The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 866 There is always a way to cure you

"Close the windows, it's windy."

A man's gentle voice came from behind, and Fengyuan slammed the window angrily.

She went straight to the desk and looked at the man working with lowered eyebrows, "Brother Lin, are you going to let her be so arrogant?"

Lin Fengyu pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and with a faint smile on his lips, he softly comforted, "She is the chief designer of Fanlin, and she still has a lot of shares. It can be said that half of the company belongs to her."

The implication is that it should be arrogant.

But Fengyuan couldn't bear this grievance, she walked over immediately, and made a gesture to sit on Lin Fenghe's lap, "But your surname is Lin, so let's forget about Sisi, you are worthless after all, and now you are going abroad to recuperate. But what about you?" ? Your surname is Lin, and Fanlin is getting better and better now, sooner or later it will be your thing!"

Lin Feng and stood up, avoiding this intimacy without any trace.

"Xiran is also my younger sister, and I... am related by blood."

"What's the blood relationship..." Fengyuan said coldly, "I haven't gotten along with each other in the past 20 years, so where is the relationship? Let alone a white-eyed wolf."

There was a sudden silence all around.

Lin Fengyu stood by the window, looking at her thoughtfully, "Then what do you think?"

"Brother Lin, would you like me to help you?" Fengyuan was a little excited, "Actually, I have already made arrangements. The show that Fanlin participated in tonight is lps, and I have a solution."

Lin Feng and Dan smiled and said nothing, which was equivalent to acquiescing, so he just rubbed her hair, smiled and said, "Just let go and do it."

"With your words, I'm relieved, I'm will be angry with me then."

"will not."

Fengyuan hugged him, she already had a plan in her heart.

This time, Fanlin will compete with lps for a big project, and she will never let Bai Xiran succeed again!


"This is the last project before the Chinese New Year, everyone should hurry up and get it done so you can take an early vacation."

After the meeting, Xiaoqiong excitedly announced the good news.

The office suddenly boiled.

Now that the weather is cooling down extremely fast and the end of the year is approaching, as long as the project is completed well, the year-end bonus will naturally be fine.

The people below suddenly became excited.

"Reassure the chief, the show for tonight has been arranged!"

"Our children's clothing, men's and women's clothing, have already been delivered to the show, and I'll come and follow them in person later!"

"The model part will go to the place to put on makeup after an hour or three."

"The process has gone through once, there will be no problem!"

Several people checked the plan again, and after making sure that all departments could execute it perfectly, they left to prepare.


And upstairs in the office.

After Fengyuan made a phone call, she left quickly.

It's a small show, she only needs to use some contacts to get it done!



Fengyuan led people and blocked a tall and thin man in the lounge.

"Don't bother, just stay here obediently until the end."

Chen Xiran's face was particularly ugly, "Fengyuan, she picked up Fanlin's show tonight, if she doesn't show up, Fanlin's competition this time..."

"You want to go?"

She looked at the model mockingly.

The two thugs behind him were already prepared.

Until Fengyuan waved her hand, she had already walked over.

Fengyuan sat next to them and watched them hit the model's face with their fists, while she watched the scene calmly, "I thought it would be good for you to stay obediently, but since you are disobedient, you can only use Some coercive measures."

"A model with an injured face won't be able to appear anyway, right?"

Chen Xiran lowered his head, let out a muffled groan, and clenched his sleeves tightly...

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