The entire banquet hall was completely silent!
Everyone could clearly hear Xiao Bao's last words.

Bai Xiran was the first to react, rushed over and hugged Xiaobao directly in his arms and kissed him hard.

"Baby you are so handsome!"

She praised without hesitation, "Convincing them to lose!"

"My little treasure, you're so good, so good! From now on, everyone will look at you differently."

The little guy's face, which was still tense just now, gradually showed a faint crimson color after being "snapped" a few times by her.

Then he lowered his head, squeezed his chubby hands together, raised his face a little shyly, "I wish you were happy, Ranran."

He doesn't care what other people think.

An inadvertent sentence made Bai Xiran startled suddenly.

She quietly looked at the cute and charming little bun in front of her, wishing she could rub him into her arms.

How could... be so pleasing!
Bai Xiran thought for a while, and finally rubbed his hair, "Yes, we don't care what other people think."

"But you have to give us what you just won!" The little guy still remembered the bet just now.

Only then did the people around react, and all eyes turned to Madam Lin.

"Yes, I'm willing to bet and admit defeat, jewelry and clothes, take them off quickly!"

"Hey, it's so refreshing to win!"

"What are you talking about about the champion of the competition? Let's look at them... They can win easily, but they are still willing to give you face. If the other party is not aggressive, maybe Xiaobao would not be willing to show it!"

After Xiaobao won the game, the wind changed immediately.

The old men standing beside Mr. Mo also smiled at this time and said, "Sure enough, the tiger father has no dogs. Looking at Xiaobao now, he is exactly the same as Ah Zhe back then."

"How else can I say that Lao Mo will give birth...Although he is the only child, he is much more powerful than those of us who are not up to date."

Old Man Mo stroked the beard on his chin, his face was full of pride.

"It's all taught by his parents!"

"Parents?" Mr. Pang was a little confused, "Her mother..."

At this time, several people had already seen Bai Xiran, although it had been a few years.

But how do you look...why do you feel familiar?


Mo Xiaobao has already spread his hands.

The chubby little face was full of seriousness, looking at Fengyuan who was frozen in place, he rubbed his nose and said, "Auntie, have you ever studied?"

Fengyuan's face was slightly stiff, and she forced a smile, "Of course, I'm a master from the University of Western Australia!"

Xiao Bao nodded, and said in a childish voice, "Then your teacher should have taught you the meaning of 'willing to bet and admit defeat'?"

"If you don't understand, Xiaobao can tell you what it means! That is to say, if you bet with others, you must admit it if you lose..."

"I know!" Fengyuan couldn't hold back her face.

There are many people present.

Mrs. Lin had already taken out the lottery she had prepared, no matter how ugly her face was, she had no choice but to admit it.

Ke Fengyuan...

"She bet on that dress!" Finally, someone realized the point, "This did you get it?"

There are many people who have drunk a little wine are more up-to-date, shouting, "Take it off too..."

Fengyuan's face was particularly ugly, her eyes were full of hatred, as if she wished to stab Bai Xiran to death!

"There are spare clothes here, and Miss Feng can go and change." Bai Xiran gave her a way to deal with it in a crisp voice.

"I don't wear it!"

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