The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 644 Husband, Come Down, My Son Was Beaten

Or how to say that there are bear children, it is simply what the bear parents are used to!She knelt down and carefully looked at the wound on Xiaobao's face, "Does it hurt?" The little guy shook his head, "It doesn't hurt, he is worse than me.

But... if Dad sees it later..." He secretly looked to the side, but luckily Dad and Big Bear were not nearby.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and said later that the fall was fine.

Compared with these arrogant brats, Mo Xiaobao was obviously more afraid of Mo Junzhe.

The mother and son agreed to leave.

But within two steps, he heard a clanging sound behind him.

Wang Zichen was so angry that he ran outside the Parent-Child Paradise, and threw a heavy object at Xiaobao.

"Damn!" Bai Xiran cursed, and quickly ran away with Xiaobao in his arms.

The two fell to the ground because of this... "Hahaha! You fell down, like a dog eating shit..." Wang Zichen laughed mercilessly, and stood with Zhang Wan, without any sense of guilt!Bai Xiran looked at the bumped bag on the little guy's head, his face turned cold instantly!Throwing someone with a heavy object is no small feat, it can really hurt someone if you don't do it right! "Her eyes are so scary? Could it be that she wants to hit someone?

"Mom, I'm a little scared..." Bai Xiran's eyes were cold, but there was a very faint smile on his lips, and then he approached slowly.

Just stood in front of Wang Zichen.

"A child who is so ignorant of you will be severely beaten by society when he grows up.

How about Auntie help me, let you recognize the reality first? "Wang Zichen looked at the strange smile of the woman in front of him, and suddenly shivered.

His whole body shrank into Zhang Wan's arms.

Zhang Wan screamed loudly, "What do you want to do?" "Of course I want to ask for an explanation... I don't want to bully you, so how about letting the two children fight it out by themselves.

"" A showdown? "People around are stunned.

"Is she still not admitting defeat? Zhang Wan's husband is someone who cannot be offended.

"Yes, and her son is thin and thin, so he is not Wang Zichen's opponent at all."

Zhang Wan was very proud when she heard this, "My Chenchen has learned taekwondo, are you sure your son can beat it?" ""If you can't beat it, you still have to fight, isn't it Xiaobao?" The little guy nodded heavily, "Of course!"He is not my opponent at all, and he couldn't beat me just now.

"It was just my mistake!"If it weren't for your sneak attack, I couldn't lose! "Then why don't you try again?" "The two children confronted each other, and the others moved out of place slightly.

Bai Xiran kept a straight face, and after explaining a few words to Xiaobao, he also stood aside.

"Quick fight, or your father will come back.

"When Mo Xiaobao heard this, he immediately put on a serious face.

When he saw Wang Zichen rushing towards him, he immediately adjusted his posture, and took advantage of his unpreparedness to sweep his legs over... "Left uppercut!" "Right uppercut!" With a "bang", Wang Zichen fell to the ground directly.

"Chenchen! Chenchen, are you dare to hit my son, I want you to look good!" Zhang Wan said and wanted to make a move on Xiaobao.

But Bai Xiran stood directly between the two of them, with cold eyes, "It's a fair fight, why don't you accept it?" "That's right! Let the two children solve it by themselves as agreed.

" "Your child is so big, but he couldn't beat it by himself, so who can blame him?"

"No matter how rich you are, you have to be reasonable, okay?" At this time, Zhang Wan couldn't care about her embarrassment, and said "bah", "Why should I reason with you poor ghosts! "She stared at Bai Xiran fiercely, and quickly took out her mobile phone to make a call.

"You wait for me!" This is to call someone.

"Husband! Come down quickly, my son has been beaten!"

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