"He deserves it!"

As soon as the words came out.

The noisy parking lot is instantly quiet.

Feng Yaozu slowly let go of the hand that stopped him, and looked at Fengyuan with disappointment in his eyes.

He simply stood aside and didn't say a word.

Fengyuan's thoughts were extremely chaotic after a night.

She looked at her favorite shot in the past, and her lips moved a few times...

I wanted to say something more, but at this moment, I could only cover my face with my clothes and get in the car quickly.

It's always quiet inside the car.

Fengyuan was in a mess, and through the rearview mirror, she could still see the paparazzi chasing after her.

She is so bored!
"Why do you look at me like this? They are aggressive, shouldn't I refute? Then Chen Xiran deserves his ignorance. If he hadn't taken advantage of the loophole to take the video, I would have ruined him!"

Feng Yaozu's face was expressionless, even the pity he had looked at her in the past disappeared.

Instead, there was only disappointment and... long-accumulated indifference.

"Miss, you are the one who is ruined now."

Fengyuan sneered, found her mobile phone, and didn't care what he said at all, "Isn't it just a little black material, there are too many things like this in the past, hire some sailors to change the direction of the wind, and explode something else tomorrow It’s all about covering up the past.”

She has debuted for many years, and she has never experienced any kind of black material.

It's not like hitting a small model, it's nothing to worry about.

But this time Feng Yaozu just looked at her silently, with coldness in his eyes for a long time.

Fengyuan sent a message and looked at him amusedly, "Why this expression?"

Feng Yaozu shook his head, "Miss hasn't been back to China for long, and it hasn't been long since she signed the brokerage contract. I don't know the situation in China. Other things can be cleared up, even if your private life is chaotic and you have a bad style. background, fans can tolerate it.”

"But...you committed a crime."

"What do you mean?"

"The atmosphere in China is different. You bully your peers. You never repent after being violent to others, and you even got into a lawsuit. Miss think...you can still clean up?"

Feng Yuan choked, "Our PR is so powerful, let them..."

"It's not white." Feng Yaozu sighed almost imperceptibly, "From now on, quit the entertainment circle."

Fengyuan froze in place suddenly, "I don't believe it! Fans are tolerant to me, they will understand me and forgive me..."

The phone rang exaggeratedly.

In the quiet carriage, Feng Yuan's screaming voice stopped abruptly.

She looked at the notes on the screen and suddenly calmed down.

"So what if you can't be cleansed, so what if you quit the circle? I still have Brother Lin, he loves me like that!"

After saying this, Fengyuan finally connected the phone, and sweetly called out, "Brother Lin? You know I'm coming out today."

"Go to the location you said? Okay, okay. But I need to take a shower and change clothes, it may take some time..."

With a smile in Lin Fengyu's eyes, his fair fingers slowly pushed away the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said very gently, "Okay, I'll wait for you."

After hanging up the phone, Fengyuan looked at Feng Yaozu proudly, completely unaware of the ugly expression on the latter's face.

"Uncle, look well, this time I can hold him firmly in my hands. With the background of the Lin family, not to mention just bringing the Feng family out of the predicament, if we work together in the future, we may be able to restore the former glory." !"

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