The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 856 Ranran Said To Win, Xiaobao Must Win

It just so happened that the birthday party hadn't started yet, and now a small competition was considered a good pre-dinner refreshment.

Everyone simply let the two children go to the middle of the hall.

Chen Fufu was dressed in a blue suit, with smooth and straight hair, standing in the center, making an exaggerated gesture as if performing.

"The first question I asked was..."

"If there are 10 heads and 26 legs in the cage, how many chickens and rabbits are there?"

"Chicken and rabbit in the same cage?" The people present couldn't help discussing.

"The Mathematical Olympiad question for the second grade in primary school, it's very simple! Sure enough, a genius is magnanimous, and Chen Fufu's first question is actually awarded points..."

Seeing that everyone was praising him, Chen Fufu couldn't help raising his chin proudly, "Mo Xiaobao, give me the answer quickly."

The little guy was standing on the other side. Hearing this, he just blinked his eyes, spread his hands and said innocently: "No."

"It's not so simple!" Chen Fufu frowned, and began to doubt the authenticity of this "genius".

"Assuming that 10 animals are all rabbits, then there are 40 legs, but the actual number is 26, with a difference of 14. Every time a rabbit is turned into a chicken, the total number of legs will be two less, and 7 needs to be converted! So the chicken There are 7 rabbits, and 3 rabbits! Don’t you even know such a simple question?!”

Mo Xiaobao scratched his curly hair, "Oh", "Now I know."

"You are so stupid!" Chen Fufu was very angry, he did not expect the other party to be so vulnerable.

But this is also good, everyone will know that only you are the real genius!
Sure enough, the adults around couldn't help but start complaining.

"Kids who have attended kindergarten will know this topic..."

"Although the Mo family is at its peak now, if the successor fails to become a talent, it may be difficult to continue in the future..."

Fengyuan looked at Bai Xiran mockingly, "Are you still so confident?"

"It's the first question, why panic?" Bai Xiran gave Xiaobao an encouraging look, "Mom believes in you!"

Xiao Bao nodded vigorously and clenched his fists.

Don't worry, Xiaobao will win!
Chen Fufu over there was already full of disdain, and his eyes became more and more rampant.

That being the case, let him be ashamed to the end today!
"The second question is... a businessman bought a piece of clothing for 70 yuan and sold it at an additional price of 12 yuan. Later, it was found that the 100 yuan bill paid by the buyer was a counterfeit note. How much did the businessman lose?"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Mo Xiaobao.

The latter shook his head without any hesitation.

Chen Fufu immediately announced the answer in a high-profile manner, with a high voice, "Then I'm going to ask the third question..."

"Wait." Mo Xiaobao waved his hand suddenly, and said in a childish voice, "It's time for me to ask a question?"

"just you?"

Chen Fufu's eyes were full of contempt.

Even the adults around looked at Mo Xiaobao with disdain.

Can't know two simple first-grade Olympiad questions in a row, what questions are there?

But Mo Xiaobao in the center of the crowd had his hands behind his back as usual, his raised eyes were clean and clear, and he was only looking in Bai Xiran's direction.

She immediately made a "come on" gesture, "Xiaobao will win!"

Mo Xiaobao nodded, and a childish voice sounded, but with a hint of toughness that did not match his age, "Chen Fufu, you are doomed."

Chen Fufu, "?"

Xiaobao's fleshy hands were clenched into fists, and he said crisply, "Ranran said that if he wants to win, Xiaobao must win!"

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