The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 573 I heard that my wife wants to authenticate the physical evidence

Room 301, South Chengzhuang Apartment, Mitsubishi Road.

Bai Xiran drove the car all the way to the downstairs of the apartment, and when he looked up, he could see the closed curtains on the third floor.

The location is well chosen, not to mention the privacy and quietness, the cameras downstairs are all broken!
The door was still ajar!

She took a deep breath, looked at the faint light coming from the crack of the door, and took a mop beside her.

Mo Junzhe, that old bastard, keeps saying that he is not divorced, but he still wants to eat outside...

The living room was really messy, and there were even clothes that the woman had taken off on the floor.

Bai Xiran was furious, and when she heard movement in the bedroom, she raised her foot and kicked the door open!

"Mo Junzhe, eat what's in the bowl and look at what's outside, let's leave first..."

The house was exceptionally quiet.

Under the dim light, a disheveled man was lying on the big central bed.

And beside him... there was no one else.

Bai Xiran walked over quickly, seeing the sweat on the man's handsome face, she couldn't help frowning, "Where's she?"

Mo Junzhe said "Hmm..." and leaned into her arms unconsciously, asking in a hoarse voice, "Who?"

"Liu Xuer."

She looked around, rummaged through the wardrobe and bathroom, but she didn't see Liu Xu'er.

The man couldn't help laughing, "She was taken to the bureau by Xiong Dong."

"Suspected of intentional injury, he should be detained for a period of time."

Mo Junzhe explained each word slowly, each word with his unique magnetic voice.

And those pitch-black eyes were staring at that little face from beginning to end, as if looking at a rare treasure.

"Who did she hurt?" Bai Xiran regretted after asking this sentence.

Who else is here besides myself.

And this man who has been rubbing against her body is clearly uncomfortable.

She almost subconsciously pushed him away.


Mo Junzhe was paralyzed on the bed, his handsome features were tightly wrinkled, and he just stared at her with a lazy and slumped air, "Madam, I feel bad."

"Then I..."

She was still hesitating, but was finally grabbed by the man.


wake up.

A familiar bed, a familiar room, a familiar room.

Bai Xiran sat up in shock.

And the atmosphere around him is more familiar.

"The lady is awake."

A man's hoarse voice sounded beside him.

Bai Xiran raised his head, and saw a man sitting there in a dressing gown with a luxurious and lazy air.

His short hair was a little messy, and there was still a light blue stubble on his chin that just grew out last night. His long legs were folded together, and he just stared at her quietly, as if admiring a work of art.

"How long have you been watching there?" Bai Xiran was a little annoyed, and quickly hid herself.

And Mo Junzhe's eyes said it all.

He has been sitting here since he woke up.

Bai Xiran naturally knew what happened last night, seeing his refreshed face now, she wished she could throw the pillow over.

"Bastard, you actually set me up, it's shameless!"

After the initial annoyance, she now naturally knows the cause and effect of the matter.

It is probably true that Liu Xu'er asked him out.

But since he knew there was a fraud in advance, how could he fall for it?Will be so just right to wait until she appears.

Bai Xiran was getting more and more angry, seeing him sitting upright on one side, with a calm expression on his face, felt really uncomfortable!

He designed her!
Playing scheming for such a thing is simply... Shameless!

"Madam..." Looking at her tense face, Mo Junzhe knew that she was probably really angry, so he quickly moved closer to comfort her.

But with a "snap", Bai Xiran slapped his outstretched hand away, his eyes widened angrily, "You bastard old man, don't touch me!"

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