"Cough!" Bai Xiran rubbed his little head lightly, with a bright smile, "No, I will drive you back before he gets home. Before that, baby, can you cooperate well?"

"No problem!"

The mother and son clapped their hands, and the little guy obediently went outside to wait for Ah Jin.

The car just arrived.

A Jin poked his head, "Ma'am, young master!"

Bai Xiran hurriedly sent the little guy over, and comforted him a few more times, "Be good?"

"Don't worry Ranran, Xiaobao is super obedient. Goodbye Ranran."


Beside the car, Ah Jin, who had not seen Bai Xi dyed into the car for a long time, was a little dazed.

He froze for a second before he realized, "Where is Madam going?"

Bai Xiran smiled brightly, and casually tied up her hair, "Take care of some historical issues, and take Xiaobao back."

"But the order I received was to pick up my wife and the young master..."

Before he finished speaking, Bai Xiran patted his shoulder, "Ah Jin, be alert, understand?"

Bai Xiran left after speaking.

Behind him, Ah Jin sat down in the driver's seat with a dejected face, and turned his head pitifully.

The little guy blinked and snorted softly, "What are you doing with this face? You want to make Master Ben unhappy."

"Mr. said that you must receive someone, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

"Oh? If you dare to make a small report, this young master will not let you go." Xiaobao grinned and laughed, "Was it fun to go to West Africa last time?"

Ah Jin, "..."

Woohoo, the young master is so scary.

As soon as the madam left, the young master showed his devilish original form!


Bai Xiran got into a car outside the courtyard.

Xu Yan and Tu Yi were all there.

"It's all done?" Tu Yi asked curiously, "Your family is really strict, I hide outside, and people come to patrol from time to time, and I have to change places every time I find it..."

"It's obviously just a residential area, and the security is comparable to that of the CIA."

Bai Xiran was helpless. It was only when she wanted to escape last time that she realized how powerful the security system at home was.

Presumably, there was a mistake before, and since then, it has strengthened a lot inside and out.

Then he waved his hand and put on the equipment that Xu Yan gave her, with excitement in his eyes, "Let's get down to business."

"Chris showed up in Ningcheng yesterday, presumably he was already inquiring about your location. But instead of waiting for him to find you when he doesn't know when, it's better to take the initiative."

"Chris hid his identity, so he can only hang around in the clutter. He must be on Angel Street now..."


The car drove towards Angel Street.

As for the Mo Group, several executives who barely had time to rest during the holidays have already gathered in the president's office for their respective affairs.

"President, the fabric factory you requested to acquire and the expanded shopping malls have already started the first round of negotiations. Everything is going well in the shopping malls, but we are relatively amateurish about fabrics, so it may take some time."

Manager Chen paused, "With all due respect to the president, do you mean we are going to enter the clothing industry this year?"

The man who had been sitting on the sofa looking at the documents finally responded.

Mo Junzhe raised his head, his black eyes slowly swept over, "Not yet."

"Then why..."

"The acquisition of fabric factories and dye factories will cost a lot, so it needs to be considered in the long run."

The man finally put away the document in his hand, his slender fingers landed on the sofa beside him, tapped lightly, and said a few indifferent words from his thin lips, "I'll give you a month, it must be completed."

"In addition, in addition to the previous regional structure of shopping malls in first- and second-tier cities, another ten third-tier cities were selected to start a pilot layout."

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