"Chen Xiran, is what you said true?"

"The wound on the face was really caused by Fengyuan?"

Chen Xiran stared at the woman in front of her angrily, and only raised her bruised face, "In order not to let me play for Fan Lin, she blocked me in the waiting room half an hour before the start!"

"The reason why I got hurt like this is because of her!"

Chen Xiran's accusation was full of anger, and it couldn't be more true.

The people around suddenly felt reasonable, "What Fengyuan said...does have this motive."

"Why else would anyone else target Chen Xiran? It can only be because of Fan Lin."

"If you have to talk about motivation, people from LPS should have ideas, right?"

Gao Rui was next to her, and she immediately opened her mouth to explain, "We don't even bother to use such a shameful way."

Since lps is excluded.

Everyone subconsciously looked at Fengyuan.

But even in the face of everyone's questioning eyes, Fengyuan didn't have any guilt on her face.

She just raised her eyes triumphantly and raised her chin high.

"Why, you were accidentally injured yourself, and you were afraid of being blamed by Fanlin's people, so blame me?"

Chen Xiran was furious, "It's clear that you called someone..."

"There is no evidence, what evidence do you have?"

Fengyuan lowered her face.

That delicate and lovely face was full of grievances, and she opened her eyes pitifully, "I really don't know how to do that kind of thing, how can it be of such great benefit to me."

"It seems... makes sense."

The others were not clear about the situation, and only vaguely felt that things should not be like this.

Fengyuan sighed softly, and deliberately stretched out her hand to pat Chen Xiran's shoulder, "Probably...is there a misunderstanding?"

Chen Xiran had a gloomy face at this moment, as if he was thinking about something.

Seeing his silence, Fengyuan felt even more proud.

"Look at Fanlin's last performance today, what's wrong with it? Don't you sing and sing together, it's on purpose."

"How about saying that shopping malls are like battlefields, everything is possible, right?"

The people around were stunned when they heard the analysis.

I only heard someone whispering, "It's not impossible, otherwise how can you explain that Fanlin just happened to have a replacement model?"

"Could it be to frame Miss Feng..."

Chen Xiran looked at the woman beside him coldly, but suddenly narrowed his eyes.

"Miss Feng is really eloquent, but if there is no real evidence, how dare I accuse you openly?"

He said he took out his phone.

Click on the video.

"Since you are disobedient, you can only be more insured."

"Look at your face, how do you want to get on stage?"

"It's just trash..."

"It's Fengyuan's voice!" People with sharp ears could already hear these few words.

Fengyuan is a singer, her voice is unique.

"That's right, I'm her old fan. After listening to her songs for so many years, I can't be more sure!"

The wind direction changed instantly.

No one thought that things were really as Chen Xiran said, his injuries were all caused by Fengyuan.

"I don't have... Audio can be faked..."

Chen Xiran sneered, "Your face was more or less photographed. Besides, I remember the face of the person who hit me clearly. As long as the person is found out and the police interrogate him, the truth will naturally come to light."


Fengyuan was taken aback, her complexion suddenly turned pale.

"I still want to call the police!"

"I don't want to, but I have already reported."

As if in response to Chen Xiran's words, there was a commotion outside the door.

Several people in uniforms walked in...

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