The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 633 Are You Aren't Coming?

After hanging up the phone, Mo Junzhe quickly replied in the group, "I'll be there on time.

"It was quiet for a second, and then there were messages one after another, "Is sister-in-law coming?" "" You can't get it done yet, can you? "Gu Xiling, you said that Bibi is here, where is your little doctor?" "My family, Tongtong, went to study and didn't come back for more than half a year... aggrieved.

"In short, it's good that my sister-in-law can go."

It's fickle, the girl you're on a blind date heard has returned to China, will you bring it with you tonight? "Frivolous, "..." "Take it!Damn, she must be dealt with this time, I will never be single again! "...Bai Xiran didn't know about these episodes, she was so busy with company affairs, and when everything was almost over, it was already time to get off work.

Afraid of being late, she rushed to the imperial court in a panic.

... The imperial court is already very far away.

Room 0 gradually filled with people after seven o'clock.

When Li Ze'an passed by, he specially instructed the waiters at the door, "Dear guests who are here today, please be more solemn, understand?" "I understand, I understand, don't worry!" The waiter immediately ordered over, "Change all of them, replace them with older ones, or all of them are men.

""yes! And Li Ze'an finally opened the door and came in, "Yo, it's all here."

"Gu Xiling sat on the sofa and poured wine for them, Ying Lihen always stood by and didn't like to be disturbed.

Boqing sat on the other side of the sofa, looking at the petite girl beside him.

The legendary blind date... Li Ze'an's eyes moved, and then he landed on the man in the corner with a hazy look all over his body, "A Zhe, where is my sister-in-law?" Before the man could speak, Gu Xiling couldn't help it, "Xiao The sister-in-law didn't come, not only didn't come, but the mobile phone couldn't get through.

"Over there, Mu Shasha frowned and looked over, "I knew I wouldn't be here..." "Don't go, little aunt, what will I do if you don't come!" "Mu Shasha cast a cold look, "You?"None of my business! "It's none of your business, I'm your fiancé... I can't drink as your fiancé, I have to rely on you for tonight's drink!" "Boqing looked righteous and confident, and the others who heard it sighed.

Gu Xiling laughed unceremoniously, "You really are shameless.

"Hey, I have a daughter-in-law hurting me, so if I don't drink it, I won't drink it."

What do you know? "Mu Shasha sneered suddenly, "Who is your wife, tell me again?" ""Fiancee...fiancee...hehe."

"... After all, he is shameless.

The others seemed to be used to it long ago, since Mushasha wanted to drink, they followed her wishes.

For a while, the scene heated up.

Dudu Mo Junzhe's complexion was gloomy from beginning to end, and his whole body was in a haze.

The man who is usually very restrained about alcohol, today let go of his hands and feet.

The wine on the table has a high concentration and strong stamina.

After a while, several people were already slightly drunk.

Mu Shasha stood alone on one side, "No one can fight, you guys really can't.

""Depend on!Daughter-in-law, why can't I do it?If you don't even try, you'll know I can't do it! "Shut up, who told you this."

"Who else wants to drink with me?" ""I come! "At this moment, the door of the box opened in response to the sound, and a slender figure walked in against the light.

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