Bai Xiran thought for a while, "I said...that's not the point, the point is that Mr. Lin asked me to go to his company.

Compete with Lin Sisi.

"She recounted the day's events, frowning slightly, "Uncle Mo, is there any designer in Ning Cheng who has not signed a contract but is good at women's clothing?" "" You want it.

Mo Junzhe lowered his eyes and saw that she was so focused on her work that she felt relieved a little.

"I'm going to check the information..." Bai Xiran immediately got up, but she was leaning on the man. At this time, one of her feet accidentally slipped and fell directly on the man.

"Ah! Mo Junzhe... your body is so hard.

"She pressed her face against the man's chest, and the moment she bumped past, it seemed as if she had hit a stone directly.

"Feel sorry.

"Mo Junzhe almost subconsciously held her face with his hands.

Under the dim light, the woman's slightly raised face was blushing, as if covered with a faint crimson color. From his perspective, those eyes flickered slightly, as if they were... seductive.

The man's Adam's apple rolled down unconsciously.

Bai Xiran felt uncomfortable being stared at by that scorching gaze.

She frantically tried to get up from the man.

But something went wrong in a panic... "Ma'am, you want my life.

Mo Junzhe let out a low growl, his voice was like a trapped beast, and he stared at her as if he was going to swallow her alive.

"I, I, I didn't mean to.

It's getting late, why don't we all wash up and go to sleep.

"But the arm that clasped her did not let go.

Bai Xiran could feel the uneasiness and blushed like fire, so she stood up gently and chose a compromise method.

"This, that, and that... and then sleep, okay?" Mo Junzhe stared at her for a moment, and soon understood what she meant.

He held her hand tightly.

"Thank you ma'am.

"Hmm..." Bai Xi's voice was like a gnat.

...everything in the middle of the night holds a strange attraction.

Bai Xiran soon began to feel sleepy, and was carried to the bed by the man.

Lying quietly in the warm quilt, she heard the man's low and hoarse coaxing voice.

"Sleep peacefully, I will send Xiaobao to school tomorrow.

"Xiaobao said he wanted to go to the fried buns two streets away, remember to buy them."

""it is good.

"……the next morning.

Mo Junzhe opened the door of Mo Xiaobao's room.

The little guy sat on the bed sleepily, just looking at him in a daze.

It wasn't until Mo Junzhe came over to help him put on a sweater that he realized it, and asked softly, "Where is Ranran?" "She was tired last night, let her sleep more.

Mo Xiaobao said "Oh", he got his head out of the sweater, frowned and looked at his father, "But Dad, why is Ranran tired.

"You bullied her again, didn't you?" "Mo Junzhe, "children don't care about adults' affairs."

"Well, it must be so."

Ranran is kind-hearted, and she doesn't want to affect our father-son relationship because of these things, so even if she is bullied, she won't say it... How can there be such a good woman in the world? Dad, if you can marry Ranran, it's really amazing It is a good fortune to cultivate together in the previous life.

In response to him was a snap of his fingers from the top of his head, and Mo Junzhe went straight out, "Wash up in 10 minutes, and bring your schoolbag."

Go to the fried bun shop two streets away and line up.

"The little guy just picked up the toothbrush and was shocked when he heard the words.

"Do you want Xiaobao to buy it by himself?" "Dad! Usually, Ranran and Ayin bought it..." "Sure enough, Dad even bullied his own son, so he must have bullied Ranran too, hey!"

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