The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 703 Doing the trick 1 once and for all

Bai Xi's soft-spoken appearance made Lin Sisi unable to react for a moment.

She hesitated for a second, then walked over, silently took the glass on the table, "But sister, why are you here alone, no one to take care of you.

"Bai Xiran smiled brightly and innocently, just looked at her like this, stretched out his hand and slowly took the glass of water..." I heard that you did what happened to Qingqing Baiyun? ""What did my sister say, how could I do this..." Bai Xiran smiled and looked at her, his eyes suddenly became indifferent at that moment.

She clasped Lin Sisi's hand tightly.

Bai Xiran stared at her with a smile on her face, but suddenly a "malicious" light flashed in her eyes, "Sisi, you don't know me yet.

I am very fussy..." "What do you mean? "What are you doing, let me go!" "Lin Sisi screamed, but on one side, Bai Xiran suddenly pulled his lips away, and with a little force on his hand, he pushed Lin Sisi to the ground..."Ah! "As the screams sounded, Bai Xiran was also taken and fell off the bed.

There was a sound of soldiers and bangs in the ward, and Ignoring hurriedly came, I saw both of them hit the ground... and Lin Sisi managed to break free, and now she was holding Bai Xi's neck with both hands, yelling, "It's all like this Still arrogant, see if I don't kill you!" "What are you doing to the patient!" Neglect yelled in horror, quickly pushed the person away, and looked again, Bai Xiran underneath had turned pale and couldn't breathe.

"What did you do to Miss Bai!" The nurse hurriedly helped him onto the bed, and at the same time quickly rang the bell to call the doctor.

"The patient fainted, prepare for first aid!" Bai Xiran on the bed was already lying on the bed with his eyes closed, not knowing anything about his personnel.

The scene in the ward suddenly became chaotic.

The nurse threw Lin Sisi out, "Ask the security guards to watch her, she murdered VIP patients, we will deal with it after first aid.

Lin Sisi was taken aback, and only then did she come to her senses, shouting in surprise, "I didn't, you're talking nonsense!" "Miss Bai has already fainted, and her body has not yet recovered. If any damage is caused by it, you are a murderer!" "Everything has been rescued inside, how dare you say that you didn't do anything?"That's your sister, how could she be so cruel.

"Miss Bai was very happy to hear that you came to visit her, so she asked you to come here directly, but she was a wolf-hearted thing!" "Everything the people around you said to each other, and the nurse's sharp accusations made Lin Sisi completely dumbfounded.

What did she do?But just handed Bai Xiran a glass of water, how could he become a murderer? "It was she who framed me!" "That's right, she pulled it on purpose and caused her to fall! What you saw was an illusion!" The nurse sneered, "Then it was fake that you pinched Miss Bai's neck just now? Miss Bai now Is the coma fake too!" Lin Sisi was stunned speechless.

She had no idea why things had become like this.

But now that Bai Xiran is inside to rescue him, he can't tell even if he has a hundred mouths!So I could only deny it again and again, "It's really not... I really didn't..." "Whether the police will judge! You better hope that Miss Bai is okay, otherwise..." Before the nurse finished speaking, someone suddenly shouted said a word.

"Mr. Mo is here!" They turned their heads subconsciously, and saw the tall and tall figure walking from the side of the corridor.

The man was full of sternness, and his cold face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost. Lin Sisi didn't dare to breathe when those icy eyes swept over him...

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