if this continues, when will he come out."

How long has this been delayed, and it will be dark if we wait like this.

It's not that Bai Xiran thinks that if he can't catch someone, he won't have a chance in the future, but he is really worried that Uncle Mo will go home.

Xiaobao's side... definitely won't last long.

"Bai Xiran, before the boss asked you for help, he has repeatedly emphasized that you cannot be in any danger. You are not a member of us, so there is no need to risk yourself..."

"When did you get up as a mother-in-law?" Bai Xiran looked at the bathroom in front of her and walked straight in.

"Hello!" Tu Yi stroked his forehead, feeling helpless, so he could only report to others, "Boss, she went into the bathroom in the southeast corner alone. There are very few people here, and there is a great possibility that Chris will show up..."

"Damn! It's already here!" As soon as Bai Xiran walked in, a figure appeared next to him.

It was a blond man with an exaggerated beard, which almost covered half of his face, but his exposed eyes looked fierce!

"Bai Xiran." He said these three words slowly, the awkward pronunciation and strange articulation made Bai Xiran confirm the identity of the other party at that moment.

"You're finally out, Chris, how does it feel to be a turtle?"

Chris didn't move, just looked around vigilantly, and cursed a few bad words in English, "It doesn't matter if there is an ambush, little cousin, last time I messed up my good thing, I must torture you to death!"

"I'm going to lock you up and soak you in water with a whip, so you don't even want to die!"

Bai Xiran silently rolled his eyes, "Your method is too simple."

"We have an ancient punishment here, called human pig! It is to keep people in a vat, let them rot, and finally cut off their limbs... This is what you can't live or die!"

She described it carefully.

And the light in Chris's eyes became more and more obvious, and he kept shouting, "Okay, good! This is it! I want you to become like this..."

"Bang!", but Bai Xiran responded by throwing the vase directly from the side.

Just kidding, my old lady told me kindly, how could it give you a chance to use it!

Then he pulled out the dagger from the leg strap, and when Chris chased him, he slashed across his arm.


Turn around and run!

Tu Yi's voice in the headset became more and more excited, "Yes, yes, turn left! If you can't beat him, run faster and find a spacious and quiet place... Hey, that's it, turn right 15 meters ahead! Bingo !"

Bai Xiran walked through the alley panting, and finally stopped.

And one meter behind, the tall Chris also subconsciously stopped.


He saw a figure coming out of the corner!
Chris couldn't help cursing, he was always cautious, but this time he would be attracted by a woman!
Within seconds, Chris had judged that something was wrong...

"He wants to run, stop him!" Xu Yan made a quick decision, and the next moment someone directly blocked the path on the left.

And Chris had no choice but to look at the alley behind Bai Xiran, with fierce eyes, and directly attacked her...

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