The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 814 I'll just quietly watch you father and son perform


A good thank-you banquet became a mess.

The farce was over, and the other partners had no intention of continuing the conversation, and most of them said hello and left early.

And Qian Jin, who slumped to the ground, was full of dejection and his eyes were dull...

"Mr. Qian, now is not the time to be decadent. Since Fan Lin found out, we need to speed up." Chen Xun came back at some point.

Qian Jin can't wait to slap this woman on the face right now, something that does more than fail!
"Mr. Qian, think about it owe a whole lot of debts to the casino, and Fanlin's huge compensation can't be paid out. As long as we delay the contract period, even if Fanlin knows in advance, he will say Nothing."

"You sound good, the chief of Fanlin knows it, and the people from the legal department will arrive tomorrow, so why drag it over!"

"Don't worry." Chen Xun was confident, "I just inquired about it. She has a classmate who is also in Yancheng, who happened to be a former employee of our company. She specially told me about Bai Xiran. She also has competitors in Fanlin. As long as she can't show up during this time, Fanlin may not pay attention to this matter."

"what do you mean?"


When we got back to the hotel, it was late at night.

The little guy held Bai Xiran with one hand, and secretly took out his phone with the other to listen to the voice.

When he arrived at the door of 1606, his big black and white eyes blinked, and suddenly he said in a milky voice, "Ranran, our room is so big."

"Huh? Yes, it should be the largest suite in the hotel. What's the matter, Xiaobao doesn't want to live in a big room?"

"No, no. What Xiaobao means is that it's too wasteful for the two of us to live in such a big room."

The little guy spoke righteously, "The teacher taught Xiaobao to be diligent and thrifty, not to be too extravagant and wasteful!"

Bai Xi's face was covered with black lines.

Mozhai's villa is even bigger, and no one lives there on weekdays, so I don't see you saying it's a waste.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, "So?"

"So we can ask other people to live with us!"

Bai Xiran let out a trailing "oh", and finally followed his will, "This other person is..."


Finally, when it came to business, the little guy breathed a sigh of relief, "Let Dad come and live with us!"

Bai Xiran tapped the tip of the little guy's nose lightly, and opened the door, "I asked you during the day, but you said he didn't come."

The little guy couldn't lie for a while.

He could only scratch his head and scratch his head again, until the mother and son stood in the middle of the suite together, and saw the supper set on the dining table...

There was also a man wearing a black shirt and an apron not far away.

"I'm back." Mo Junzhe said in a deep voice. The pink apron on his body was particularly dazzling, and he even held a garlic in his hand. He pointed to the dishes on the table, "Wash your hands and sit down, it will be ready soon."

The mother and son did not move.

Mo Xiaobao carefully observed Ranran's expression, and suddenly exaggerated "Oh", and ran directly towards Mo Junzhe, "Oh, Dad, why did you come here? When did you come? Is it because you miss Xiaobao? ah."

"Well, don't worry."

"Father, you are so kind to Xiaobao. Xiaobao is very good at sleeping in bed. It would be great if Dad sleeps with Xiaobao tonight!"

The man said "um" again, and didn't say anything else.

And Bai Xiran next to him had a "hehe" face.

She simply changed her shoes and sat down beside her, just looking at the father and son.

I just watched your performance quietly...

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