Bai Xiran shook his head, "It's not compensation, Grandpa.

Grandma once mentioned you when she was a child, and her tone was full of relief and joy. I think... she probably never regretted it.

""Really? "Of course, as long as you have truly loved each other, even if you separate in the end, it is not worth regretting."

"Her voice was soft and waxy, and she seemed to have a strange power invisibly.

Elder Lin sat quietly by the side, looking at the picture that he missed so much, and suddenly thought of something, "What about you? You married Mo Junzhe, do you regret it now?" He has always cared about Bai Xiran's happiness, and he knew Mo Junzhe before. Jun Zhe didn't treat her well enough, and he knew what happened between the two of them.

Now that I think about it carefully, I am more and more worried.

Bai Xiran seemed to be stopped by the question.

She was silent for a long time, a smile appeared on her small face, and she said after a while, "Maybe I have regrets, but I never regretted it.

""really? "Grandpa, I know my heart. Even though I have experienced some bad things, after so many years, I still love him."

"Deep love.

She didn't even mention these words to Mo Junzhe.

But on weekdays, Uncle Mo treated her well, and those invisible tacit understandings were enough for her to confirm her heart.

...It was already late at night when I left Lin's house.

It was cold and windy outside.

Bai Xiran walked out of the house with Xiaobao in his arms.

As soon as he stood still, he saw a black Rolls Royce parked in the yard.

A man in a dark coat leaned against the car door, his hands in his pockets, his handsome face turned slightly white in the cold wind.

The light in the yard was a little dim, and it fell on the man from a distance, which made the coldness covering his whole body a little bit less.

As soon as Bai Xiran appeared, the man walked over directly, frowning and took the little guy in her arms away.

"Why do you always get used to him.

"The little guy probably woke up in a daze when he heard the accusation.

Opening his eyes and seeing the man's firm jaw, Xiao Baozi's face wrinkled, a little unhappy, "Ranran hugged you..." Mo Junzhe, "..." "I don't like hugging you, come down and walk by yourself.

""don't want.

"Xiao Bao immediately hugged the man's waist tightly and buried his head in it.

Fortunately, he was so sleepy that he didn't want to walk.

Mo Junzhe directly stuffed the little guy into the back seat, walked back to the driver's seat, and quickly started the car.

... And upstairs in Lin's house, Mr. Lin stood on the balcony of the study and watched quietly for a long time.

In the room next to him, Lin Feng and Lin Feng left after a long time separated by glass.

... In the depths of winter, just before returning to the ink house, the sky was covered with heavy snow.

The little guy slept soundly, completely unaware that it was the long-awaited snow day.

He was carried back to the room by Mo Junzhe, wiped his face and changed his clothes, then curled up into a ball and fell asleep in the warm room.

The man closes the door and goes out.

At a glance, he saw the figure standing on the balcony on the second floor.

"Ma'am, it's getting late.

Bai Xiran blinked, turned to look at him, raised the cup in his hand, "I'm holding hot milk."

"not cold.

She was wearing a lot of warm clothes, and she was blowing on the heat from the house.

But the man still approached, and covered her with the blanket in his hand, "Like snow?" "Not really, but I haven't seen such a big one for a long time.

"I vaguely remember that there was no snow in those years abroad.

Mo Junzhe looked down at the little face that was blushing from the cold, his brows slightly furrowed, "No matter how much you like, you can't stay for long, let's go in.


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