The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 858 Who Are You Saying Is Stupid?

The adults who had already found their logic remained silent, looking at Chen Fufu with sympathy.

How should I put it, although studying is very good, but open thinking is not good...

It's like reading into a nerd...

"What are you all looking at me for! The answer must be four, I'm right!!!"


"The answer is six." Finally someone spoke weakly and gave the result.

Chen Fufu choked, staring at the man with a flushed face, and shouted loudly: "Impossible!"

Mr. Zhao then questioned, "That's right, since it's a competition, the questions must have logic and thinking skills, how can they be done at will?"

"It can't be six!!! You're talking nonsense!"

The man was uncomfortable being stared at by Chen Fufu, and said angrily, "It has nothing to do with the number of clapping hands. The question he asked is a few words, and the answer is just a few."

"Open minded to understand?"

At this time, everyone finally reacted.

"That's right! The first time I asked was 'How much is this, please?' So the answer was five, and the second time was 'How much is this', so it was three...the logic is correct!"

Does this work too? ?

Zhao Changxuan stood in the middle angrily, with his fat belly sticking out, "It's obvious that it's just arrogance, it doesn't count at all!"

"Why not?"

The onlookers finally couldn't stand it anymore, "It was agreed in the morning that any content is fine, and people haven't solved the puzzle yet."

"Ask me to say that brain teasers are more effective!"

Zhao Changxuan looked at Mrs. Lin, who also looked very ugly.

At this moment, he could only suppress his anger, and said in a low voice, "Fufu still has one last question to answer. If Mo Xiaobao doesn't answer it, it will be a draw."

She forcibly pulled Chen Fufu over, "The third question!"

Chen Fufu, who was a bit depressed, was yelled at like this, and his mind immediately cleared up.

That's right.

He has a third question.

With Mo Xiaobao's level, he definitely can't answer!

So he resumed his proud posture, "The third question is, during the spring outing, the boys in the class uniformly wear blue hats, while the girls uniformly wear yellow hats. Every girl said that the blue hat is one more than the yellow hat." times, and every boy says there are as many blue hats as yellow hats."

"Ask... How many boys and girls are there in the class going on a spring outing?"

This question is a Mathematical Olympiad question that he just solved a few days ago.

Compared with the previous two, the difficulty will only increase but not decrease!

Chen Fufu raised his chin and looked at Mo Xiaobao with his nostrils. He had already made up his mind that there must be an extra match after the tie.

This time, Mo Xiaobao will be so humiliated that he will never get up again!

"This question... is a bit difficult."

"Yes, very convoluted."

There are many people talking about it.

Mo Xiaobao, who was surrounded in the middle, just raised his eyebrows, with a faint expression of regret on his fleshy little face.

"You don't know, right?" Chen Fufu captured this moment sensitively, and said urgently, "I knew you couldn't, with your IQ, you definitely can't do it!"

Ha ha……

Mo Xiaobao gave him a big white eye.

"It's useless for you to stare at me, Mo're just an idiot! You have a low IQ and poor studies, you're just playing tricks, and you don't deserve to compare with me!!"

Mo Xiaobao became more silent.

Chen Fufu became more and more arrogant.

He was sure that Mo Xiaobao couldn't solve this problem.

As long as he can win, no one will remember that he was won by Mo Xiaobao because of carelessness just now.

"The teacher said, you have to study hard, it's useless to rely on cleverness! are such a stupid person!"

"Who are you calling stupid?" Mo Xiaobao said suddenly, and slowly opened those beautiful eyes.

The milky voice said, "Four boys and three girls, is it difficult?"

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